Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
thyme, basil , rosemary, tomatoes, cuccumbers, lettuce , peppers, hopefully some strawberries, zuchini, squash lots of yummy food , and some flowers :)
hey me tooooooooooooo............
Im digging up a giant bed of irises and planting them absolutely everywhere and driving everyone bats making them run around watering and digging and fetching and getting rocks and making bedz....
and my carrots are large so I planted another bed of carrots...... wait till u seeee my carrots!.... long n strong baby!
.... LOL .... peppers are sprouting.... and strawberry plants are in the post (yeah I order dem online) ... I got my marjoram and I'm getting rosemary and thyme and basil..........
I have Growing Addiction!
I may possibly need help!



Well-Known Member
Why do the scientifically illiterate insist on commenting on science? It strikes me as odd.. as I don't know shit about hair dye, dyeing t-shirts or dyeing anything.. yet I don't feel inclined to voice my uninformed opinion on dyeing techniques and insist they're right no matter the objection..

Weird how that works..

One of the most ignorant posts I have seen here, by a guy who fancies himself an intellectual superior. You don't talk about hair dye, or dying t-shirts because you don't care about them.

Scientists (most of them) have concluded that man has contributed significantly to global warming, a few (mostly paid by oil companies) argue the opposite. So, you think we should let them figure it out and decide what is best for us? Are you really such a helpless pussy that you let others dictate your life decisions? "Great minds discuss ideas".

By your own standards you just stick to what you know, rape. Other than that, I guess you should take your own advice and shut the fuck up. By the way, how DID you become a rape expert? If you do not discuss and educate yourself, you will never become "literate" enough to discuss anything.

You are not half as smart as you think you are, Padaraper.



Well-Known Member
If its been a year dont be surprised
if he has already beat off 16x
That day. Fresh out gunk.
His penis will just make queef sounds
when it goes off.
If it goes off.
Maybe a dust devil.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
man oh man. Miss a couple of days here and have 200 posts to catch up on.

doin good all. Just really fucking busy...and tired as hell.

now I got roped into doing a job for a friend....on the free.

That's the problem with asking people for favors...eventually you have to return them, and usually the returned favor is substantially larger than the initial favor.


Well-Known Member
man oh man. Miss a couple of days here and have 200 posts to catch up on.

doin good all. Just really fucking busy...and tired as hell.

now I got roped into doing a job for a friend....on the free.

That's the problem with asking people for favors...eventually you have to return them, and usually the returned favor is substantially larger than the initial favor.
Yeah, interest on money may be under 2% but favor interest is somewhere close to what the mob charges.