Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Gracias sir. You guys ever wish you were born in a different time? Watching back to the future and I wonder if I would of enjoyed a different life time. As long as I can be the the woman I'm with now . Could imagine her all hairy legged and pusssy hair all crazy. No toilet paper to wipe your ass and damn it's so easy to do suit now in days . Can't make a fast meal back in the day lol
Gracias sir. You guys ever wish you were born in a different time? Watching back to the future and I wonder if I would of enjoyed a different life time. As long as I can be the the woman I'm with now . Could imagine her all hairy legged and pusssy hair all crazy. lol

Sounds like the 70's! :joint:Myco
Hey everyone, I need to get a reservoir to feed my plants.
Can I use a 30 gal plastic barrel for my tea and regular waterings? Also, if I were to build a stand to elevate the barrel, could I put a drain in the bottom of the barrel and avoid having to use a submersible pump to power the hose?
Hey everyone, I need to get a reservoir to feed my plants.
Can I use a 30 gal plastic barrel for my tea and regular waterings? Also, if I were to build a stand to elevate the barrel, could I put a drain in the bottom of the barrel and avoid having to use a submersible pump to power the hose?

How long will your system take to drain to the pots? Tea's need to be aerated or bacteria takes over or some shit. Somebody smart will come along and give you a better response. Wanna fight for username?
Hey everyone, I need to get a reservoir to feed my plants.
Can I use a 30 gal plastic barrel for my tea and regular waterings? Also, if I were to build a stand to elevate the barrel, could I put a drain in the bottom of the barrel and avoid having to use a submersible pump to power the hose?

What type of teas, and how long would these teas potentially stand for?
Wow. I think I'm gay now. Oh well. Due to recent events in my life what the fuck?:joint:

Ha, the old catch22. I find these two reactions to be the norm when dealing with women. Dudes either look for ANOTHER one (problems x2 wtf), or totally lose interest. I don't think too many people realize what it means to truly lose interest. Not a nice feeling. Takes some serious thinking to turn around. Thinking of you bud.
Did your ex say that gandalf, or did she just pass you off enough to say fuck woman. I mean being fat couldn't be too bad if your gay with you best friends lol just no sex for me but I'll hang out with other males and have non sex orgys. You know smoking bongs and cooking food orgys lol nothing against guys here, I have a bi friend and you would never know, thank god I've never seen him kiss a guy. Then it gets too weird for me. I'd have to follow that up with 2 girls kissing then I'd forget the whole male thing. Myco, nasty. I think of little balls of toilet paper and old cut balls in the thick hair.
I met a drop dead gorgeous Arabian chick at a theme park. She had the most beautiful bluish greenish eyes I'd ever seen through a veil. Hours later she was in the back of my SUV for a magic carpet ride. I then realized why her sexy ass was wearing a one piece with that nice of a body. She had a black panther rug from her tits to her bush!!! Couldn't even get past it without starting a fire! Thank goodness for doggy Sutra.

Gand, are there any cougar bars near you?
Gand, are there any cougar bars near you?

Not where I live. There are no stoplights in my town. I'm meeting some cool women as of late. I have two that are really into me. They are pretty wholesome though. I need to find my hot smoke friendly woman. It's very early in the game. I'll tell ex is a real bitch. Good grief. She gave a list of things she wants from the house and I said we have to agree upon things in writing through the lawyers. I was willing to give her some stuff right away. Not good enough for her though. She wants the entire list right now. I told her to fuck off and that she can't have shit now until it's 100% in writing. She is so willing to cut off her nose to spite her face. What a bitch. I really think that in time I will be way better off without her. She's a spoiled brat. She hasn't worked in 20 years and is an RN. She's leaching off her parents right now.
Sounds like you guys have women problems. Can I join in? My sweet lass is a right old geezer these days. Makes me wish I was back on the rig sometimes. Like now!! Lol.
Not where I live. There are no stoplights in my town. I'm meeting some cool women as of late. I have two that are really into me. They are pretty wholesome though. I need to find my hot smoke friendly woman. It's very early in the game. I'll tell ex is a real bitch. Good grief. She gave a list of things she wants from the house and I said we have to agree upon things in writing through the lawyers. I was willing to give her some stuff right away. Not good enough for her though. She wants the entire list right now. I told her to fuck off and that she can't have shit now until it's 100% in writing. She is so willing to cut off her nose to spite her face. What a bitch. I really think that in time I will be way better off without her. She's a spoiled brat. She hasn't worked in 20 years and is an RN. She's leaching off her parents right now.

Opposites really do attract. You have a heart, she doesn't. You're warm get the idea. I don't know how you handle the anger. She needs a reality check.
Maybe peach fuzz on the arm lol

I don't mind a bit of short fuzz. When a girl gets all weird and shaves that shit with a razor, she looks like a fuckin child down there, and it weirds me out I guess. Besides, if your nose itches when you're going down on her, you can just rub your nose on it, and you don't have to take your fingers out from where they are. Gotta think outside the box guys!?
I don't mind a bit of short fuzz. When a girl gets all weird and shaves that shit with a razor, she looks like a fuckin child down there, and it weirds me out I guess. Besides, if your nose itches when you're going down on her, you can just rub your nose on it, and you don't have to take your fingers out from where they are. Gotta think outside the box guys!?

I completely agree. I want to know I'm with a woman...not some teen. I've actually "passed out the wheel before" and almost drowned. That's what happens when you mix everything and your jaw gets tired.