Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Woke up to my old barn roof buckled in. :neutral:
Damn that sucks bro. If only you had been motivated and built a new one over the summer!! Or wait a second.....

You kinda knew that might happen right? Just didn't know when? Sucks that it did but atleast you got alot accomplished on the new one already.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad it didn't come down all the way. I'm keeping about 80 pigs underneath that area.

I planned on tearing it down eventually but now that's it's a safety concern I'll have to do it this Spring.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad it didn't come down all the way. I'm keeping about 80 pigs underneath that area.

I planned on tearing it down eventually but now that's it's a safety concern I'll have to do it this Spring.

Oh shit, good thing for the piggies. Yeah, that's why I collapsed that root cellar, safety concerns. Any beams in that barn that rich yuppies in Connecticut might want?


Well-Known Member
Oh shit, good thing for the piggies. Yeah, that's why I collapsed that root cellar, safety concerns. Any beams in that barn that rich yuppies in Connecticut might want?
No, it was built out of scrap lumber. I'll salvage what I can for projects around the farm.

I know it's going to come down the rest of the way so I have to go out and move the pigs to another area.

It's still snowing and there some really strong wind gusts. This is not the B-day weekend I wanted. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Boo, happy birthday though! Hope you get to have some fun. Most of the snow melted here. i should probably check the weather and see what's next I guess.


Well-Known Member
Boo, happy birthday though! Hope you get to have some fun. Most of the snow melted here. i should probably check the weather and see what's next I guess.
Thanks, Neo! Me too. But not today. None of the snow has melted since the first snow fall so we've got 3+ feet sitting on the ground yet.

Frost is over 5ft deep and all water lines are frozen underground. Spring can't come soon enough.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to make it out that way bro
That'd be fun! Kelly's going to have tolerance by the time we're fine Witt him!

No, it was built out of scrap lumber. I'll salvage what I can for projects around the farm.

I know it's going to come down the rest of the way so I have to go out and move the pigs to another area.

It's still snowing and there some really strong wind gusts. This is not the B-day weekend I wanted. :neutral:
Sorry for the shit in yer birthday weekend. Happy Birthday.
No problem bro.

I'll share some with yea! I'm done with the snow!
It snowed and isn't supposed to hit 55 today. Helping do an outdoor deck for the neither in law's bad ass stone and tile business.