UK Growers - SCALES NEEDED. Suggestions Welcome.


Well-Known Member
I wrote 'UK' (United Kingdom) but, really, I meant GB (Great Britain).
I don't want the hassle of getting something from abroad,

So, people from England, Scotland and even Wales,
recommend to me some scales that are suitable for weighing herb.

They must be accurate enough to weigh precise grams
but big enough to cope with quarter kilo's.

I know that there are dozens of models available on ebay
but I want to hear a recommendation
Much of the electronic stuff available is Chinese tat.
(I bought 2 identical Hygrometres - from the same seller
but they never have a temperature that is within 6* of each other
or a RH that is within 8%....!!!

When I e-mailed the seller he replied
"What do you expect for £3.89?"
Which I took as an admission that his advertising was PURE FICTION!


Well-Known Member
Point Taken... you pay peanuts you get monkeys, in the event of a bust the rozzers will say that you are a large scale drug dealer, why else the need for scale accuracy ...?
Use kitchen designed scales, to avoid the extend months inside at her majesties pleasure, or buy a pair of scales from the post office and keep the receipt


Well-Known Member
Fuck me, Vostok, I thought you'd know the way round that one.....

To the cop....
"Dear Officer. I have scales, sir, so I can accurately weigh out my daily ration of medicine (aka WEED).
I have a kilo because it is much cheaper when bought in bulk. I wait until some particularly good weed is available and I buy a large amount to last me for months.

It is your job to prove that I am a dealer
I have adequately explained why I have the equipment AND the large amount of weed.
If you believe, still, that I supply illegal substances, please prove it to a jury".

In the Courtroom.
"Dear Judge. Marijuana has been the only medicine that relieves my [add medical condition].
I bought it on the black market but I was always concerned that it could be mixed with harder drugs
and I had moral qualms about my money enriching criminals or even terrorists.
For these reasons I decided that growing my own was the most healthy and ethical way to supply my medical needs.
I understand it is still a crime but feel this prohibition is rapidly being regarded as an anachronistic and a breach of a British Citizens right to dignified medical treatment...."


Well-Known Member
look for a scale called" triple beam " they are old school they do the job
I'm wanting digital, not the old fashioned mechanical types.
But searching TRIPLE BEAM threw up some interesting stuff
and a Ph.D dissertation about quarks, atoms and the hadron
(You know when you can read the words but the sentences make absolutely NO sense....?)


Well-Known Member
I use a set of PHILLIP HARRIS scales that weigh up to 500g.

But that's a total weight, including any bowl etc you place on it and zero.

For example I have a bowl that weighs 180g, when I zero my scales I can weigh a further 320g before the scales error out.

Good for me but then I only use 400w as a Percy grow and only weigh my crops to see how much I've achieved for that strain or training etc.



Well-Known Member
I use a set of PHILLIP HARRIS scales that weigh up to 500g.

But that's a total weight, including any bowl etc you place on it and zero.

For example I have a bowl that weighs 180g, when I zero my scales I can weigh a further 320g before the scales error out.

Good for me but then I only use 400w as a Percy grow and only weigh my crops to see how much I've achieved for that strain or training etc.

I think I'll get by with scales that weigh up to 18oz at a time.
In fact I'll probably just get some good kitchen scales.

Jewellers scales are meant for 0.1g
and have very small areas to place stuff.


Well-Known Member
The Phillips Harris ones that I use are an educational weighing scale with large enough metal plate to allow a plastic beaker etc to sit on it.

You've probably already seen the ones I use.

But they work on mains power or a battery.



Well-Known Member
The Phillips Harris ones that I use are an educational weighing scale with large enough metal plate to allow a plastic beaker etc to sit on it.

You've probably already seen the ones I use.

But they work on mains power or a battery.

I searched ebay, after your first response, and found 2 models.
But they only weigh up to 200g - probably enough.


Active Member
i use the jewellers type tht go to 0.01, yes they have a small area.
i use a depdarant top under a margarine tub then tear its pretty precise. my pal showed me this lol.