Leaves are not happy


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused. I have 6 White Russian plants that are in the same soil (FFOF) and receive the same nutes. Soil PH is 7, feed every other watering at 600 PPM and 6.3 PH, and they are 5.5 weeks old. One plant started to show a yellowing around the edges and between the veins a week ago The leaves eventually turned brown along edges and started to wither. I have a similar situation occurring in 2 other WR plants, the rest are fine. It is occurring in the middle of the plant and upper leaves, bottom leaves are OK. I also have 8 Critical + going with same soil, nutes, etc., with no issues at all. I add 15 ml of Calmag per 5 gal. every feed, which should be adequate. The only thing I can think of is a Potassium def, but I'm not sure. Anybody have a thought as to what the cause could be? I tried to upload 4 pictures, but could only get 1. What's up with that? Thanks for any input.



Well-Known Member
Did you wait till your plants had used up the FFOF nutrients or did you simply start feeding every other watering...whether they needed it or not.

I'd suggest you may be locking out various nutrients, not from ph...but rather from toxic salt buildup. I'd suggest you flush, then water only till you see a hint of true chlorosis (N deficiency) Then start feeding again. That's what reading your plant is all about...
Did you wait till your plants had used up the FFOF nutrients or did you simply start feeding every other watering...whether they needed it or not.

I'd suggest you may be locking out various nutrients, not from ph...but rather from toxic salt buildup. I'd suggest you flush, then water only till you see a hint of true chlorosis (N deficiency) Then start feeding again. That's what reading your plant is all about...
rep for you john dee!!! i agree with him 100%


Active Member
I'm dealing with something very similar at the moment I'm in my auto grow. I suspect however that mine was caused by a foliar feed of Nirvana which has an increase in potassium which is antagonizing what looks like a magnesium deficiency however none of my stems are purple not even the peptols


Well-Known Member
I also agree it looks like K deficiency but there's also a hint of Mg defiency and then there's that necrosis along the edge of the leaf. Combining all those things along with feeding every other watering for howerver long...anyway...that's why I felt it could be lockout.

And if K were antagonized by Mg...that antagonism only occurs when the nutrient is present IN EXCESS...so it really doesn't matter if the necrosis is from nute burn or not, he still has some form of lockout because clearly there's enough K (and Mg) available. And the cure is still the same...flush and back off feeding. Or that's how I see it.


Well-Known Member
I also agree it looks like K deficiency but there's also a hint of Mg defiency and then there's that necrosis along the edge of the leaf. Combining all those things along with feeding every other watering for howerver long...anyway...that's why I felt it could be lockout.

And if K were antagonized by Mg...that antagonism only occurs when the nutrient is present IN EXCESS...so it really doesn't matter if the necrosis is from nute burn or not, he still has some form of lockout because clearly there's enough K (and Mg) available. And the cure is still the same...flush and back off feeding. Or that's how I see it.
I did a soil test 2 days ago that gave me a reading of 6.5 PH, but that was soil close to the top and I should have gone deeper apparently. I did a light flush last night (2 gallons on a 3 gal pot) with 6.5 ph water,, and got a 5.4 ph runoff. Amazing. I was expecting a much higher reading. I immediately ordered some hydrated lime from Amazon ( my go to place ), and will finish a complete flush with 7.0 water tonight, until I can amend the soil with the lime. Thanks for the knowledge. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused.
OK... I know what everyone else said: deficient etc... add this bs that...
You have a "OVER" ferted burnt plant not deficient...
I suspect you were not exact with the pouring of your mixed ferts...
This plant got more N and it shows as toxic N issue...burnt tips, pointed down to your medium...
Flush will help, and I have never said those words before...
Since it only happened to one plant, was it the first, or the last plant you ferted...
"Got a little extra in the bottom... it wont hurt... "
and blamn... over ferted...


Active Member
I also agree it looks like K deficiency but there's also a hint of Mg defiency and then there's that necrosis along the edge of the leaf. Combining all those things along with feeding every other watering for howerver long...anyway...that's why I felt it could be lockout.

And if K were antagonized by Mg...that antagonism only occurs when the nutrient is present IN EXCESS...so it really doesn't matter if the necrosis is from nute burn or not, he still has some form of lockout because clearly there's enough K (and Mg) available. And the cure is still the same...flush and back off feeding. Or that's how I see it.
I completely agree sir.


Active Member
OK... I know what everyone else said: deficient etc... add this bs that...
You have a "OVER" ferted burnt plant not deficient...
I suspect you were not exact with the pouring of your mixed ferts...
This plant got more N and it shows as toxic N issue...burnt tips, pointed down to your medium...
Flush will help, and I have never said those words before...
Since it only happened to one plant, was it the first, or the last plant you ferted...
"Got a little extra in the bottom... it wont hurt... "
and blamn... over ferted...
Sorry but it's not nutrient burn, and it's definitely not too much N causing toxicity.. Too much N make the leaves very dark green... But You're right about flushing, that will help the lockout he's got and fix the K and Mg problem :)