Plants growing fairly slow?


Active Member
hey everybody. I am located in massachusetts near boston. I have a plant growing outdoors. It was put out around five or six weeks ago. the only problem is, it seems very small for its age. It is between nine to twelve inches tall. Is this plant smaller than normal?



Well-Known Member
It does seem kind of small, but if the weather is cold then it slows down the growth. It looks healthy though...


New Member
could be the soil your growing in. Looks kind of heavy or swampish. This kind of soil usually tries to choke the roots out. Or makes it very difficult for the roots to grow


Active Member
could be the soil your growing in. Looks kind of heavy or swampish. This kind of soil usually tries to choke the roots out. Or makes it very difficult for the roots to grow
Actually, i dug out a large hole approximately 3 square feet and filled it with a mix of organic soil, perlite and peat moss. Afterwards i covered the mixed soil with a thin layer of the surrounding soil to us topsoil.


New Member
Actually, i dug out a large hole approximately 3 square feet and filled it with a mix of organic soil, perlite and peat moss. Afterwards i covered the mixed soil with a thin layer of the surrounding soil to us topsoil.
Oh ok, I seen the hole but it threw me for a loop whem it looked like the same soil in the

Do you know about how much direct sunlight it is getting in a day?


Well-Known Member
my plant grew as slow as yours did, its about 5 months old now started flowering... maybe its just the strain


Active Member
Oh ok, I seen the hole but it threw me for a loop whem it looked like the same soil in the

Do you know about how much direct sunlight it is getting in a day?
haha. Im not quite sure about the sunlight. The plant is surrounded only by plants about five feet tall though. Do you think I should cut some of them down or trim then shorter?

There are some large trees about 200 feet from the site though.


New Member
haha. Im not quite sure about the sunlight. The plant is surrounded only by plants about five feet tall though. Do you think I should cut some of them down or trim then shorter?

There are some large trees about 200 feet from the site though.
Well that all depends on how secure you think the area is. I wouldn't recommend cutting to much stuff, that just draws unwanted attention. But that is always an option. Sounds like the trees are far enough away that they shouldn't be shading your plants to much.

Maybe someone else has some ideas, could be genetics as stated before or just a tempermental luck! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
my plants just started growing scary amounts per day over the last 2 weeks but I'm in south central USA. I think it would help alot if you thinned the plants around yours...because it is stretched already and unless the sun is RIGHT above it, the light is getting obstructed or filtered by those other plants.

also, I think I read somewhere that there is an optimum soil temp - like 75 degrees or if your soil is still cooling at night, it would definitely slow the growth. If that's the case, I'd say mulch with some nice dark hardwood - maybe an inch so that you get all the water that comes down but you get the insulation at night & heat gathering during the day.

Good luck!


New Member
After looking at your pictures a little better, It might be a good idea to trim a little to let some more direct light on the plant...But as mentioned before dont go to crazy with the cutting unless your really not worried about your location


Well-Known Member
you know anything about the moon cycles you probably just planted it near the early or middle of waning cycle thats when the moon helps plants grow above ground then after half of a month it changes to full then to waxing cycle thats when you will not see too much of growth above ground but its growing under ground getting ready for the next waning where it blooms the above ground part of the plant mine looked like tha for a while then the stem thicken to triple its size and shot about three feet amazing but like said above could be the darn strain but u never know give it a another two weeks and see if grows any more if not get weed wacker and cut all those maple trees to the same height as your plant


Active Member
Well that all depends on how secure you think the area is. I wouldn't recommend cutting to much stuff, that just draws unwanted attention. But that is always an option. Sounds like the trees are far enough away that they shouldn't be shading your plants to much.

Maybe someone else has some ideas, could be genetics as stated before or just a tempermental luck! :blsmoke:
i appreciate the help.


Well-Known Member
if your soil had no nutes in it give it a quarter of recomended dose. it will be fine at that age with that amount if u havent given any yet