One White Widow, One Purple Widow


Well-Known Member
I dont really think its a matter of light its a matter of keeping them in a very humid place. Get one of those big black trays with a cover and you just mist them like 2 times a day. I mean they are gonna need light but not a whole lot.


Well-Known Member
I dont think humidity is a problem though, it is really humid where I live. But I will still look for one of those tomoorow, because you know alot more then I do. I will get some updated pics tomorow, see how they are doing. But for tonight im going to water them with a Wood Ash/water mixture. hope that is ok


Well-Known Member
Alright It has been 2 days, and things have gotten wayyy better. But im confused, as you can see in my picture both plants are in same "earthbox" but Purple Widow is in flowering stage, and White Widow is still in veg... So I cant really give the purple widow nutes that will help it bloom better, and I cant give the White widow nutes, to help it grow bigger. Should I just put a 20-20-20 ? or nothing at all?


Well-Known Member
alright guys its been a little bit since I last posted but, everything is going awesome, the white widow is growing big and strong, and the purple widow is budding purple, and strong. Ill take some pictures today or tomorow :)


Well-Known Member
Long time no post, but plants are still going strong, purple widow is taking up its colors now, should have pics up tomorow :)


Well-Known Member
Pictures of white widow, and purple widow!!!! Purple widow obviously on the right, white widow on the left

you can see the white^ widow bud on the far left :) ( picture above )

going to use clickable thumbnails for a couple, to see how they work.

White widow ^^^

more white widow ^^

alright as you can see some of the leaves are yellow, hopin this is just because they are starting to bud, so its normal. But not so sure, because purple has been budding for about 2 weeks now. Heres close up of one of the leaves

If you think it is just normal, please tell me, if not, please tell me whats the problem and how to fix it. I am not using any nutes.. however about a week ago I did add some woodash, just once tho. Its been raining... for a couple days now, but leaves were yellow before that. I use filtered water, but I do not PH it. Both plants are in same "earthbox" they were cloned in begginning of january. Thats most of info about them, to help you guys help me. If you need any more info, dont hesitate to ask :)


Well-Known Member
Lookin good dude. I'd love to try outdoor growing but ain't really got the climate here in sunny britain! Is the purple on the widow confined to the buds?


Well-Known Member
The bud, and the leaves surrounding the bud. Not sure the real name for those leaves, I know there is one but I could care less. As long as you understand what im saying lol. :)


Well-Known Member
alright so I woke up really early this morning, and journied off to my plants. I wanted to make sure that they were getting all the morning sunlight, and no trees were shading my plants. Becuase I thought I cleared a nice sun rise, to sun set path so plants would get it all, and dont worry I didnt make it obvious, only cut down the tips of the trees that were shading. However the sun was setting when I did this so it was unaccurate. I went out today, and the sun was rising a bit off coarse. And I found one small bushy tree was totally shadowing it from about 7-9 a.m. This pissed me off :evil:. Journied back to mi casa, grabed my axe and went back. really swampy however, so I had to go threw alot of water and swamp to find this sun blocker, but I got to him, and took him out, I also found one, that was shading it right as the sun rised, and this light is very important, so I hacked that one out, but this was a huge tree, took 30 minutes to drop him to the ground, but I got him. After that I sat by plants and watched it rise, so I know exactly where it goes, and the path I cleared for it, was totally wrong, and there were about 5 more trees shading my plants. I got all of them out, and now my plant gets full sun in the mornings, has about 1-2 hours of shade during the afternoon, becuase I dont want to heat stress it, and it will still get indirect sunlight from the shade, and then for the rest of the day till sunset it has direct sunlight. Cant wait to see how much better then do now that they have all this extra sunlight :mrgreen: . Hoping to post some new pictures in a couple days, hopefully showing how big the bud has gotten : )

Grow on growers!


Well-Known Member
HE'S A LUMBERJACK AND HE'S OK, HE SMOKES ALL NIGHT AND HE WORKS ALL DAY! Lol, some crazy tree chopping antics going on over here


Well-Known Member
hahah yeh man, If I gotta clear the everglades for my babies... your damn right ill do it :mrgreen: . Im going to go back there and have a look at them. Ill take pictures ... in 2 days, so hopefully we can see improvement.


Well-Known Member
They were awesome after the storm, gave them some decent winds, should help thicken the, already thick stalks. Also some good nitrogen for them : ). Thanks for asking forbidden. :mrgreen:

However, I just returned home from a trip, been gone 5 days. Its dark now, so I cant go check on them, they should be fine, only thing that worries me, is when I went on roof to check my new recruits, both of the small pots they were in got knocked over. Im guessing from the winds, just hoping that my bigger ones could take whatever winds we had in my hometown. Im going to check them tomorow, and take pictures on friday. Im hoping to see some serious growth.

Purple Widow is getting close to harvesting, white widow has a bit longer to go. Going to start adding 2 table spoons of molasses per gallon, when I water them. This will hopefully give them up to 20% more bud swells, and give them more trichs, or crystals. Thanks for all the comments and help so far guys : )