Anyone use Barricade by advanced nutrients?


Well-Known Member
I just picked some up and ive been doing some reading on it. sounds really good. im a little mixed up on how much to use. it also says to spray on soil... is that true or can i just add it to my water. im doing a soil grow. also how often should i use it. i read on the advanced site, that they recommend it when using nutrients.

i just wanted to see if anyone on here uses it and can help guid me in the right direction.



Well-Known Member
im going to start, but the label is confusing on how much to use. i just bought it.

The label reads: mix 15-30ml per litre(1-2 tbsp per quart) of water or nutrient solution and spray onto soil at the rate 2-4 quarts of mixed solution per 3x3 meters(10x10 feet) area prior to tilling.

can you make sense of that? i have 12 1 gal pots.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
A little goes a long way----it is best to use it as a ph-up. ( I bring my ph-up to 6.3 with the stuff every time i use nutes-----about 1ml/gallon) Good soils such as FFOF have it in them already so only small maintenance doses throughout the grow are needed. There are some good benefits to its use-----


Well-Known Member
A little goes a long way----it is best to use it as a ph-up. ( I bring my ph-up to 6.3 with the stuff every time i use nutes-----about 1ml/gallon) Good soils such as FFOF have it in them already so only small maintenance doses throughout the grow are needed. There are some good benefits to its use-----

thank you so much, you answered my questions. should i only use when using nutes?


Well-Known Member
You can go a bit overboard with Barricade and it won't really hurt anything, but it has the tendency to help your plants grow stronger stems. (It's basically just the stuff plants use to reinforce their structural growth.) The only disadvantage is that it can be harder to bend a plant for LST and tougher to cut through.

I've never had a problem with it, but I've heard other people say they were glad they hadn't used it more than they had, because their plants were almost "too strong".

But I'm with Dr. V on this - use it as a pH Up. Unlike regular pH Up it's actually pretty good for your plants.


Well-Known Member
when you say use to ph up... my water is usually already up and i have to lower it. should i lower it below 6.2 and then come back w the barracade, to get it to the correct ph??


Well-Known Member
when i use nutes, its usually fine. i do use tap, i let it sit out for a few days for the chlorine to evaporate. but just straight water, i have to ph down.