If you don't like leadership then your fucked. Perhaps there is a deserted island somewhere for you.
Seriously thoughI don't disagree there are human rights violations happening here while we point fingers at Syria or North Korea or walmarts best buddy China.
Leadership that is imposed and that creates an involuntary relationship on the individuals being "lead" ceases to be leadership and becomes dictatorial, whether the "leader" is an individual or a posse or a "commander in chief" or some other made up title. Fancy titles do not grant impunity or exceptions, they do help herd the sheep though.
If you like leadership that is imposed without your consent, backed by force, you are making an argument for the removal of self determination. BTW, when a person has no right of peaceful self determination, aren't they sharing characteristics with those that are enslaved?
Whenever a person or group of persons call themselves your leader without your specific consent, your human rights are being violated. The color of the flag is irrelevant.
I sometimes buy paint at Walmart and the odd extension cord. Let's not talk about China, we'll be hungry an hour later.