Is this a hermie?? Confusion!!


Active Member
Hey guys posted some updated pics. Curious if this a hermie or female? Because other plant has started budding. Its even been about a week now and i dnt see buds on a this bushy plant!!! Can someone help me please im paranoid and confused. They are right beside each other.




Active Member
I could be wrong but w/o a clearer pic, that just looks like a leaf terminal to me (not balls) ...
for now I wouldn't trip....
then again, maybe someone else will chime in


Active Member
JohnnySocko:10224478 said:
I could be wrong but w/o a clearer pic, that just looks like a leaf terminal to me (not balls) ...
for now I wouldn't trip....
then again, maybe someone else will chime in
Sorry crappy about these ones? :s


cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
your pictures are too blurry for detail, but first pic in first post is female. herms don't generally show until later in flower, so i think you're asking male or female, right? hermaphrodite means having both sex organs simultaneously.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
plants from seed are individual, and bag seed can be more so due to varying genetics, so yes; plants don't always show at the same time, or develop at the same rate. the last two pictures you posted show female.


Active Member
catofcuriosity:10224676 said:
your pictures are too blurry for detail, but first pic in first post is female. herms don't generally show until later in flower, so i think you're asking male or female, right? hermaphrodite means having both sex organs simultaneously.
Yep.hvnt seen sacks yet.not sure best place to look firstly. And other girls are blooming hsve been for abit now?


Active Member
ch3mical420:10224706 said:
catofcuriosity:10224676 said:
your pictures are too blurry for detail, but first pic in first post is female. herms don't generally show until later in flower, so i think you're asking male or female, right? hermaphrodite means having both sex organs simultaneously.
Yep.hvnt seen sacks yet.not sure best place to look firstly. And other girls are blooming hsve been for abit now?
Those were on the 17th


cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
is this indoor or outdoor? ever heard the term 'late bloomer'?

i only saw female, if that's all one plant other than the comparison shot, then its female.


Well-Known Member
Just for reference. Ive read that pre-flowers (male or female) usually start showing at around the 6th or 7th node. Now this could be total BS, but its something to look for...


Active Member
Just for reference. Ive read that pre-flowers (male or female) usually start showing at around the 6th or 7th node. Now this could be total BS, but its something to look for...
Yes, on the main stem, don't they?
That's where I found bananas, which I picked off the first and hopefully the last time.

BTW... does all the pistils on a plant turn yellow prematurely if it has been pollinated, or only the 'pregnant' flowers?


Well-Known Member
Yes, on the main stem, don't they?
That's where I found bananas, which I picked off the first and hopefully the last time.

BTW... does all the pistils on a plant turn yellow prematurely if it has been pollinated, or only the 'pregnant' flowers?
Yes on the main stem. Ook yea im messing with a herm too. Just got done snipping its nuts last night, pain in the ass. Turning yellow? I have no idea, this is my first herm, and the first time ive ever heard of them turning yellow.... shit now i gotta keep an eye out for that too.


Well-Known Member
No... Herms Pistils do not turn yellow... when ever....

You are growing a Sativa, I presume 'bagseed' ...

That plant could give you great bud or nothing...

Read up on Sativa's... That thing could take months... to finish...

Good Luck! [especially with the wait... you're gonna wait a long time...]


Well-Known Member
No... Herms Pistils do not turn yellow... when ever....

You are growing a Sativa, I presume 'bagseed' ...

That plant could give you great bud or nothing...

Read up on Sativa's... That thing could take months... to finish...

Good Luck! [especially with the wait... you're gonna wait a long time...]

You say growing sativa, now of course i don't know what mine is, its a hybrid of both. Veg'd like indica and is flowering like a sativa. I guess, it would still take as long if not longer... I was planning a 7 week flower. Not long enough?