Having an identity crisis, think I'm turning vegan.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have been a meat eater all my life, use to love the stuff. Then my gf's dad got a job in a slaughter house , and I did a little digging online, It just tweaked mycuriosity. What I found scarred me, but I blocked it out and carried on.

THEN I was asked if I wanted to cover 1 week of sick leave in the cold storage area " you won't see anything" I was assured. Wrong, I seen lots, mainly the absolutely rotting smelling cows hides which some guy had to inspect and remove parasites from, oh and the small matter of the twice daily skip of pigs heads that needed weighed (by me) that were still blinking and moving . So that actually put me off meat for quite a while, was about a year before I could eat it again.

Then on to the next milestone, I read about "Mechanically recovered Meat" which is what you are eating on pizzas, cold cuts, anything cheap. This is "meat " that they get from scraping the rib cages and spines, plus any other undesirable body parts, nerves etc. Now I really cannot stomach eating this again, ever.

And now recently this has started, I'm starting to think, even the idea of eating /drinking an animals eggs and milk Fucking EWWW. Where do I go from here? I have been eating ham, meat and milk up to now, but I think I'm just going to stop.

It's not a moral issue, I do not care about the morals of it.. and even though it tastes good, just the idea of it disgusts me


Well-Known Member
Good luck and more power to you! It'll be difficult but if it sets your mind at ease then do you what makes you happy.

I personally don't care for the way some animals are raised now-a-days but there's not a lot a person can do to change it.

I'm a small time family farmer and try to raise happy animals.


Well-Known Member
Listen pal i went through something similar literally a few weeks ago. I come from a culture where you havent eaten unless meat or fish have been consumed. I gre up drinking milk like it was water and eating sooooo much meat and fish i think its extreme. I thankfully live in a country where buying meat that has had a happy life outdoors is relatively cheap and i even used to make my own sandwich meat from turkey breast. But even in the end id still be 'killing' something to nurture myself. I think thats pretty fucking selfish in our day and age where we have the science and technology to do the most unimaginable things but we still enslave, torture, mistreat and kill other beings to survive not being inherently carnivore. Not to mention the scale meat is produced at these days cannot be good for quality... and were eating that. Milk i havent drank in years really but after doing some research of the somatic cell count allowed in the EU i was fucking shocked. And even if milk wasnt shit quality youre still drinking something from another species tits? really? Noit to mention the shit lots of hormones that get pumped into the cows to continue lactacting for years. Eggs lets not even discuss, I eat eggs cause i have my own free roaming chicken (not uncaged ones inside a building 4 per sq foot free range scam) and i pretty simply have loved eggs since i was a kid and have found loads of contradictory information on them.
If you get disgusted by it is because you probably should be disgusted by it, i mean shouldnt we all? I dont look at a chicken and get tempted to have a chew on those bones but put most fruits, vegetables, nuts, leaves or seeds in front of me when im a bit hungry and ill definetly bite into those for sure.
Most cultures where people rarely eat meat or are vegetarian/vegan due to religion culture or geographical reasons they dont suffer from most western health problems.
The fact is there is more than enough of the nurtients like calcium, vitamins, essential oils and all the complete amino acid profile are present on different legumes, seeds nuts and vegetables. You dont need milk(and its derivatives) and meat.
Anyways the attacking comments are probably to follow along with pictures of bbq animals so if you are serious about it send sunni a pm about joining the private vegan group, lots of help there. I found changing very easy, i had a pressure cooker and just started eating more legumes(lentils have about 25% protein and tasty as if you cook them yourself, generally all canned legumes are shit) and trying to incorporate more vegetables into my cooking eating brown rice quinoa and loads of fruit whenever im hungry and its not lunch or dinner. I eat some seeds every day too and a handful of nuts every second day. Oh ye i also spent a fraction (maybe 1/4, really that much) of what i normally spend on food, i shit soooo much better and every morning religiously and feel like i have nothing sitting in my intestines. I thought id feel hungry but i dont, especially if i eat chick peas or lentils, well beans too but i find them a bit heavy. I feel better in a lot of ways and i have no cravings for a cake or sweets and stuff anymore.
Im glad youve shared your experience here and hopefully get more people to eat less meat. I hope you at least give it a serious try and realize you really wont give up that much on taste if you learn to cook tastily. Feel free to send me a pm if you have any questions though im a newbie at it, i am a bit of a old lady in the kitchen and like cooking and have made some pretty tasty shit just with vegetables.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
some of you must have missed the bit where I said it was NOT a moral issue. I care not for the death of a farmyard animal when humans are suffering and being slaughtered around the planet. If true veganism means, not wearing leather etc, then I'm not that. I don't care about the death and butchery of animals.

It is the act of putting it into my mouth, chewing and tasting it that I don't like the idea of anymore. ESPECIALLY since nowadays big corps are feeding people the literal spinal scrapings off the carcass and passing it off as meat in order to profit. I don't want to eat spinal nerves, and then as I think more about how icky that is, I don't care for munching on the products of anythings reproductive system either.

I just think vegetables and fruits seem like a cleaner less disgusting way to live. But I don't object to anyone eating an animal if they want. Just dont think it is for me anymore.


Well-Known Member
hope you never find out how veggies are processed , you may starve to death
I find the way meat gets processed a hell of a lot more starvation inducing, especially on a big scale. Can you explain how veggies are processed where you are at, and what world region are you at?

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
The thing with vegetables is what you can't see. It's like anti smokers who sit in a running car for two hours, if they can't see it, they don't care. Smoke for 30 years and you get cancer, breathe in exhaust fumes for 5 minutes and you're dead. With vegetables, the GMOs are bad enough, but the pesticides are going to do more damage than anything in meat. The bugs it kills are far more resistant to poison than we are. If you don't like meat, cool, but switching to vegetables for your health is like switching seats on the Titanic


Well-Known Member
Well, not really a health issue either. It just grosses me out the thought of chewing up an animals flesh, drinking it's milk or eating it's eggs.

Not a moral, health, religious or political issue. I just think at the very heart of it , it is a pretty gross act. Will I succeed, I can cut out the meat but I need the milk. I'm trying to do a bit of weight training and I need that protein. Just drunk a pint of milk. Closed my eyes and got it down as fast as possible. Not enjoyable at all. Nearly gagged. I can't afford whey protein shakes, too much of a rip off


Well-Known Member
I get you, Puff. My wife and I started juicing a year ago and feel great. My digestion is much healthier than when I was grilling steaks, chicken, shrimp, etc on the grill 2-3x a week. After educating myself a little on the meat industry, and all of the shit that goes into maximizing profits, I too have a difficult time eating the swill. Sugars added to milk coming out of cows pumped full of HGH and antibiotics, chickens swelling faster than their bones can support, bleach rinses, etc, have turned me off to it too. You know something is wrong when you look at the average age a young girl starts her menstrual cycle compared to decades past.

Klite, I liked your message, but the delivery is a little rough. Can you find it in your heart to write in paragraphs?

We just started eating Quinoa and like it. GMO are destroying veggies, true. We older folk remember what tomatoes used to taste like. They were acidic and delicious; not like these bland balls of water we get now.

AMERICA, fuck yeah!!


Virtually Unknown Member
I don't eat near as much beef as I used too, just chicken and fish. I've thought about juicing but it seems like it would be difficult to combine stuff so it tastes palatable, but I've not done any research on it either. I suppose if we eat true organically grown produce, it would be healthier than stuff imported from countries that use pesticides that the US has banned (but manufacture and ship to said countries)


Well-Known Member
woo hoo just found some reasonably priced whey shake online.. bye bye milk.
FYI: Whey is the watery part of milk that remains after the formation of curds.

Try Hemp/pea/soy/rice protein sources instead:



Well-Known Member
BarnBuster, you should try it. You can get a decent juicer for $120. There is reams of literature on what fruits/veggies do for specific concerns, and even more recipes for tasty concoctions. Remember, beets are very sweet and can take the bite out of about anything. You get so much nutrition out of the juice that you really are much less hungry than before, and it really does translate into fewer grocery dollars. You WILL feel better and start healing yourself from the inside out. No reason, not to try it out.

Also, watermelon, strawberries, apples, and oranges, is one of the best drinks I have ever had in my life. F'in DEEEEElicious!