Mr Obama helps out persons of color.... or does he...


Well-Known Member
I'd rather talk about this with others baked...
Not understanding why this isn't against the ideas that we are one as a country...
The President take's this matter on...

Quoting Mr. Obama:
“This is an issue of national importance — it’s as important as any issue that I work on,” Mr. Obama, flanked by young men of color from his hometown of Chicago, told an audience of business leaders, philanthropists and politicians gathered at the White House. “It’s an issue that goes to the very heart of why I ran for president — because if America stands for anything, it stands for the idea of opportunity for everybody; the notion that no matter who you are, or where you came from, or the circumstances into which you are born, if you work hard, if you take responsibility

So, I consider myself [as does Vin Diesel] a person of color...
Yet, I am so white, I would not have been allowed into this meeting....
So us real light 'darkies' are left out from the president's message?

How is giving a person of color, a leg up by the president, not a racially divided issue?

He's basing his help of young men directly by the color of their skin?

This seems just another racially divisive issue...

I'm baked so that's maybe why I am over thinking this...

However... how is helping one group of the population, over another not wrong?

All young men should have been invited to kick off this President's plan... that would have shown unity...

This shows something else...

ok, first thing i'll point out, but don't you call the president, president, or president obabma, and not mr obama?? i always thought it was proper to refer to the person whom you're talking about by the highest title they received, dr who, congressman blah blah blah, president obama, etc.. just kind of shitty imo to address the prez as mr obama, he is the sitting president atm..

secondly, not once in the quote did i see him mention black people, nor white people, nor red people, or purple people.. i think you're reading a bit much into this personally..
I'd rather talk about this with others baked...
Not understanding why this isn't against the ideas that we are one as a country...
The President take's this matter on...

Quoting Mr. Obama:

So, I consider myself [as does Vin Diesel] a person of color...
Yet, I am so white, I would not have been allowed into this meeting....
So us real light 'darkies' are left out from the president's message?

How is giving a person of color, a leg up by the president, not a racially divided issue?

He's basing his help of young men directly by the color of their skin?

This seems just another racially divisive issue...

I'm baked so that's maybe why I am over thinking this...

However... how is helping one group of the population, over another not wrong?

All young men should have been invited to kick off this President's plan... that would have shown unity...

This shows something else...

Someone great once said he dreamed of his children being judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin while this president says judge by the color of their skin and ......
I'd rather talk about this with others baked...
Not understanding why this isn't against the ideas that we are one as a country...
The President take's this matter on...

Quoting Mr. Obama:

So, I consider myself [as does Vin Diesel] a person of color...
Yet, I am so white, I would not have been allowed into this meeting....
So us real light 'darkies' are left out from the president's message?

How is giving a person of color, a leg up by the president, not a racially divided issue?

He's basing his help of young men directly by the color of their skin?

This seems just another racially divisive issue...

I'm baked so that's maybe why I am over thinking this...

However... how is helping one group of the population, over another not wrong?

All young men should have been invited to kick off this President's plan... that would have shown unity...

This shows something else...


let me go ahead and put this to rest with one simple question: what government programs is obama proposing to deal with this issue of ending the racial achievement gap?
Uncle buck will be by shortly to let you know you are a bigoted racist scumbag for talking about his King that way.

go talk some more about those "urban welfare rats" and those damnable "anchor babies" while crying about how you are totally not racist, dickcheese.
Buck... Is a racist.... he see's only race issues...when it goes against his view...

Mr Obama only wanting to help 'people like himself' is racist...

Buck you are more white than I am...

What ever my President does, I expect it to be done for the overall good of everyone, not some special treatment...for people that have darker skin than I...

I don't expect you to understand...

When, one group [of people/Lawyers/Elected officials] favors another group of people due to the color pigment of my skin, or your skin [or anyone's skin] and excludes us from partaking in an event...

That is totally Racist...

If you don't see the racial undertones on this: YOU ARE A RACIST....

Ur talking shit about president obama smh im pretty sure your ass just made it on a list you dont want to be on..may god be with you!
I'd rather talk about this with others baked...
Not understanding why this isn't against the ideas that we are one as a country...
The President take's this matter on...

Quoting Mr. Obama:

So, I consider myself [as does Vin Diesel] a person of color...
Yet, I am so white, I would not have been allowed into this meeting....
So us real light 'darkies' are left out from the president's message?

How is giving a person of color, a leg up by the president, not a racially divided issue?

He's basing his help of young men directly by the color of their skin?

This seems just another racially divisive issue...

I'm baked so that's maybe why I am over thinking this...

However... how is helping one group of the population, over another not wrong?

All young men should have been invited to kick off this President's plan... that would have shown unity...

This shows something else...


You are overthinking it. All he gave black people is a nice speech and a minimum wage adjustment if you worked for the government.

Black unemployment, poverty, etc are all up.

Obama doesnt care about black people because he always knows he will get their vote no matter what. If you choose to disagree, show me some statistics that show how Obama has improved the lives of black people.

And yes, he should be concentrating on all people but that isnt who this divisive president is no matter what he campaigned on. we already have 5 years of history to prove my points.
ok i always thought it was proper to refer to the person whom you're talking about by the highest title they received

Buck... Is a racist.... he see's only race issues...when it goes against his view...

Mr Obama only wanting to help 'people like himself' is racist...

Buck you are more white than I am...

What ever my President does, I expect it to be done for the overall good of everyone, not some special treatment...for people that have darker skin than I...

I don't expect you to understand...

When, one group [of people/Lawyers/Elected officials] favors another group of people due to the color pigment of my skin, or your skin [or anyone's skin] and excludes us from partaking in an event...

That is totally Racist...

If you don't see the racial undertones on this: YOU ARE A RACIST....

too much of a pussy to answer my simple, polite, straightforward question, eh?

at least you managed to abuse the ever living shit out of some ellipses. that seems to be a popular thing among you retards.
let me go ahead and put this to rest with one simple question: what government programs is obama proposing to deal with this issue of ending the racial achievement gap?
Not Mr Obama with President powers...
Mr Obama, the Racist whom does not want to help
"ALL" this was his personal urge to further his agenda, personal opinion, that persons of color need special advancement...
That smacks of a personal racist agenda...
You do not understand because you are blindly faithfully following and loving everything Mr Obama does...
You are blind to racist that agree with your skewered views of politics...and race...

Sorry you don't get it... If a Mexican President only invited people of Hispanic descent to the white house... that would be racist...
If a White president only invited whites [Holy fuck can you even think of that]... it would be racist...
If a [person of color] President only invites persons of color... to a meeting to advance only persons of color...

Well obviously this is over your IQ Scale to understand [or way under because it's so simple]... No?
Not Mr Obama with President powers...
Mr Obama, the Racist whom does not want to help
"ALL" this was his personal urge to further his agenda, personal opinion, that persons of color need special advancement...
That smacks of a personal racist agenda...
You do not understand because you are blindly faithfully following and loving everything Mr Obama does...
You are blind to racist that agree with your skewered views of politics...and race...

Sorry you don't get it... If a Mexican President only invited people of Hispanic descent to the white house... that would be racist...
If a White president only invited whites [Holy fuck can you even think of that]... it would be racist...
If a [person of color] President only invites persons of color... to a meeting to advance only persons of color...

Well obviously this is over your IQ Scale to understand [or way under because it's so simple]... No?

you still didn't answer the simple question, just more ellipses abuse.

second question for you: what is racist about wanting to end the racial achievement gap?
you still didn't answer the simple question, just more ellipses abuse.

second question for you: what is racist about wanting to end the racial achievement gap?

Wanting to end it and promising to end it are not actions, they are words.

In his 5 years of presidency Obama has managed to make the situation for colored people FAR worse then when he took office.

It isnt racial, he doesnt give a shit about black people unless they can advance his agenda.
you still didn't answer the simple question, just more ellipses abuse.

second question for you: what is racist about wanting to end the racial achievement gap?

Because it tries to level the playing feild. And that is a danger to white privelege
Because it tries to level the playing feild. And that is a danger to white privelege

You talk about white priviledge when a half black man is in the white house. ROFLMAO!!! What does America have to do to atone for racism in your eyes??

We have a half black president, black senators, black congressmen, black athletes, black actors and actresses, black billionaires. Where the fuck is all this white privilege you point to??

Talk about blinders...