The Drunk Thread!


Well-Known Member
I give up. I have to wake up at 4 am Pacific sTandard time. I stay young, I be young , younger tham the idiots that want to call them self people or community. Have fun living your "interweb" lifestyle.
You "win" I lost. My life will be suicidal now.

But the real question is " CAN I BUY SOME WEED BRO?"


Oh and blue haired muhfukkas? Damn, no wonder you have a fucktart mentality.

Actually, that was a late blow. I know something in return is coming my way


Well-Known Member
You "win" I lost. My life will be suicidal now.

But the real question is " CAN I BUY SOME WEED BRO?"
You could not afford my quality meds if you mortgaged your cardboard box twice, little person. Take your bigotry and hatred back to FB.

And, yes........i vote you just end it.


Well-Known Member

I've been pretty bourboned this entire little chat we've had. Bong hits of my recently harvested NL5xHaze. All of which, has lead me to believe you have no respect, or tolerance for others' sexuality or religious beliefs (proven by your bullshit - which is easily quotable - from - earlier)

I also would like to point out that you think you might serve me some sort of injustice by pointing out things I have pointed out about you...This will only serve to fuck you over, boss. You're trying waaay to hard to defend a homophobic knee jerk response yo had over something dumb in the first place. What's your damage? Something against me? Or something against gays themselves? Please speak up, or just continue with your standard homophobic vomitory responses to my simple and easy to respond to questions.....Dummy.


Well-Known Member
I see no color, no blood , no fuckin weak minds. Be a man or don't be about it. I know gay dudes that don't cry, I know women that harder than men.

Peace treaty or GTFo


Well-Known Member
Peace treaty or GTFo

Nope...I do not treaty with homophobic b-holes that think they can subject someone's sexuality at the expense of their humor.
While we're at it. No borders for nations, no flags, no patriots. Your shit is weak, bruh. Silence it, before it turns into something you end up dying for.


Well-Known Member
Anyone curious about TMG's bigotry - flip 3 and 1 1/2 pages back or ask for a re-post.....I'll hookitup.


Well-Known Member

I still think Daft Punk is drinky material. I've been down since my last cocaine-liquor fueled love of "Allaroundtheworld". .. Still a killer track in my book! Let's hear it for books! lawls.



Well-Known Member
Lol probably because no one cares.

You don't get out much I bet? Why do you insist on me being a homophobic. What anyone does with their own life is their own business. I gives a fuck. I don't pass judgement.


Well-Known Member
Lol what homophobic bullshit ? Cuz I got mad that someone said "that's gay"? You my friend are weird. I thought I was weird.

It's a fuckin saying. I got offended that my beer was not good enough. Anyway. Really, you should try and get thicker skin pal. It will help you out in life.

For the record I didn't even know you were gay. But enough with the shit. Who really cares anyway ? Like I said I pass no judgements. I get judged all day but I let it roll off my shoulders. Real life is real life. Forum life is ...well forum life. It's all to expand the mind and excercise it.

Carry on


Well-Known Member
I'm not even popular on this forum. Why would I post homophobic bullshit ? Like I said I gives no fucks about someone that means nothing to me. Your life is your life.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even popular on this forum. Why would I post homophobic bullshit ? Like I said I gives no fucks about someone that means nothing to me. Your life is your life.
My life was interupted when you decided to post your latent homosexual "feelings" on my board. Now, I am responsible for how your bullshit plays out. Please immediately stop being an ignorant d-bag, and get over yourself.


Well-Known Member
Lmao says the real douche bag. Not once have I gotten on your case about homosexuality. You keep bringing it up. You call yourself righteous? Apparently your shit don't stank .

I'm over myself. Been over myself. How about you?

Also, if your life so revolves around this post you need a new hobby


Well-Known Member
Eat my balls TMG. You know my spanish is rusty, by my english is old. You know I roll, I'm on a thousand downers. I should rape you on principle.