Dmt Panic Attack

Hi there,

So I have recently obtained some dmt and over the last month have been experimenting with different doses. Most my experiences where very positive and I even managed to have one breakthrough experience that words can simply not describe. Anyway the other day i recrystalized the off yellow powder i had and came out with a little more than half of what i had befor. But instead of off yellow powder it is now more white and crystaline looking. Which brings my real question. I have been dignosed with anxiety and have had a few panic attacks but nothing really close to what I experienced the other day. I may note that i had ingested mulitpule coffee drinks in the day (coffee has been known to trigger panic attacks in some people) anyway I loaded up about half of what I took to achive my breakthrough I had (just to get my feet wet with the recrystalized dmt) with some weed. Sitting on my back porch i inhaled to whole dose in one hit of my bong and laydown feeling the effects of the drug imediatly. the first few mins where good but then as I started to come back towards baseline the "fear" began to set in. with in a few seconds i was having a full blown panic attack. my heart started to race, i felt the sence of impending doom/death, feelings of dizzeness just to name a few. i began rushing around still some what tripping trying to put on shoes and a coat to go on a walk to try and escape the panic. what felt like an eternity only lasted maybe 10 mins and i was back to normal. Comming down off my breakthrough i experienced a little bit of panic but nothing i couldnt handle like this. So im wondering what your guys thoughts where. was it my brain telling me i need to confront some thoughts that i dont want to, or was my sensitivity to caffeine what caused it. I have also heard of low doses triggering panic in some people and are not as near as plesent as a full blown dmt trip. Anyway Id love anyones insight into what i just experienced thanks very much.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't sound like it was very pleasant. I'm not one to impart profound phychoanalytic meaning to a psychedelic experience. I've never used dmt but have at least 30 LSD trips and even more mushroom trips behind me. I did have what I would call a bad trip, where I became excessively anxious over events that were happening in my real life. Things got blown out of proportion in my head.

I would suggest that you wait a good while before taking any DMT. Your current state of worry over the possibility of an anxiety attack might be enough to actually become a self fulfilling prophecy.

So wait till that worry has fallen into the past and be sure that all sources of possible anxiety are eliminated. No coffee, maybe a short fast, and approach it with a little more reverence then normal and you should have the best chance of a successful trip.


Well-Known Member
you need to do what I do. you need to smoke a joint . and take half a hit if you will then wait 10 minits. you will bypass that little panic buzz . and 10 minits later another small hit. then again. and again. you can bypass that nasty panic buzz this way and get right to the buzz you are looking for . this is the only way I smoke it. don't get me wrong I will get higher then fuck. but if you smoke it all at once. all the chemistry in your brain is changing all at once . it can be a nasty feeling. I do some experimenting as well I mixed 20 different strands before in a blunt . we shared it. and the end results . holy shit. we were on the porch one night .4 of us. we could swear luke sky walker was fighting .dark vador with there life savors for hours. best buzz from weed we ever had. we still talk about it years later. all that was out there was a couple trees a garage light . but to all of us same watching the battle go on. lol


Well-Known Member
panic attacks can strike anytime I think it was more a circumstance...I find DMT relaxing.I don't see how it couldcreate a panic attack...


Well-Known Member
Freaking out is a possibility with psychedelics. Having a lot of caffeine in your system probably didn't help either.


Well-Known Member
I smoked DMT for breakfast at 9 a.m. Yesterday..better than any coffee haha!
He just said its a possibility, lol some people can handle more than others.
For example some go to the bong when they are still wiping the sleep outta their eyes;
I gotta wake up first :P


Well-Known Member
LOL, its not funny, but when you look back on it then it kinda is.. I did dmt once, one time, and I will never do it again.. it gave me a panic attack from hell, I thought i was dying and i went to the sink and tried drinking out of the faucet cause i thought it would help me get oxygen into my system, lol.. i dunno.. i saw the future and the past right in front of me, and everything made sense for a split second, then i came down and thats when the bad shit started happening..


Well-Known Member
I'm a little cautious about trying DMT. Have heard quite a few stories where people have freaked out. I've tripped on Shrooms MANY times, and only had a near-panic attack a couple of times. How much stronger is smokable DMT than a good dose of psilocybin? I understand the 2 compounds are practically the same thing, with Psilocybin having a Phosphorous molecule which is lost (de-phospohrized) upon ingestion. Thanks -


Well-Known Member
There's also an O on the 4 position of the ring which greatly alters the experience.
DMT can be very intense but if you've handled strong trips on other psychedelics you'll be fine. Just relax and let go.


Well-Known Member
It can and will happen with the deemsters like someone said the coffee probably didn't time dusting I had the fear grab me almost blew into a panic attack but I just held on and recognized the emotion and let it pass its all you can do....also I find with any psych if you take threshold doses you stand a higher chance for some anxiety...but I still love small hits of dmt just about anytime breakthroughs are for special occasions take it easy