
Active Member
New York demolishes Chicago any day. The sheer size and enormity of the buildings is something you have to see.
Their subway system is a modern marvel and perfection of timing etc and the history is amazing.
You could spend a whole month in the Big Apple and never se it all.
I like Chicago , but you are correct, anyone who has been to nyc for any length of time wouldnt discount it that much.
Chicago's subway system sucks but only compared to New Yorks.

I do miss New York,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sometimes,,,usually for about 5 minutes then i go back to real life without living in a concrete box.
Wonder if a pet rat would help?

Have you even ever been to NYC ? I know you are proud of CHI and think NY sucks.That makes me believe you have never been to NY


Well-Known Member
HAHAAHHAHAHAHA, bro. She actually has a pretty face. And my skin is whiter than hers. But shes eating the cake alll fuckin wrong. You must be either a undercover stalker or a fake ass fed


Well-Known Member
Why do you ruin the whole scene? Are you a "Justin BEEBERT" FAn? Maybe "miley Cyrus?" Bro, or , Dude, or "whatever" they call you? Smoke some good herb and chill. Maybe I'll lay off the sauce


Well-Known Member
Reminds me a crazy story. My wifes good friend had a photographer for their wedding (as people do), well a few days after the wedding the photographer met a very untimely end. I forget the circumstances, think it was a car accident. Anyways, my wife's friend spent the next few months trying to get their pictures. Eventually it was up to the friend himself to find them. The relatiives said, there's no way we'll find them, have a crack at it. He eventually found them on a memory card in the photographers collection.
