Running her mouth


Well-Known Member
ya i would stop only till she had the baby after a few months, the thing is some gurls you need to be firm with or they will walk all over you

the way i see it she knew who you were when she met you


Active Member
well u know what. bollox to u all. all of u giving me different opinions. ill decide myself.
Isn't that what you asked for? our opinions? Go smoke another one dude. oh while you're at it..go check on your precious plants in that shed...oh, I mean your veggies. And make sure you write a letter to your unborn kid the reason why mommy and daddy aren't together anymore. Cause daddy wanted to play house with weed.

This "running her mouth" post is the only reason i joined thsi community. it literally pist me the fuck off! To know someone cares more about a fuckin' drug that his family!


Well-Known Member
also man pointless to grow with only cfls your just pissin in the wind when u start back up use an hps light our your risk reward equation is unbalanced


Well-Known Member
Isn't that what you asked for? our opinions? Go smoke another one dude. oh while you're at it..go check on your precious plants in that shed...oh, I mean your veggies. And make sure you write a letter to your unborn kid the reason why mommy and daddy aren't together anymore. Cause daddy wanted to play house with weed.

This "running her mouth" post is the only reason i joined thsi community. it literally pist me the fuck off! To know someone cares more about a fuckin' drug that his family!
well take ur posts somewhere else. i cba with females atm


Active Member
ya i would stop only till she had the baby after a few months, the thing is some gurls you need to be firm with or they will walk all over you

the way i see it she knew who you were when she met you
Omg...people always say that..."you knew who i was when we met!" you really think that? Its an excuse. My husband tells me that shit all the time. Yeah, i knew he smoked weed (personally, that was the last thing I was thinking about when I met him...his muscles and eyes were all I saw...lmao). I dont care. I dont like buying the shit but I do cause I can't live with him if I dont buy it for him! He's a spoiled ass brat. But we spoil each other. And if he told me that HE WAS THE MAN...that I could deal with it...for whatever reason. I'd tell him I WAS THE WOMAN...and he'd deal with that shit too. We are just like that with each other though. He does his shit and I dont. But we would give up something if we knew it meant losing the other. I WOULD NEVER ask him to give up weed me...he's a fucker without it.


Well-Known Member
So your sitting here while your girl is having your child and fighting against it ? wtf... no point just keep growing till you got to jail ;)


Well-Known Member
dude you're absolutely right. Don't listen to these fucktards. Scaring her into submission?

"Yeah baby do what I want or I go to jail!"

"If I can't grow I'll surely Die"

Do these men have any experience with women at all? Not only will the reverse psycho babble not work, it will make her resent you even more. Listen to Gogrow. Talk to her about it. Reason with her, and show her that unless you're grossly negligent you should be fine. Nevermind jail. Is MJ worth your relationship?

Who u calling a fucktard? u dress your dog in your own clothes and then u take photos of the poor dog... now thats a fucktard!


Well-Known Member
Isn't that what you asked for? our opinions? Go smoke another one dude. oh while you're at it..go check on your precious plants in that shed...oh, I mean your veggies. And make sure you write a letter to your unborn kid the reason why mommy and daddy aren't together anymore. Cause daddy wanted to play house with weed.

This "running her mouth" post is the only reason i joined thsi community. it literally pist me the fuck off! To know someone cares more about a fuckin' drug that his family!

to me it would be principal of it, what esle is she gonna start disliking, it will be a never ending story leading to submission or divorce

one thing i personally couldnt stand for is for someone to tell me what to do i mean once your an adult fuck that, i already have a momy you know, no one wants to marry thier mommy and sleep with her every night

the problem is with her, and this is a negotiation is all it is, who has the card and knows how to play the game. shes not gonna leave you either way.

but im just sayin the wild card is that shes preg and not resonable at this time due to a great deal of hormones

so you cant negotiate untill she has the baby, specially since u not usin an HPS light
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Well-Known Member
sorry dude...i dont know what the hell "cba and atm" mean?! Besides, if you didn't want opinions...u shouldn't have asked.
cba - cant be assed
atm - at the moment

sorry just dont wanna hear everything ive already heard from females.

i think ive read enough of ppls posts to make my mind up. im still looking for a buyer for my equipment and selling the plants for a £5 each


Well-Known Member
Well you really have to think seriously don't you..

You've got to take responsibility for your unborn child!!

Wait until your child can take care of itself before you start growing weed.
Yeah it's a long wait but others are in the same situation, and they KNOW it's best to wait..

If your weed means more to you than your future wife and son/daughter do..well.. I don't know what to say, it's a bit shocking.

Come on dude, you know what you have to do.

Forget the cannabis and focus on fixing the relationship you NEED to keep.

as someone said earlier..
custody over your unborn child if shit gets fucked up..
It will not look great in court if she says you've been growing cannabis.

peace, make the right decision. :)

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
OK... there's a really simple solution to this that should make the pregnant g/f happy and get you out of trouble. Grow somewhere else.

By growing at home you are jeopardizing not only your freedom... but you're also risking having your baby taken away.

Take is somewhere else. Do you have a friend who lives alone that you could trust to grow with there?


Well-Known Member
child. never said anything like that. well i did but if u read the full thread....

i can imagine and im going to get that feeling.

child? you never said that? wtf are you talking about? your girlfriend is pregnant with your CHILD. she said "kill the weed or i'm gone". you chose the weed. i have read EVERY word of this thread. i don't think you are ready to be a parent. she may be better off having her folks help her. keep the plants and go buy some new games. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Who u calling a fucktard? u dress your dog in your own clothes and then u take photos of the poor dog... now thats a fucktard!

Im calling you a fucktard! Fucktard. At least I have a firm grasp on what life truly has to offer. I was having fun with my wife with our dog. One whom we love very much. You're on the other side of your monitor trying to dictate someone's life when it's quite obvious you haven't even got a pinky's grasp on your own. If you did. If you had any clue whatsoever about anything You wouldn't be telling the man he should manipulate his fiancee' and mother of his unborn child into allowing him to grow marijuana. Either you're young, and still live in your mothers basement. Or. You're a beacon for failure and you want him to be just as miserable as you. I dressed my dog...So fucking what? Are you upset that I love my dog more than anyone has ever loved you?


Well-Known Member
Who u calling a fucktard? u dress your dog in your own clothes and then u take photos of the poor dog... now thats a fucktard!
crack'd me up even though it isnt nice :(


Well-Known Member
OK... there's a really simple solution to this that should make the pregnant g/f happy and get you out of trouble. Grow somewhere else.

By growing at home you are jeopardizing not only your freedom... but you're also risking having your baby taken away.

Take is somewhere else. Do you have a friend who lives alone that you could trust to grow with there?
nah i dont have many friends now. every1 has moved on. i hardly speak 2 them.

thing is thou. she wasnt moving into our new house straight away, she said this herself that she is stayin at home with her mum for a couple months after the baby is born so her mum can give her some help.

this is why i thought growing in the shed whilst she wasnt living with me would be ok.

obviously not.