Billy's going to try some THC BOMB, Critical Kush, White Widow x Big Bud and Auto's

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
With the help of fellow members, Billy will get some dank medicine!

I have a lot of different strains, space options, etc - pretty much the girls needs are being met

Grow Medium - Fox Farm Happy Frog
Nutrients - Fox Farm Trio for Soil, Super Thrive for transplant, GH rapid growth, cal-mag if needed.
Lights ( current 125WCFL/600w mh for veg)
Temps 70F-75F / RH 40/50
Space? spaced out? yes.

Been having success and failures. Looking forward to a successful future and some good medicine!

I burned a lot or my girls with the 600W MH, I watered some seedlings with ph meter calibration liquid instead of the plant friendly ph down. My tap water is around 7.8 . I had one I killed during transplant, was looking at how cool the roots looks and then watched them all drop with chunks of soil to the ground. I might of even burned some of the foliage by misting them while the light was too close magnifying the water on the foliage. Anyhow, here's a few pics. Can't put a price on learning! Thanks to all who participate.

I just started using jump start to help with germ and seedlings. cold where I am, I actually have my 600w on 24/0 in my veg room to keep it warm, also have auto's in there, who love it. 18/6 or 20/4 is not an option :p . Jump starting thc bomb, northern light auto's (do some trial transplanting) have other auto's in their homes. some freebies by delicious cotton candy, etc. Here's some piss poor pics, will upload better ones next round about.

here's two seedlings that received meter calibration solution

It was their first watering too :cry:

damaged by heat stress and calibration formula seedlings in corner


I don't mind learning with legit strains where I can get something good out of it rather then learning with bag seed (that could turn up to be god knows what). I did a few successful grows on overgrow over a decade ago and haven't done anything since. Excited with how far breeding has come - Hope you guys are having a good day and have a good weekend.:weed:

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
here's a few better pics

the big ones are 14 days old and the little ones are around a week old

I stunted the crap out of a few and the others are flourishing

here's a small white widow that retained some bad light burn - i topped her above the 2nd node, I think? I have no idea what I'm doing. lol. She had 4 nodes and had fully recovered from light burn and was curious to what would happen.

14 day old freebie royal queen flower power

critical kush #1 they both look bad :(

critical kush #2

the following's are ww x bb and royal queen critical 14 days old

they look better then the others

here's the THC bomb's coming up (been germing for 48 hours, I germ in paper towel for 24 hours then germ the rest of time in soil, usually 75% have tap roots, but all get planted)

Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy

quick fix because of cold - no reflective material here :)



Well-Known Member
Hey Billy for all the troubles youve had all looks pretty good. Im a fellow OverGrow refugee to but with no break. One thing i noticed is Happy Frog your using. Next grow buy Ocean Forest and Mix it with HP ProMix. Do your ratios different per stage of life of plants. Happy Frog works best outdoor since its a heavy soil.

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
Hey Billy for all the troubles youve had all looks pretty good. Im a fellow OverGrow refugee to but with no break. One thing i noticed is Happy Frog your using. Next grow buy Ocean Forest and Mix it with HP ProMix. Do your ratios different per stage of life of plants. Happy Frog works best outdoor since its a heavy soil.
thank you for the advice. funny thing is, where I buy my soil they ran out of happy frog so my auto's are happy frog up top where the seed is starting and fox farm ocean forest on the bottom. I was told not to start seed in FFOF that it would kill them, I've seen a lot of successful journals starting with FFOF but I was trying to play it safe so 80% of everything is Happy Frog. I am trying to learn about soil and all the amendments, it can be quite intimidating. Good to see a fellow OG'er. I had some amazing pics on there :?

They said happy frog is great for indoor and starting seeds. Not as hot as ocean forest so it would be easier on the girls. I will try the HP ProMix and Ocean Forest out, thanks again for all the help.

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
Two very inspirational threads on rollitup that I plan on executing in my journal

will be topping a lot of plants when they get to their 5th-6th node between the 2nd and 3rd inter-node (just above the 2nd node)

I have 3 AKR's going strong and a bottle of Tiresias Mist. I deff. plan on trying this out. I also have some colodial silver spray handy if needed (want to avoid using it, I don't want to turn blue)

Thanks to all those for input, feel free to criticize and point any flaws out, I'm here to perfect things ya know ;)

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
It won't let me fix my typo. Er. colloidal silver. c'mon billy.

One of these AKR's are going to give me lots of femenized beans'

fingers crossed

I will say the Tiresias mist bottle was leaking when it came in the mail. :-|


Well-Known Member
Hey man you will probably need more then 1 bottle of spray if you spray 2x per day 2 weeks before bloom and 2 weeks into bloom. I go through 10-12oz of CS per plant to turn the girls to boys. On the mixing of soils, HP promix is used as a base with no nutrients in the mix. So the HP:FFOF ratios look like this, Seedlings i mix 20:1 , Veg stage 3:1, Bloom 1:1 ratios. Dont feed anything until a week or so into bloom with this mix cause the FFOF has what the girls need in it already. You will find they really love the CalMag in bloom to.

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
Hey man you will probably need more then 1 bottle of spray if you spray 2x per day 2 weeks before bloom and 2 weeks into bloom. I go through 10-12oz of CS per plant to turn the girls to boys. On the mixing of soils, HP promix is used as a base with no nutrients in the mix. So the HP:FFOF ratios look like this, Seedlings i mix 20:1 , Veg stage 3:1, Bloom 1:1 ratios. Dont feed anything until a week or so into bloom with this mix cause the FFOF has what the girls need in it already. You will find they really love the CalMag in bloom to.
sweet man, thanks for the tips, will give it a shot next round about. Will be picking up some more spray as well

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
THC bomb's are coming up nicely, so are the delicious seeds cotton candy and chronic juice

piece of crap 125 watt cfl - going for T5 HO 4'ers next time

other veg bulb has some nice red to it

northern lights auto, will be cutting out bottom of cup and doing diff. transplanting methods as experiments.

veg room, 15 day old baby girls - room is at 75F/47RH


silver kush poisoned by ph meter calibration solution :(
here's all of them in the corner, silver kush seems to just got the worst of it.

here's a white widow x big bud that I topped, curious to see how it goes.

Subbed. Good job boys. Nice choice with the thc bpmb. I love the bomb seeds line. Next time think about getting the big bomb. It doesn't give you the purple hue but it increases yeild and from my experience pest and bug resistance. I only run their seed line now because I fell in love. Working on some new cluster bombs in a sick undercurrent. Going for a hp to p a plant which isn't that hard with their line. Damn im starting to sound like a seed rep but I just love them. What are the specs on your grow rooms?