Well-Known Member
I wonder if any of A51's new units will run COB's instead of individual emitters?
I wonder if any of A51's new units will run COB's instead of individual emitters?
it does look blue heavy. The sgs is very red heavy. The xgs would be a great veg light at least. 2 would cover a 4x6 probably for veg.... I'll be watching Dawgs grow and Foreverflyhi is grabbing 4 xgs as soon as they are in... So will watch that too. I'm not buying mine for 2 months. Ima buy at least 4 panels. If I don't win the Ig 420.. 2 more panels for flower and 2 panels for another veg room.
There is a JJBones on this site, im guessing that would be who you are talking about, had you done your research you would know that. There is also a Jbones, & Jbizzle, all similar yet I have never attempted to sell anything nor have I endorsed any name brand in any way.Here's my story. I think you're the guy selling snake oil on 420. JJ Bones? Jbone77? Give me a break. You sayin' that's just some weird coincidence?
I'm certainly not calling you back. This is an internet forum, not a party line. Only reason you keep coming back like a bad penny is 'cause you're subscribed to the thread and you think your opinion matters. This is hyroot's thread, I think he has a lot of valuable experience, and I'd like to hear what he has to say.
You have nothing to offer. You should stay over there on 420 and keep selling crap to the rubes.
I apologize, hyroot. I kind of lost it a little bit. Please continue.
You my friend are the very definition of insanity, I have asked you repeatedly to keep me out of your thread and I will have no reason to respond, yet you keep talking about me, knowing that I will return, its your thread that you are fucking up by talking about me , not mine, so why would I get upset? I dont care 1 bit if you talk about me but all its going to do is create drama in your thread. Keep me out of your thread & il not return, as I have said repeatedly. FYI...insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.Jbone you are responsible for your own actions. Just because someone mentions you. That at all does not bring you back or make them responsible... Again grow up.. Get over yourself. Its apparent no one likes you on here and all you do is create drama... If you respond to this. Then you are a bigger jack ass than I thought... This is a test of restraint...
Mello , its cool.. I'm sick of this insecure ego tripping flip flopping troll too.
I dont want the last word, nor to I want to be included in this thread at all, but when I see my name being brought up I will respond in any thread. The funny thing is I never posted in the led section until my name was brought up in the led section, from day 1 I have said I will respond if you want to talk about me, as you just did again I might add, as would most people, quit referencing me in your threads and il not respond. If you want to fuck up your threads then by all means, bab mouth me all you want, you arent fucking my thread up.From time to time, I have run across trolls who must have the last word, even when it serves no purpose to do so
Yup cant wait for my sg190s, 1 for a 2x2, 1 on a light rail for a 2x4, and i will be donating two for a larger grow, if they out perform our 600s, we will seriously be considering dumping the hid for the next next run.
Hey hyroot, quick IG far off the tops of seedlings do you keep your pro par 420s? i've got mine about 16-18 inches, too far ya think?
thanks bro,
be easy,
how about your new a51s, how far do you keep them from the tops?I just sprouted seeds. At my IG is almost 2 feet away.. As they get bigger I will drop the distance.
how about your new a51s, how far do you keep them from the tops?
what happened to your mags? Are you still running those
Interesting. I cloned mine under a 17W 5000K LED then after transplant for the first two days I ran the XGS-190 at 60W then went to 130W and was keeping the light about 30" away. Now I'm at day 3 of flower and I have them at 20" above.