Do I need to buy your guy's tickets lol.
Looking good flaming.
Well that sucks that you guys can't come. Do I need to buy your guy's tickets lol.
hell 3 inches across i think?
Next time i could take a picture of it next to my face. Would that help?
It's just a planning thing. Plus if I am going I would want to have several hundred set aside for food and souvineers.
....Now I want to start looking up hotels..
Put a bass guitar on layaway at a pawn shop today. They had it priced too low. I'm stoked.
Brian Moore iM 4 string beauty. This is the closest model I could find to the one I got. Has active pickups and a midi out port. $400. Woot!
Pie its funny u say that. We trim and say this is a big dick all day long lol
one persons trash is another person treasure.............or something like that.I've never been one to sell stuff. I'm more the buyer. Just the past couple years have I started to let things go. It's hard but it feels good to not have so much junk around. Plus it's cool to have people pay me for things I don't use anymore anyways.
one persons trash is another person treasure.............or something like that.
Giggles. Its March.
Well on the brite side. At the cup i bought food and drinks. Erryyhing else was free. View attachment 3011398