NWO Takin' Shape?


New Member
Oh ok... cutting and pasting and making your own sentence is respectable now? Like, lol, there is no point talking sense to you! *Shakes head* You should try to get a job for Fox News. They would love you.
No cut and paste.........I just erased everything but what you decided to bold. I figured I could see what empassioned you. I wasn't surprised.

Whats with the name calling? wtf are you? 12??? damn dude, why must you feel the need to affix labels 24/7? I do disapprove strongly with the murder of 4,113 of our brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, and cousins. In fact i HATE that they had to die for NO REASON. I HATE that the people who LIED to get an unjustified war in Afghanistan and Iraq, are still in office, enjoying their life like they dont have American blood on thier hands. Yes i HATE that because of that lie, over 90,000 civilian Iraqis are dead, and their children are going to hate ME personally, because i am American, for the rest of their lives. And i know Ron Paul didnt have a chance. That still doesnt mean dont even try.

Cool, huh.
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Well-Known Member
No cut and paste.........I just erased everything but what you decided to bold. I figured I could see what empassioned you. I wasn't surprised.

Cool, huh.
Not at all. you took my words out of context and completely distorted everything i said. Very disrespectful.


Well-Known Member
" You take the blue pill - the story ends - you wake up in your bed & believe whatever you want to believe."


Well-Known Member
please keep on making dumb accusations proving your narrow mindedness even more, because thats obviosly the only thing your small mind can do is resort to pee wee hermanesque lines. my house is probably ALOT cleaner than yours


Well-Known Member
You guys are absolutely hilarious - listen to yourselves fighting over an opinion...lol.


Well-Known Member
My whole point is this: We, the people, are SUPPOSED to run this country. Obviously, We dont. We (americans as a whole) hate Bush, we hate congress, and its not a left or right thing, because we hate democrats too. We dont run our own country, and if we did we would have the power to change this. Talk shit about Ron Paul all you want, but there is no reason why a politician, whos only hope is to put the power of the people back into Washington, to be blacklisted like he is. Hell he raised like 4 million in one day, and most of that came from Military families. The most ever for a presidential candidate. We do not run this country... Arent we promoting Democracy to the world? Quite hypocritical dont you think?
Well said......:mrgreen:

I feel the same way......The whole RON PAUL blacklisted thing gets me pissed too.




Well-Known Member
I'm proud I don't, like, run away from my past, because it's like, a totally cool thing to do, dude. And, like, I'm proud I voted for a tax lowering, national defense hawk, when, it was like, totally necessary to do so, dude. Totally man.
I would just like to point out that you said yourself that you dropped out of highschool dude, so considering I graduated highschool a year early and was in honors classes throughout highschool and now go to college that I like am like totally like way smarter than you dude, like totally, and like you are a total douchebag, totally....so please dont try to insult my intelligence
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