Medicating by suppository


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

I received a report by a medical marijuana user about his experience with using medical marijuana as a suppository. I wanted to see if any of you have ever tried it or do you know anyone who has? And if so did you find it a effective way to medicate? From what I have heard its a very fast delivery method but the high you get is different.

Personally, I rather vaporize it or make edibles. Don't think I would try this. If you haven't tried it would you?

If your curious as to what his experience was like you can read the article here


Well-Known Member
The Cannabis Suppository Experience.....twicebaked in Washington

Posted February 13, 2014 by TwiceBaked in Washington in Using Medicinal Cannabis

When I was first told about being able to take cannabis in suppository form I think I shook my head and asked why the hell would anybody want to medicate that way? Well, it turns out that all sorts of people use suppositories for good reason, because they work.

Cannabis suppositories bypass the liver and are absorbed into the bloodstream quickly by thousands of nerve endings in the colon and rectum walls. They don’t give you the same euphoria as is experienced when you inhale or eat your cannabis and they provide hours of relief for physical pain. This makes it an effective delivery method for people who may not be able to eat, inhale, or are suffering from cramping, inflammation, vomiting, body pain, or any number of ailments that happen below the belt.

I got curious about how different this delivery method was from the many other ways that I currently use cannabis. I started looking for suppositories in various dispensaries with no luck. That search ended the day that I asked a dispensary employee if they had any suppositories. I knew I was in trouble when she took me over to their glass section. She slowly looked over the entire case of pipes and bongs and said, “Nope, I don’t see any here. Do you need any rolling papers?” One side of me was telling me to educate that girl about suppositories but the other side of me was laughing so hard it was all I could do to get to my car where I had a good belly laugh until tears ran down my face. Precious memories.

So, I called in some advice from other patients about using cannabis suppositories and embarked on making my own. From what other patients told me about their experiences I was going to be relieved of pain and possibly super horny for hours. While that concept was not undesirable to me, I had visions of not being able to get out of bed due to non-stop orgasms. How would I be able to function like that? Apparently I have a healthy imagination.

They suggested using coconut oil for its antibacterial qualities and its ability to assist in the absorption. They also said to make sure everything was super clean and to maybe plan to not be alone in the event that I did experience an increase in libido.

Making the suppositories was very easy. I super cleaned my workspace and tools. I melted PHO (propane hash oil) in a small amount of coconut oil, poured it in small forms, and chilled it. I calculated what a serving might be like for me based on how strong it felt when I took it sublingually.
I was reminded of what it feels like for new patients trying cannabis for the first time. It can feel a little daunting when you have no idea what you might experience. Although I have been using cannabis for some time and know how my body will react to it, I was still nervous.

Happily, my first dose was just right and my experience was not super intense. Within minutes I could feel a warm, pleasant sensation washing over my entire pelvic region while the muscles in my back, pelvis, and entire body totally relaxed. The zero body pain and zero anxiety without a ”head high” lasted for a few hours. I kept expecting it to keep getting more intense but it never did and I was able to get on with my day.

I took another slightly higher dose later that day. The effects were definitely stronger and while I was lying down for the medicine to absorb I fell asleep. I woke up an hour later feeling very rested and physically relaxed. It was wonderful, actually.

There is another thing to know. What goes in eventually comes out, so be prepared for that surprise.

I came away from the experience feeling enlightened about the suppository cannabis delivery method. It was not the paralyzing horny high that I was imagining but certainly a great option to have in the cannabis medicine cabinet.

The bottom line is that cannabis suppositories are not scary, just different


Well-Known Member
Cool story bro. lol
I love the part where you super cleaned
the workstation then put the meds in yer ass.

All kidding aside sounds like it would work well in some cases.

Like in a meth induced fuckfest.
Or other reasons too.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's the same exact post that the author shared on cannabis country as a guest post. The link pointed to the same post you just copy/pasted. So that wasn't really necessary....
OK.... but his link was to cannabis country and their copy and paste of the article

my link is to the original Author's (Twicebaked) Blog not a copy and paste found on the cannabis countries website :)

So yes it was necessary...a lot of other interesting articles too


Well-Known Member
im not gonna endorse putting hash up your butt...

but no the high will be the same as tincture or smoking for the most part

if you insist on hash up your things that start with abstract....its easy enough but very inefficient


bud bootlegger
im not gonna endorse putting hash up your butt...

but no the high will be the same as tincture or smoking for the most part

if you insist on hash up your things that start with abstract....its easy enough but very inefficient
Wouldn't it have to be decarbed first qwizo?


Well-Known Member
well for it to cross the blood brain barrier efficiently it needs decarbed..
note cb receptors arent only located in the brain though..
certain medicinal effects can still be felt if not decarbed but for the most part you want all the cannabinoids "activated" they really work best together

in any case this isnt an efficient method of absorption


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to vape through your butt?

Think about that next time you're at your buddies house and he fires up the volcano.