Options for concentrates? Im picky...


So I hate BHO and any kind of water hash I just dont like how they smoke or taste . Is my only option for hash QWISO and kief pressing? Any other method I am missing that I could try? I got a ton of trim wondering what to do with it


Well-Known Member
Yea that doesn't really make sense to me.
Why do you dislike bho and bubble but not qwiso or kief

No that's about it. I mean there are alot of solvents you can use, ethanol being one of the other popular routes

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
What exactly do you hate about bho and water hash? Is your opinion based off the fact that alot of the dispensery oil is subpar? I have heard alot of people say they dislike bho for that reason.


Well water hash taste like poop I dunno how anyone can stomach it. BHO I actually like the taste but every bho I ever tried has destroyed my lungs no matter where it came from or how it was purged/made tried all kinds of bho from dispensary to making it myself just cant handle it. QWISO seems to have the taste and not destroy my lungs like bho


Well-Known Member
you can make butter/oil also. now have you ever had aged rolled hash? im sorry but i love it. if you jsut want flake try dry ice method. to make hash taste each lvl 190/160/120/90/73/45 to see what taste you like.


Winterizing huh? That sounds interesting Imma have to read up on this. thanks ill look it up and maybe give it a try.


Well-Known Member
OK that's fair enough.. qwiso doesn't extract all the fats and waxes bho does. Which not only is carcinogenic and just plain bad for you but the release of acrolein is severely irritating to the lungs throat and nasal passage..qwiso makes the most pristine single washed extract

Winterizing your butane may give you what your wanting

Basically dissolve the bho in ethanol till fluid and easily filtered.. the less the better as it works on decreasing solubility with decreasing temps... so take the solution and toss it in your freezer for 48hrs.. filter the precipitate and purge the ethanol


Well-Known Member
i bets you had some waxyyy bho. (winterized is wayyy better on the lungs)

and you probably had some unfair water hash. water can be pretty dandy as well..

its hard to judge what YOU want to smoke though..


Active Member
Give to the needy...start a BHO collective for the homeless & donate your trims - then you can write it off as a tax deduction


OP, I think you are going to have issues getting reliable info because nobody here is smoking the specific stuff you are.

If you say you hate BHO and water hash, it could just be low quality product or bad tech causing the issues.

You say QWISO is easier on the lungs and still gives flavor, is that based on the QWISO you have had/made or based on what you've read?

There are so many variables it's hard to actually tell you with any accuracy what you will or won't like. If you tried winterized BHO you might find it the most ideal concentrate. If you tried badly purged BHO, overcooked, etc BHO then you might not like it. If you tried QWISO from someone who doesn't know what they are doing, you might hate it because it's fully of nastiness.

If you are buying stuff from a club there is some sort of consistency, if you are buying it off the street there is none. The only way to make an accurate comparison between concentrates is if you make them yourself, and make them well, or if you are totally confident that you are buying pristine examples of the type of concentrate.

In other words, there is no way to tell you what you'll like, because we have no idea what quality or type of concentrate you'll be getting. Simply saying "good quality" doesn't really help.

Best suggestion I have is try winterized BHO, it's the smoothest on the lungs I've had concentrate wise and if done right you don't loose much flavor. Personally I feel BHO is going to give the best flvaor of any concentrate, so I guess personal preference comes into play.