I like the idea of less stomach problems, I thought you might say that. I really need to try to do an extraction next time I grow some. Any method you'd suggest that works well and safely at home. What kind of self life do the extractoins have?few stomach problems and a far more profound come on...FAR stronger in the larger dose range. I always found them to be more colorful as well.
I used iso 91 percent. it yields this yellow crud. the last time I did it was, well, a very long time ago. I did pretty much the same thing as those who do bho or ice hash with their trim. I kept all of the leavings, the aborts, the finished growth, dried it all, ground it up and extracted that. I figured that the substrate would make it weaker but it didn't. But I kneaded this sticky crap into balls mixing some flour in with it. Wrong idea. they lasted several months, then I left them out of the freezer and they went to mold. People were clamoring for them though - well, before they turned green. I figure if you did it and mixed it with v. C or some other anti oxidant and froze them you might get a realy good shelf life. again, though, this must have been 30 years ago.I like the idea of less stomach problems, I thought you might say that. I really need to try to do an extraction next time I grow some. Any method you'd suggest that works well and safely at home. What kind of self life do the extractoins have?