5 gallon bucket idea


New Member
So I have built a stinkbud cloner/veg out of rubbermaid, but I'm kinda concerned about having to change the res out and moving the plants to do so. So I was thinking of having the rubbermaid elevated above a 5 gallon bucket that is the res. the pump in the bucket and the water for the sprayers going into the rubbermaid through the normal pvc. This way when I change my res I just disconnect the pipe and I don't have to touch the plants. I'd have a small return line that would drain the water from the rubbermaid back to the bucket. Don't know if anyone's done this, couldn't find anything similar in the forums, but that may be from my lack of having time to read through a gazillion posts. I'm highly excited about this as it's the first grow i've been able to do since I was a teenager, The only thing I"m scared of is this becoming an obsession, but that's not too bad of a thing I guess. anyways, I'm just looking for suggestions and comments, thanks again


Well-Known Member
I think I get it, but its more complicated than it needs to be.

Did you build the cloner 1 rubbermaid? or veg unit 2 rubbermaids stacked on top of eachother?

With the veg unit you just turn the valve and it gets most. If thats not enough or you have the cloner just unplug the thing and temporarily set the lid on another rubbermaid.

- Jiji


Well-Known Member
Whhy would you need to move the plants to change the res? The cloner is designed to root cuttings and then move them to veg,I have never had to worry about it because when I change my cloner res the plants have moved to veg and cloner is empty.


New Member
Whhy would you need to move the plants to change the res? The cloner is designed to root cuttings and then move them to veg,I have never had to worry about it because when I change my cloner res the plants have moved to veg and cloner is empty.
I am only doing three plants, was going to use the cloner I built for the veg, it's the one story rubbermaid unit. I'm trying to find a way to change the veg res without moving the plants,


Well-Known Member
Run a pond pump in each tank one to the other this will also aerate the water more dissolved o2 is still needed in aero/nft
Its not aero/nft.

Running multiple pumps in a small amount of water will heat it to much.

Like I said, you can lift the lid with the plants on it and set it on another rubbermaid for the 5 minutes it takes you to clean.

- Jiji


New Member
yeah, too much , i can def take lid off, then move forward, I want to do the fence post thing for the flowering, but for the life of me i can't figure out how the water sprayed out of sprayers is drained back to res, and since superstoner1 is reading this, i wanted to say how grateful i am for the excel, especially since after having downloaded it about two weeks ago, i just found out about the three little tabs at the bottom that help with cost. super helpful and informative. and also, i wanted to say that florida is finally going to have a shot at legally producing marijuana. very much hope that this goes through


Well-Known Member

how would u describe the setup then because a Pond pump pushing sprayers sure seems like aero nft to me
Go read a book on hydroponics. He said he built the stinkbuds cloner. There's nothing nutrient film technique about it.

In the flower unit the fence posts are open on one end and its tilted to the reservoir.

I've used them but didn't like them. There are some major flaws in my opinion on the flower units. YMMV

- Jiji


New Member
okay, so the posts just drain open like back into the res? has anyone found a more closed way to get the water back to the res? I was thinking just another piece of pvc, but it's difficult to get it flush and not leak. any other ideas?


New Member
yeah, still slowly going through your (superstoner1) three stages of flower thread. i've got to stop a small stretching issue today, 8 days in so far and everyone looks good. gonna go today to get some nutes, want to make some of the light strength of what's in the xl. The nutes have gone up a bit in price since that came out. I"ll post a picture later after i fix the stretching.


New Member
btw, they are two heavy weight fruit punch, and one freebie, think it's like strawberry fruit punch or somesuch, from herbies, very good service with them also.


Well-Known Member
i use 2 rubbermaid bins and just lift the lid and place it on the 2nd while i do res change/clean/etc.


New Member
I am at 10 days, girls are still looking okay, i got some ph stuff today and lowered the ph to about six i think(using the drops, going to get meter next week i think) i wanted to get superstoner's nutes, but was a little strapped for dough(wife had me do some work round house, lowered my fundage) so I went with some general hydroponics stuff, i want to know what i should look for as a time frame to start adding nutes? Just a bit of a run down, stinkbud cloner diy, t5 lights, 80 seconds, 8 minutes, fan, mylar reflector, let me know if i should add something or remove something, thanks for the help


New Member
20140314_081857.jpg 17 days from seed planting, got some nute+acid burn on the strawberry, i didn't read the directions for the phosphoric acid properly. it's tea spoons, or mls, not just a little pour. I had the indicator fluid, and had spilled a little and all of a sudden everything was orange! Made the res way to acidic. So cleaned out, changed water, and added a 1/4 dose of nutes, i think only the berry got burned because that's the closest place to the where i poured in nutes, next time i change, which will be tmrw, i'll be mixing nutes in water prior to addition of plants. Roots look good, very white, I'm starting to look around at all the different directions people have gone with the who aerocloner spray system. (not going to get into what's low vs high pressure) and it's really cool. Looking forward to building a flower system in the next week or so. any suggestions on the nute/acid burn would be appreciated, i read some people say that early on it's cool, maybe just trim the burned part as plant gets larger.


New Member

OKay, so we're about 20 days from seed, changed res out yesterday, little more nutes, ppm is at 468 ph is at 5.8, i'm getting some wiltage on the biggest of the three and a little burn on the plant to the left as you look at the picture. Not sure what the wiltage is from, yesterday when i changed the res i set the plants on the rim of the bathtub so that the roots would hang and not be held up, it took me about 30 minutes to clean, nute, and ph the rest before plants got back into solution, they got a little wilted, two came back completely, one(as you can see) hasn't come back all together. IF anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I could really use them.
