Anyone else tired of "stoners" making us look bad!?

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I thought bullying was not cool anymore, seems the whole worlds gone soft to bullying, thats what built character in my day. Without bullying where are we going to get the kind of police needed to beat and kill innocent people in places like L.A.?

Seriously, though a broad statement about some people being "idiot stoners" results in a huge attack on someone for speaking their mind. We would not have legal marijuana in 20 U.S. states with all these non-compassionate folks that keep popping up here if others didn't "speak their mind". So much for peaceful stoners.

I don't proof read so any mistake is just that a mistake.
Iv told my kids that atleast 1000 times, the kids that got bullied when I was growin up took it, stuck together, and started successful businesses just so they could hire the same bullies to mop their bathrooms so who really made out? I woulda took a few years of bullying to become a Gates or a Jobs, well maybe not a Jobs but a Gates definitely. Never shoulda played football, shoulda been an A.V. guy or lettered in drama, somethin
If a person knows they are not an idiot being called an idiot will do nothing to harm that person. I will say some of the smartest people I know are stoners.
Unfortunatly they don't do public speaking gigs.
Grind up some of the coconut fiber and buy hydro nutes if you are in the closet growing and what ever else you are up to try old SCOTTYBALLS method...this may provide you with some smoke while you keep looking for a non stoner to talk to on this stoner forum? ps...did I miss spell stoner
No, but you misspelled "misspell"
Maybe I'm in the wrong section here, but I'm sick of looking through post of idiots!....I'm a first time closet grower in a very tropical area. I have had successful outdoor crops using a greenhouse and homemade organically, zero store bought nutes, some dank ass funk! Smelled like fruit loops! However that was in a different region, while tropical as well, it was known more for farming...I had a farm lol. Now trying my hand at an indoor room as direct sun here is he'll on me let alone any good medicine, and I'm running into all kinds of problems. Store bought soils and nutes cause all I have is sand and coconuts naturally around here. Good for me bad for bud lol

I do research all day long as an avid enthusiast and all around plant/nature lover, and the forums are just riddled with idiots saying their too high to understand this. My favorite was he was too high to " spell all those big words"....USE FUCKING SPELLCHECK!!?...THIS IS NOT FROM MARIJUANA!...YOU ARE JUST IDIOTS

As a society we're moving in a different direction with MMJ, and people like this give them ammo to play "THE DOPE CARD"....

If I'm not alone in this thought please hit me up! I would love to have an intelligent conversation about a passion of mine with someone who has an attention span longer than that of a goldfish.


I dunno, I also find it extremely odd that there are people that are posting while high on a MJ forum....go figure :weed:
Why you defending him? he comes into this site to start controversy over some elitist ideal that he is smarter than most of us idiot stoners. Fuck that guy, he could use some of the character you mention. Done here

No one can start controversy, it takes a 2nd person to create it.
How about math? There is no such thing as 9.999999999999999 people

Guess what? I got the math right because if you had a survey and 11 in 20 people thought that so and so was true it wouldn't be a single number but a decimal and on a large scale more than one decimal can be in use.
Wow...those of you making my point for me, I'm sorry bout your luck....What I said was I hate how people blame their spelling mistakes on being high...I actually quoted someone else's post stating he was too high to try and spell big words... I wasn't claiming to be an English teacher dip shit...I'm saying stop blaming stupidity on weed...fuck

p.s. I know how to spell but I don't care...I'm just not going to blame it on weed...I have typos and mistakes notice things maybe you're not a stupid stoner after all

Here he goes with his 'stupid stoner' thing again, If you were so clever you would acknowledge that some people choose a herb that doesn't kill you over tobacco so that proves they are not dumb or stupid.
Guess what? I got the math right because if you had a survey and 11 in 20 people thought that so and so was true it wouldn't be a single number but a decimal and on a large scale more than one decimal can be in use.

He he must have been too high to remember basic math right? Just stop blaming weed for fuck ups...that's all I was saying...the rest I already got my answers

Thank you to those who read what I actually wrote and not what they thought I wrote!
I'll agree, But you have literally incited an RIU riot here. Why offend everyone by making stoner synonymous with idiot, like others have said, we have enough trouble with the media and outside non-smokers/consumers as it is, please don't bring that shit here. A moron is gonna be a moron with or without weed, the same goes for lazy, successful, and a whole plethora of adjectives that are either good or bad, why drag pot down is all im saying.

Thats all I was saying bro...don't blame weed for stupidity lol
I think everyone needs to smoke more and chill, I had to go re-read the OP original post, nowhere did I see him call everyone on RIU "idiot stoners" He said he is tired of idiot stoners blaming weed for things (like not being able to spell, he was focusing on 1 post from 1 person, chill out ya'll). Why is everyone so quick to argue and attack on here, must be smoking different strains than I'm used to, I get chilled out on weed.

Thank you grojak!
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