Anyone else tired of "stoners" making us look bad!?

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Maybe I'm in the wrong section here, but I'm sick of looking through post of idiots!....I'm a first time closet grower in a very tropical area. I have had successful outdoor crops using a greenhouse and homemade organically, zero store bought nutes, some dank ass funk! Smelled like fruit loops! However that was in a different region, while tropical as well, it was known more for farming...I had a farm lol. Now trying my hand at an indoor room as direct sun here is he'll on me let alone any good medicine, and I'm running into all kinds of problems. Store bought soils and nutes cause all I have is sand and coconuts naturally around here. Good for me bad for bud lol

I do research all day long as an avid enthusiast and all around plant/nature lover, and the forums are just riddled with idiots saying their too high to understand this. My favorite was he was too high to " spell all those big words"....USE FUCKING SPELLCHECK!!?...THIS IS NOT FROM MARIJUANA!...YOU ARE JUST IDIOTS

As a society we're moving in a different direction with MMJ, and people like this give them ammo to play "THE DOPE CARD"....

If I'm not alone in this thought please hit me up! I would love to have an intelligent conversation about a passion of mine with someone who has an attention span longer than that of a goldfish.

Stoners are a good thing, they might get red eyes, dilated pupils but they are not robbing an old lady on the street, raping someone, murdering, harming themselves etc. So I'm proud to be one and I'm sure everyone else who is one is also proud and why create stupid threads like this in the first place?
I'm such a stoner I'm more stoned now then stone henge...wait what were we talkin about? Actually, better question...anyone know where I'm at?
Dont get caught growing in florida, just sayin. Will be the biggest mistake of your life. Its like no other state as far as that goes. Thats the dumb stoner in me saying that.
This is very an extent...I smoke too...all day long...and I also did a medical report explaining no true effects on brain cells making us "DOPEY"....

The point of this stupid thread, as you so eloquently put it. As I said, I'm trying to see if anyone else may be tired of this as well. I'm looking for someone who may be on the same level as I am as far as mental capacity to learn from.

The he thread is only stupid to those who don't understand it...don't waste time having a battle of wits with an unarmed individual...
Oh, hey cop; I'd tell you my address but I'm guessing you are from the US and I'm not so to save your time being wasted on an plane or in a teleporting machine 'Fuck off!'

Not a cop....they don't like felons with assault on a Leo on their record lol
9.99999999999999999999/10 people think that this thread is useless, try to pick up some spelling or grammatical errors in this bitch!
I'm sick of looking through post of idiots!

dank ass funk!

he was too high to " spell all those big words"....USE FUCKING SPELLCHECK!!?

I would love to have an intelligent conversation about a passion of mine with someone who has an attention span longer than that of a goldfish.

Grind up some of the coconut fiber and buy hydro nutes if you are in the closet growing and what ever else you are up to try old SCOTTYBALLS method...this may provide you with some smoke while you keep looking for a non stoner to talk to on this stoner forum?

ps...did I miss spell stoner
If you can weed through the bullshit and idiots you'll find intelligence lurking around here. You think it's bad here, get out in the real world, the media only interviews or focuses on "dumb stoners". I've been smoking for 22 years and I do have my stoner moments (when I'm at home I decompress fully), but I'm by no means an idiot stoner, I hate the stereotype and the people who make it true.
Maybe I'm in the wrong section here, but I'm sick of looking through post of idiots!....I'm a first time closet grower in a very tropical area. I have had successful outdoor crops using a greenhouse and homemade organically, zero store bought nutes, some dank ass funk! Smelled like fruit loops! However that was in a different region, while tropical as well, it was known more for farming...I had a farm lol. Now trying my hand at an indoor room as direct sun here is he'll on me let alone any good medicine, and I'm running into all kinds of problems. Store bought soils and nutes cause all I have is sand and coconuts naturally around here. Good for me bad for bud lol

I do research all day long as an avid enthusiast and all around plant/nature lover, and the forums are just riddled with idiots saying their too high to understand this. My favorite was he was too high to " spell all those big words"....USE FUCKING SPELLCHECK!!?...THIS IS NOT FROM MARIJUANA!...YOU ARE JUST IDIOTS

As a society we're moving in a different direction with MMJ, and people like this give them ammo to play "THE DOPE CARD"....

If I'm not alone in this thought please hit me up! I would love to have an intelligent conversation about a passion of mine with someone who has an attention span longer than that of a goldfish.


BTW you don't really need to say anything beyond this, your point is being made with almost every post lol
Grind up some of the coconut fiber and buy hydro nutes if you are in the closet growing and what ever else you are up to try old SCOTTYBALLS method...this may provide you with some smoke while you keep looking for a non stoner to talk to on this stoner forum?

ps...did I miss spell stoner

LMAO! Thank you fandango!

My god that was not what I was aiming for lol....I meant no disrespect to smokers, I smoke too....what I said was I hate how people want to blame stupidity on being high...I though I was pretty clear on that
If you can weed through the bullshit and idiots you'll find intelligence lurking around here. You think it's bad here, get out in the real world, the media only interviews or focuses on "dumb stoners". I've been smoking for 22 years and I do have my stoner moments (when I'm at home I decompress fully), but I'm by no means an idiot stoner, I hate the stereotype and the people who make it true.

Thank an you too! Yes, we all have brain farts, but they're just that...not ahh I'm too high to think...
If you can weed through the bullshit and idiots you'll find intelligence lurking around here. You think it's bad here, get out in the real world, the media only interviews or focuses on "dumb stoners". I've been smoking for 22 years and I do have my stoner moments (when I'm at home I decompress fully), but I'm by no means an idiot stoner, I hate the stereotype and the people who make it true.

I don't care that we look a little odd in a forum. But I hate when they unearth the
dirtiest idiot they can for news clips.
I expect it from the news people and
I also do not expect that dumbass to understand he is not helping the cause.
$o around we gooooooo duuuuuuder! :o
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