Chaka's Doing Me Dirty! 1600 watt Headband

I know its only been a day but with a flash again? This fuckin guy just won't stop posting his sheeeeeeit! Not Headband day 50!




They look real good bro! I am very proud of you and hope you LOVE the FFOF! I am also amazed on how they finish so fast for you; but took me 70 Days to finish them. Maybe its your ballast? WHatever it is figure it out cause there are a couple of 14 week Sativas I would like to finish in 9 weeks!

I just got back from up North, I was trimming up there and used a trimming machine! I cringed every time we put bud in there. I prefer hand trimming then that Death Machine!

You ready to sample some Cherry Pie????

Keep up the good work Chaka-laka!

I'm waiting for the day when cannabis will be grown in full-par bio-luminescent biotic fluid that is impervious to molds, mildews & pests, and is infused with varied strata of microbes that process their environment based on the plants needs by creating exactly perfect amounts of nutrients, oxygenating the fluid in the rootzone with perfect amounts of oxygen, both based on biofeedback properties of the fluid and microbes, and then microbes of a lower specific gravity above them would convert the Oxygen to CO2 for the rest of the plant and then collect the Oxygen at the top of the fluid to re-infuse at the bottom of the tank for recycling.
Then, come harvest time, the microbes form strategic alliances and develop Weapons of Nano Destruction and wage war on each other, destroying the small stems where the buds attach to branches and where leaves attach to stems (neatly stacking & storing said leaves for convenient hash processing, and stems for composting).
When all buds are separated, and the microbes have killed each other off, the buds dry (the biotic fluid absorbs 38% of all moisture) and cure, in situ, to protect from mold & mildews until the biotic fluid is drained & strained to collect any errant THC heads lost as collateral damage in "The Microbe War To End All Microbe Wars" and make pure bubble with.
The biotic fluid is actually a "canna-phobic" fluid and no traces remain on the plant or cannabanoids once the growth tank is drained.
Just my wild imagination...
... or IS it!?


You sir just gave my brain a roller coaster ride for the ages!!! Thank you! Sorry for the interrupt, carry on with your bad selves!
I pulled some leaves last night to check trics under a scope, they were more clear than I thought they would be. I'll check them again on Saturday which is the proposed chop day and who knows, I may let them go longer yet.
You know I've heard of RSO years ago, Rick Simpson Oil. Never really looked into, just figured it was like any other oil and it pretty much is. But what I did find funny was his method for making it. 1. His preferred solvent is naphtha... ok thats paint thinner and I wouldn't be fucking with that no way no how. I'll use ISO or Everclear over that shit any day. Then his instructions for cooking it off are to use a rice cooker and goes into the details about how the cooker will automatically drop the temps when they get too high etc. Ok thats weird, is every rice cooker is the same? No. What temp is it at? How bout some hard temps in fahrenheit? You'd think he would have it somewhat more refined by now. This is just some old dude that didnt even get into weed until 2003 and he really doesn't know shit about what he's doing IMO. I really lost any hope for "his" process when he went so far to say that even if you don't get 100% of the solvent out, its ok cuz the cannabis oil will neutralize it? The fuck?! Says who?? That was just about the dumbest thing in the world to hear him say.

I do want to make some oil for myself to ingest which is why I started looking into his method but thanks, I'll do it my own way!
Heres where I am; what I think I know about weed. THC has to be heated to become psychoactive. Thats why to get high you either burn it, or eat it in something that has been heated (de-carbed)

So what I want to know, and have never seen much info about. I don't "think" thc and cbd's would need to be psychoactive to provide the same health benefits if ingested orally or topically. In theory you should be able to make a batch of solvent extracted oil without heat that when ingested will not get you high. This is what I'm looking to do. Im aiming to help my blood sugar level along with the myriad of other health benefits that cannabis can provide without getting high. The quantities I want to consume would be far too much for a mere mortal if it were psychoactive and I also want something I can take all day long. Then I also wonder, can this same non psychoactive oil possibly still provide anti-inflammatory and pain relieving qualities? I'd think maybe? People talk about juicing leaves, but theres little to no trichomes on them so if they are beneficial I feel its in a different way than consuming trichomes.

You're thinking why the fuck would you not want to get high?! Well, I don't all the time. I'm not a stoner and I'm truly looking to use it as medicine. Theres a time and place for it recreationally and my tolerance is so low that when I do partake its in minute quantities. I need to really bump up my intake to really gain the benefits from it. If I could consume a gram a day of oil and get the benefits without the high I'll be all over it. Since theres no research behind it all, all I can do is make some and see how it goes. Or if someone knows a site or has more information about these specifics feel free to share.
nice plants bro, im likeing the bud to leaf ratio on ur headband, looks like a decent yield, i see ur useing 5 gallon buckets which seems to be getting her done, shit looks super dank
i was reading thru ur thread i missed it are u topping or fimming or supercropping, i like the way they bushed out very nice my friend i never smoke headband i live on the east coast and shit is limited im going to have to get me some beans who do u recomended as a breeder for the headband, i do an ebb and flow table and i packed shit in tight so i only fim once but i would like to do fewer plants and more topping or fimming and get alot of top colas, thanks bro, love that garage setup thats where i grow to, a 2 car garage i use a 5x8 area
It was a clone from a guy in san diego, it was questionable by Emily if it was labeled correctly though so I call it Not Headband. I top first. Then about 10 days later I'll FIM whatever looks do-able again. Its a toss up with fimming and topping cuz sometimes the FIM fucks up and shit just grows kinda retarded for awhile and you end up with nothing new. Topping at least guarantees the split. Its a chance worth taking I think. I have another cut of headband waiting to go from another part of the state, breeder unknown so it will be interesting to see if they're similar.

I love my garage space. Its small but the fact the old lady even agreed to it was amazing. I'm taking 1/3 of one space in a 3 car and I tease her that I'm going to expand it out to take the full space (although Im not kidding!) I don't like tents at all and dealing with zippers n shit.
Chaka you need to look into juicing the raw buds, or just try it I suppose. I'd have to dig up the articles, but people are talking about huge medical benefits with no high because there has been no heating or decarb that happens. Thus the idea is you can consume much larger amounts of cannabinoids without tripping balls all day.
It was a clone from a guy in san diego, it was questionable by Emily if it was labeled correctly though so I call it Not Headband. I top first. Then about 10 days later I'll FIM whatever looks do-able again. Its a toss up with fimming and topping cuz sometimes the FIM fucks up and shit just grows kinda retarded for awhile and you end up with nothing new. Topping at least guarantees the split. Its a chance worth taking I think. I have another cut of headband waiting to go from another part of the state, breeder unknown so it will be interesting to see if they're similar.

I love my garage space. Its small but the fact the old lady even agreed to it was amazing. I'm taking 1/3 of one space in a 3 car and I tease her that I'm going to expand it out to take the full space (although Im not kidding!) I don't like tents at all and dealing with zippers n shit.

That's exactly how I started. 1/3 of the 1 car garage of a 3 car garage. Build it out, take the whole thing. :)
Chaka you need to look into juicing the raw buds, or just try it I suppose. I'd have to dig up the articles, but people are talking about huge medical benefits with no high because there has been no heating or decarb that happens. Thus the idea is you can consume much larger amounts of cannabinoids without tripping balls all day.

What TC said ^

You really would be best off by consuming it raw daily. Seems to me it will be a goliath industry branching off of canna legalization along with hemp too. From what Iv read/watched its is an essential daily dietary tool. This in combination with hemp seed/oil will make for one healthy mofo! It doesn't like heal you directly but rather helps your body fix itself and when nothing needs fixing it helps your body to operate optimally,,, helping all of your organs to communicate with each other through the endocannabinoid system.
Hemp protein is rocket fuel. Probably best mixed with other food because it'd very bland and earthy lol! Expect whiping your ass and seeing the same texture bahahaha
I like the "not headband" moniker that you have adopted. Bro, I have been dealing with trying to get a true headband going for about 2 years. I have to make about a 400 mile drive to obtain clones. Long, long story short, every single time the "headband clones" that I get are NOT headband.... I call them "fake headband", but I like your "not headband" better... Hell, I even tried 3 different "headband" seeds: 818 headband--which out of a 5 pack, not one was "headband" to me at all, HSO's headband which was even worse than the 818 headband, and Reserva Privada's headband, which 4/5 hermed and the last one was a straight up fail plant. I want to try Dr. Greenthumbs headband, which is a new release. Sorry about the wall of text, the quick reply box will not let me use the enter key to start a new paragraph....