I found this..


Active Member
Growing in the backyard of the unit i'm renting, I enjoy smoking so it was a pleasant surprise, but it doesn't look mature, the buds seem milky white and it is only about a foot tall, there are a few other smaller stalks.

How and when should I harvest this?


Active Member
oh you got about 7-10 weeks, hang in there! You just moved in?
Yeah, I was chillin with a friend in the backyard and we were looking in the bushes and were all like "wtf, marijuana?!" It was a good moment.

Thanks for giving me a time frame.
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Well-Known Member
dont touch it, maybe it belongs to someone. grow your own bro...

immagine how that was if someone chopped down your weed plant ;)


Active Member
dont touch it, maybe it belongs to someone. grow your own bro...

immagine how that was if someone chopped down your weed plant ;)
well i sent my neighbors upstairs a text to see if it was theirs, i was kind of vague, but they haven't replied yet. also it is my landlord's backyard.


Active Member
does your landlord smoke? it's probably his/hers LOL
I know he smokes cigs, but in my contract it says no illegal drugs LOL.

what are they gonna do, go to the police coz someone stole their weed?!!
hehe, the main thing though is I don't want to bone my neighbors upstairs if it isn't my landlord's, hypothetically if it is theirs I'd want them to know that they can trust me as a fellow pot smoker.
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Well-Known Member
good a idea, i will go smoke a ciggarete.

about the poliece, no poliece wont do anything, its karma wich will. ;)


Active Member
good a idea, i will go smoke a ciggarete.

about the poliece, no poliece wont do anything, its karma wich will. ;)
Yeah, I want to find out if it's my neighbors so I can get some from them :) Also I'm interested in growing my own anyways, maybe we can start a joint op lol.


Well-Known Member
never ever reveal to someone is that your plant or not, you can get busted quickly if you do. :)


Active Member
never ever reveal to someone is that your plant or not, you can get busted quickly if you do. :)
Yeah, he just sent me a text back (i'm away from my place) saying no, i'm just unsure what to do about it, cause I don't want anyone getting in trouble unless it's some random joker planting weed in our backyard. I don't want to bust them at all and don't intend to.
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Well-Known Member
you know what would i do? id take some leaves and cloned it - growing inside with fief CFL's and left it alone, if nobody wont take it when its fully budded, only then i would take it.

but on other hand: if its bird wich pooped this seed out, then others could take it first..

dont know, do what you think is right :joint:


Active Member
moral dilemma:

I should ask my neighbors first
they say no so far
I need to say something to my landlord
what if my neighbors were lying?
what if it is someone elses weed?

what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
it's probably just a random seed that someone tossed along with the stems. Don't ask anyone if it's theirs, it's yours! Nuture it and harvest it when the time comes!