The Dawgs 600 Watt SGS-160 Grow

What up Brother Dawg. You have inspired me and I am attempting to pull one elbow of pure nugs (no trim included) from one plant (LSD) and one light (A-240). Even if I get half I will consider it a success. Thanks again for turning me on to A-51 almost two years ago. It's been a great ride.
holy piss rip^ whats the total draw on the 240? Glad you spoke up about the 2012 models, you should record that shit...
Alright Dawg, help make me a believer in the SGS and show what you can rock.
Welcome Brother OddJob.You Got It Brother Also Look For My Next 2x4 Grow.I Will Be Featuring The Xgs All White Led Panel.:weed:

Flyhi has great organic knowledge too.. I don't know if he ever ran hydro before.. With organics he has been able to experiment in areas I'm not able to for lack of space.. He is able to grow tons of botanicals and make nutrient tea's from them and make his own lacto-bacilluss. Fly hi has even helped me along in those areas too... I am still trying to find out what I can.. the problem with teas in hydro aside from slime is the clogging of pumps and and tubing. Quite a bit of straining teas ....

The nectar for the gods is not organic.. even the threads for it in the organic section, those people say its not organic either. Right now I'm thinking maybe aquaponics... but netpots would need to be filled with soil to get the minerals that would be missing from fish poop and uria. Use larger netpots too.


My one buddy got back to me. He says he uses flora nova and floralicious from gen hydro. I personally don't like GH / GO . They are a shady company the tends to lie about their products..
Brother Hyroot Beside's Area-51 I Have Found That They All Tell Porky Pies About Their Products.Thanks Brother Im Goning To Pass On The Floralicious And Bio/Root.Now Im Not Going To Split Hairs With The Organic Ppl,Howerver When I See A Product That Say's Bone Meal,Bat Gauano,Bird Feather Meal,Blood Meal.That My Brother To Me Is Orgainc

Thank you for the links brother Dawg! I didn't know it was such a heavy subject. I'll check it out though!

I had some root slime at the end of my current grow, but I think I killed it with H2O2. Is it really bad to use that stuff? I know it kills all the beneficial microbes if any are there. I try to just avoid getting the slime in the first place by keeping the res covered and clean.
I Hear Ya Brother.I Dont know Why It Has To Be That Way I Mean Damn Ppl We GROW A Flower Thats Supposed To Chill Ya Out And Besides Thiers More Than 1 Way To Skin A Cat.You Should Have Seen The Pm's Telling Me I Couldnt Run Flora Nova With An EWC Tea.My Moto Is You Can Do Anything You Want All You Have To Do Is Be Willing To Try
Aquaponics with Flowering Plants? Big things are not fudgin your PH adding shit... or adding shit that F with the fish in general... too high tds... if you can pull it off, let me know! someone with super organic know how needs to give it a try! erhem... root, fly... even carpet muncher..
Yes Brother Scotch You Can row Plants with FishWater.Hell The Chineese Were Doing It In The 12th Century I Think.

Subbed up

I heard this was gonna surpass
in our mythology the mud shark. :eek:

Ill start at the beginning and catch up.
Don't wait for me I'm like a cockroach
I'm back.
Welcome Brother Charface.You Must Know The Charming Mary From Conaga Park.You Know She Will Do Anything For 50 Bucks
What up Brother Dawg. You have inspired me and I am attempting to pull one elbow of pure nugs (no trim included) from one plant (LSD) and one light (A-240). Even if I get half I will consider it a success. Thanks again for turning me on to A-51 almost two years ago. It's been a great ride.
Well I Was A Wondering Where You Went To Brother.I Will Be watching For The Magical Elbow Tour Featuring The 2012 A-240 Diva.

holy piss rip^ whats the total draw on the 240? Glad you spoke up about the 2012 models, you should record that shit...
Hey Brother Scotch The A-240 Is 450 Watts
Sorry DAWG not to thread jack, just in response to the comment you made to daveroller. I would say H202 is both good and bad, like mostly everything else in this world. If you are using just standard peroxide like you would use on a scrap you'll be fine if you don't over do it, I think I was using like 15mL or /gal to take care of pythium. The reason people will say it's bad because in excess it is just that and that's the fixation. peroxide introduces oxygen radicals, oxygen radicals are extremely reactive and actively oxidize things. That to some extent is good at the root zone but bad to the tissue that really has no use for oxygen. It's a balancing act as well. Though as regards to the beneficial microbes depends on the system no, it will not kill them all. Got to remember you are talking to a lot of people with no true microbiology experience or background. Some yes. Most? Not at all. At lot could tell you that then if you asked them what a catalase positive organism is they would be clueless. If you are unaware, no judging if you are, catalase is the enzyme some microbes possess to break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Doesn't kill it at all. Example, if you have some decent finger nails go pour a little hydrogen peroxide in the palm of you hand then submerge the fingernail tips of your other hand. Most likely if you look closely you will see some slight bubbles raising up from under your nail. That is catalase positive organisms breaking it down.

And while not MJ. Mycorrhiza has been shown to have an impact on taking care of oxygen radicals like those of H202. Just as an example. So just take it for food for thought. Like I said it can be both good and bad depending how, when, and/or why it's used.
Sorry DAWG not to thread jack, just in response to the comment you made to daveroller. I would say H202 is both good and bad, like mostly everything else in this world. If you are using just standard peroxide like you would use on a scrap you'll be fine if you don't over do it, I think I was using like 15mL or /gal to take care of pythium. The reason people will say it's bad because in excess it is just that and that's the fixation. peroxide introduces oxygen radicals, oxygen radicals are extremely reactive and actively oxidize things. That to some extent is good at the root zone but bad to the tissue that really has no use for oxygen. It's a balancing act as well. Though as regards to the beneficial microbes depends on the system no, it will not kill them all. Got to remember you are talking to a lot of people with no true microbiology experience or background. Some yes. Most? Not at all. At lot could tell you that then if you asked them what a catalase positive organism is they would be clueless. If you are unaware, no judging if you are, catalase is the enzyme some microbes possess to break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Doesn't kill it at all. Example, if you have some decent finger nails go pour a little hydrogen peroxide in the palm of you hand then submerge the fingernail tips of your other hand. Most likely if you look closely you will see some slight bubbles raising up from under your nail. That is catalase positive organisms breaking it down.

And while not MJ. Mycorrhiza has been shown to have an impact on taking care of oxygen radicals like those of H202. Just as an example. So just take it for food for thought. Like I said it can be both good and bad depending how, when, and/or why it's used.

Thank You Brother Skunky For The Great Post And I Agree Whole Heartly With Ya On The Subject Of h202.I MySelf Prefer To Run An Ewc Tea And I Add Mycorrhiza For The Exact Reason You Stated Above.No I Dont Have A Science Degree But When I Do My Research I Spend Alot Of Time Reading Collage Journals For Non Bias Opinons(Im Into Fact Not Fiction)I Cracked Up and Almost Spewed Coffee On My Monitor When I Read Your Anology On Catalase Positive Organisms.It Reminded Me Of An Incident This Sumnmer Where 1 Of My Helpers Cut His Hand.I Poured Hydrogen Proxcide On It And He Freaked Out On the Bubbles.I Mean screaming Like A Little Girl Claiming I Pour Acid On Him Lmao :weed:
LMAO That's awesome Brother Dawg. So funny he thought that.

Now with that light since you have the meter and all. What are you getting dead center of the lamp at that height? Just curious because I've yet to spring for a light meter though I keep meaning to borrow one from a co-worker. Trying to see variation from the data on the a51 website.
I Will Take Center Pics For Ya Brother Skunky Just Remeber That Area-51 Uses A Spectral Radiometer And My Apogee Meter Only Reads 400 To 700nm
Thank You Brother Skunky For The Great Post And I Agree Whole Heartly With Ya On The Subject Of h202.I MySelf Prefer To Run An Ewc Tea And I Add Mycorrhiza For The Exact Reason You Stated Above.No I Dont Have A Science Degree But When I Do My Research I Spend Alot Of Time Reading Collage Journals For Non Bias Opinons(Im Into Fact Not Fiction)I Cracked Up and Almost Spewed Coffee On My Monitor When I Read Your Anology On Catalase Positive Organisms.It Reminded Me Of An Incident This Sumnmer Where 1 Of My Helpers Cut His Hand.I Poured Hydrogen Proxcide On It And He Freaked Out On the Bubbles.I Mean screaming Like A Little Girl Claiming I Pour Acid On Him Lmao :weed:

Thanks a lot for all the info on h2o2, guys! I only use it in emergencies to get rid of the brown snot. Only happened twice in 7 grows so far.

I never heard why the bubbles until now! Interesting. Geez, I never even cried about it when I was a little shit.
Whats Up Time To Update Yall On Da 4x4 And What Not's.I Went To Mix Up Some New Nutes For My Res Change And Out From The Bottle Of Silica Blast Fell A Blob Of Congeled Silica Ewwwwwwww Nasty.So I Said Fuck This Shit,Im No Longer Using Slica Blast Nor Cal/Mag.I Replaced Them Both With Some Organics From Nectar For The God's Along Side With My Revamped Tea Formula And My Flora Nova Series.
My New Recipe Is
1 Teaspoon Of Herculean Harvest Which Is A Liquid Bone Meal 0-10-0
1 Teaspoon Of Demeters Destiny Which Is A Liquid Calcium 0-0.5-0
Then I Add My Flora Nova To My Desired Ppm Numbers
My New Tea Recipe Is
2 Gallons Of R/O Water
1 Small Plam Of Acient Forest
3/4 Teaspoon Of Unsulfered Molasses
30 Ml AquaShield
1/2 Teaspoon Of Mykos
I Brew Tea For 48 Hours Adding The Mykos About 6 Hours Before Draining.The Reason I Wait On The Mykos Is Were Not Breeding Them Just Softening Them Up So They Can Do Their Magic When They Hit The Root Zone.Thats When They Become Active
tea recipe 001 (800x533).jpgtea recipe 002 (533x800).jpgtea recipe 003 (800x533).jpgtea recipe 004 (533x800).jpg tea recipe 005 (800x533).jpgtea recipe 006 (533x800).jpgtea recipe 007 (800x533).jpgtea recipe 009 (800x533).jpg

Now For My Sexy Azz Ladies :hump:

4x4 Week3 Day 4 Of Veg 003 (533x800).jpg4x4 Week3 Day 4 Of Veg 002 (533x800).jpg4x4 Week3 Day 4 Of Veg 001 (800x533).jpg4x4 Week3 Day 4 Of Veg 004 (533x800).jpg 4x4 Week3 Day 4 Of Veg 006 (800x533).jpg4x4 Week3 Day 4 Of Veg 005 (800x533).jpg4x4 Week3 Day 4 Of Veg 007 (800x533).jpg

Organic Grow Week 1 Day 5 Of Veg 003 (533x800) (533x800).jpgOrganic Grow Week 1 Day 5 Of Veg 002 (533x800) (533x800).jpgIngredients:

Calcium phosphate

Product Evolution:
Also known as Liquid Calcium by Harvest Moon.

Many production problems originate with too much nitrogen and potassium and not enough available calcium and phosphate. Calcium is the “queen-king” of all nutrients, aiding enzymatic action, feeding soil microbes, improving nutrient availability and cell wall integrity, encouraging solid stem growth (vs. hollow in a calcium-deficient situation) and preventing stem breakage. Calcium promotes smooth, sweet, aromatic produce, and generally leads to healthier, more vigorous growth.

Demeter’s Destiny is Nectar for the Gods’ answer to correcting and preventing deficiencies. This special blend offers microbes and root systems balanced forms of calcium, which help to carry all nutrients into the plant except for nitrogen and potassium, including magnesium. Most fertilizers deliver nutrients via a nitrate. Calcium delivery means nutrients are more accessible to your plant, and less likely to be locked out.
Damn Its Been A While Since I Updated This Grow.Everything Is On Track With No Issues Since Switching To The Herculean Harvest and Demeters Destiny.I Will Say This Herculean Harvest Better Deliver For The Price Its Costing Me Per Grow.I Lowered My Light Schedule To 16/8 And Next Week I Will Lower It To 14-10.Im Going To Top Her After The 6th Node This Will Allow Me To Veg A Week Longer. :weed:

As Always Right To Left Is My BlueBerry HeadBand Followed My My Very Sexy Power Skunks.:hump:
4x4 Week 4 Day 3 Of Veg 011 (800x533).jpg4x4 Week 4 Day 3 Of Veg 012 (533x800).jpg4x4 Week 4 Day 3 Of Veg 013 (533x800).jpg4x4 Week 4 Day 3 Of Veg 014 (533x800).jpg 4x4 Week 4 Day 3 Of Veg 015 (533x800).jpg4x4 Week 4 Day 3 Of Veg 016 (800x533).jpg4x4 Week 4 Day 3 Of Veg 017 (800x533).jpg

Root Porn Provided By PowerSkunks #3 And #1
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Your plants need more nutes, I use a chart to tell me based on leaf color usually the lighter colored the leaf shows the plant is hungry.
Your plants need more nutes, I use a chart to tell me based on leaf color usually the lighter colored the leaf shows the plant is hungry.
They look fine from what I see, and the healthy ass roots are a lil more indicative of nute def, think they just look funny because of the led lights. Following this one, dirt guy myself but these panels have me interested and if you get 8 a plant that is a big decision maker *obviously results may vary*