New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)


Well-Known Member
Holy shit everyone's plants are amazing, monster 2 lb'ers cooper - looks like we need to cross Malawi onto that!. Blue dreams look similar to JTW's kushberry, same bud and leaf structure by the looks. Kiwi seeds might be the go from looking at your 2 pounders - when did you plant them?.

That frisian bud looks tasty and frosty jtw. When do you reckon the kushberry will be ready? cooler temps now so there should be less budrot hopefully. Agree with mattskiBOP, that bud looks killer than most outdoor bud I've had.

MattskieBOP, awesome plants bro!. damn that indi looks so beautiful with those fluro red hairs. That sativa looks healthy and nice, were these only bagseeds? bloody good quality plants for bagseed man.

Go Kiwi growers!, some real potential in this thread. All of us have to do this thread every year! mean as growers!.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah bro a beautiful cold stream with fresh pure water on a hot day is amazing after tramping or hiking! Even just in general to drink. Sucks about pollution ae its usually as you start to get towards the rural areas of the rivers a streams I think.Sweet as yea I will hit Panama up, not to many bugs around my area at the moment so It should fair fine haha man those Malawi can get so big! What do you mean not grown guerrilla? Fuck though that's amazing!
Hows the indoor Malawi going?

Cheers yeah its algood it smells tasty so far! Sweet as not to bad with the rain, I thought wed get more down here :-) 7.8 is quite cold for up your way mate we got 5 here last night! Ive defiantly noticed the cold snaps.
Its been quite cool down here lately, with some rain, cloudy days and a few sunny days. Your weather looks mad as though!

Im hoping my plant will be algood from that N deficiency. I only have organic blood and bone fertilizer NPK 8.3.6 will that be algood to foiler feed and feed it in the ground with? I could double the dose so its 16.6.12? Itl probably be mostly buds and top leaves left and some fans left on the plant, most of the fan leaves and cab leaves will be yellow id say so will that effect the plant? Wonder if I undersetimated how much im feeding my plant.
It gets a one litre bottle of water soluble N.P.K 6.3.10 fwrt once per week and some potash every now and then do you reckon I can increase the dose?

Also ive got pellets with N–P–K 15–1.3–16.6 + 1.2 Mg + TE
Yeah man nothing like NZ mountain water, it's usually the rural farming areas that you don't want to drink from.
Na it was my fault the Panamas got fucked up, should have used neem oil/granules in the beginning, not the best putting seed plants in late.
I mean like grown in your backyard or somewhere. guerllia growing is way harder and you can never get the same results.

It should be a good smoke the way you're looking after it, na it's way more wet up here man.
It's been cooler for sure, leaves have dropped off trees already. You're definitely underestimating how much you're feeding your plant, be careful not to give too much N.

Na I don't reckon you should use pellets bro, you'll have unwanted N at the end. Plants hate N when they only have a few weeks left.

I chopped the indoor Malawi ages ago due to it being a shitty mother plant with mites, going to turn it into hash.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man nothing like NZ mountain water, it's usually the rural farming areas that you don't want to drink from.
Na it was my fault the Panamas got fucked up, should have used neem oil/granules in the beginning, not the best putting seed plants in late.
I mean like grown in your backyard or somewhere. guerllia growing is way harder and you can never get the same results.

It should be a good smoke the way you're looking after it, na it's way more wet up here man.
It's been cooler for sure, leaves have dropped off trees already. You're definitely underestimating how much you're feeding your plant, be careful not to give too much N.

Na I don't reckon you should use pellets bro, you'll have unwanted N at the end. Plants hate N when they only have a few weeks left.

I chopped the indoor Malawi ages ago due to it being a shitty mother plant with mites, going to turn it into hash.
Aw true man guess you know for next time now with the panama :-) I get what you mean damn it would be mad to grow in your garden.
Cheers bro yeah its starting to smell more and more like mango now! Its smells exactly like some amazing AK47 I had 6 months ago. Pine and very mango.
Its starting to get some frost forming now and the hairs are going pretty crazy lol I can see a few seeds forming but Ill pick around them when I smoke it.
What do you reckon itl yield? Couple of ounceses?

Sweet as I made a good choice then I gave it a double dose of liquid nitro soil blood and bone, and a foiler feed of that aswell. How long do you reckon itl take for it to recover form N deficiency with liquid fert? Ah damn bro you gonna grow another indoor Malawi?

Hmm seen a few flyers around asking people to report plants anonymously. Its called operation lucy lol Fuck I wish the police would stop wasting there time with weed. Banning this amazing plant is bs! They need to spend money on something productive instead of pulling plants each year theyl never win.

So today while I cutting balls and feeding my plant I stupidly and accidentally managed to split the main stem. Its got duct tape holding it together, its only broken a few inches at the top and stilling all together it was just a clean split so Im hoping it will heal. Will the plant recover alright guys?
Heres some pictures:


Well-Known Member
On the other hand, plants coming along nicely :-)
Shot CK for letting us know how to enlarge the pictures.

Yeah the frisian is suprisingly nice considering the early harvest, it definitely gives a great happy high with good duration, tastes quite nice but will be alot better after curing for a few weeks. Im sure the stone would be heavier hitting with a later harvest but im not a super heavy smoker and its great for me :) about to roll a joint :)

With the kushberry im thinking anything from 4-6 weeks, seems like its been flowering for ages but its still got a long way. smells so unique and strong its crazy, really hope nothing happens to her >.<


Think i started them in late november? cant even remember now lol. yeah a garden of 2pndrs and malawi wud b mean. Nice bro letstrip worth that extra work lol. That snap shud b sweet as now how u taped it back up look like a prity clean snap half way.
those pink ones look mean too wonder wat they r..
Also iv been a bit worried about not getting to flush the frisian, i was feeding it heavily all the way up until harvest and have heard that its bad to smoke? but with all the random bud iv smoked i think its probably quite common. dont think I can taste the chemicals or anything


Well-Known Member
Think i started them in late november? cant even remember now lol. yeah a garden of 2pndrs and malawi wud b mean. Nice bro letstrip worth that extra work lol. That snap shud b sweet as now how u taped it back up look like a prity clean snap half way.
those pink ones look mean too wonder wat they r..
Cheers mate good to know shel be okay :-) Defiantly worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
They need to spend money on something productive instead of pulling plants each year theyl never win.
They like to make you think they are. It's pretty funny watching that drug bust program when they have their little rants about protecting the community
and how if you grow weed you should expect to be caught eventually. What are they actually finding, like 1%? and they always end up with home
detention lol.


Well-Known Member
They like to make you think they are. It's pretty funny watching that drug bust program when they have their little rants about protecting the community
and how if you grow weed you should expect to be caught eventually. What are they actually finding, like 1%? and they always end up with home
detention lol.
It's ridiculous ay. 76% of people want it decriminalised, 98% want medical marijuana. not even 1% bro, they're the idiots putting money into criminal hands.
imagine if we could grow up to 6 plants personally like other countries? fuck there would be no market and they need to realise this.

at the moment they're pretty much helping criminals make money with it being so illegal. Smart one NZ police... I couldn't get alcohol as a 14 year old but sure as shit could get weed from a tinny house/dealer.


Active Member
The funny thing is that the police is just the governments enforcer and the government belongs to whoever will give them the most money. Those people make money by keeping this plant illegal and I'm not talking about little black power/mongrel mob gangs, I'm talking about guys in suits making BILLIONS simply by making a plant illegal. Alcohol companies, tobacco companies, pharmaceuticals, prisons and the list goes on. Societies current state of mind about many things including marijuana is based on lies fed to us thru media, which is basically the mouth of the government.

Sorry bout the rant... cones for lunch.

Anyways yea the plants... i was wondering what strain the pink/red indi is. I don't have much strain experience so can't even hazard a guess. I pollenated it so hopefully i can keep the strain cos i diggin its overall growth characteristics, hopefully smokes as well as it looks. Apparently my friends bagseed are of decent quality... yussss!!!


Well-Known Member
Aw true man guess you know for next time now with the panama :-) I get what you mean damn it would be mad to grow in your garden.
Cheers bro yeah its starting to smell more and more like mango now! Its smells exactly like some amazing AK47 I had 6 months ago. Pine and very mango.
Its starting to get some frost forming now and the hairs are going pretty crazy lol I can see a few seeds forming but Ill pick around them when I smoke it.
What do you reckon itl yield? Couple of ounceses?

Sweet as I made a good choice then I gave it a double dose of liquid nitro soil blood and bone, and a foiler feed of that aswell. How long do you reckon itl take for it to recover form N deficiency with liquid fert? Ah damn bro you gonna grow another indoor Malawi?

Hmm seen a few flyers around asking people to report plants anonymously. Its called operation lucy lol Fuck I wish the police would stop wasting there time with weed. Banning this amazing plant is bs! They need to spend money on something productive instead of pulling plants each year theyl never win.

So today while I cutting balls and feeding my plant I stupidly and accidentally managed to split the main stem. Its got duct tape holding it together, its only broken a few inches at the top and stilling all together it was just a clean split so Im hoping it will heal. Will the plant recover alright guys?
Heres some pictures:
Yeah mate, I still have 7 seeds left for next year in the freezer. i grew out in the garden last year and the plants were insane! only got 5-7 hours direct light but feed them everyday and the went ballistic. My dream is a greenhouse in my backyard one day, outdoor plants with indoor conditions is the best way to grow marijuana full stop.
I might grow with my mates next season on their land with a greenhouse!.
What's AK like these days? I have an AK x northern light freebie seed.

Don't know what it will yield bro, do you have a pic of the whole plant?. 2oz minimum imo. always aim at the borderline so you'll never be dissapointed. I've had a 20 inch plant yield 4 1/2 zips.
Na probably not bro, I'll leave the long flower strains for outdoor where they belong.

Everything is gonna change soon bro, paraguay is our leader in legalisation and after a certain period of time all the lies will be uncovered from proper research being done.
by 2020 there will be some sort of legality, the government can't hide from the truth forever. Your plant will be fine from that slit man, had it happen before when lst'ing.

The funny thing is that the police is just the governments enforcer and the government belongs to whoever will give them the most money. Those people make money by keeping this plant illegal and I'm not talking about little black power/mongrel mob gangs, I'm talking about guys in suits making BILLIONS simply by making a plant illegal. Alcohol companies, tobacco companies, pharmaceuticals, prisons and the list goes on. Societies current state of mind about many things including marijuana is based on lies fed to us thru media, which is basically the mouth of the government.

Sorry bout the rant... cones for lunch.

Anyways yea the plants... i was wondering what strain the pink/red indi is. I don't have much strain experience so can't even hazard a guess. I pollenated it so hopefully i can keep the strain cos i diggin its overall growth characteristics, hopefully smokes as well as it looks. Apparently my friends bagseed are of decent quality... yussss!!!
Don't be sorry, that's some good info ha. They could make so much more money legalising and taxing it, so so much money can be made of it doing it the right way.

What does the indi smell like? could be some rhino or afghani, white rhino is the most common outdoor indica and afghani. pretty hard guessing genetics bro could be anything for all we know.
Try ordering in some strains for next season bro, so you had another spot right? you should fence it off or stake some poles out and tie fish netting around the area. nice and light too.
dig it over a couple months before and put some lime in it to make it nice and fertile and you'll be laughing mate. I'm going all out next season with some Panama clones, probably prepare my spots a couple months before.

aussie originals

Active Member
hey CK you always keep your seeds in the freezer? i was under the impression that wasnt good for them?

ok well i figured it was time for a proper update so everyone can catch up with whats going on

Dream beavers are looking great. really just waiting for them to show sex before they get scrogged under the 315w

speaking of the 315w i jammed my keeper clones under there for a bit and i have to say they seem to love it already

look at this happy little sugartown express (sour kush pheno)

and on the sour kush sugartown pheno check out this little scrog

yummy yummy yummy, this is my favourite smoke at the moment and very happy to have more on the way

look at these tasty frosty buds

it doesnt matter where i look in that space all the buds are soooo nice and the smell is unbelievable i really wish i could share it with you.

the browned off hairs arent her finishing up either i just gave her a spray with some pyrethrum in early flower to combat some white flies and it browned off a few hairs

aussie originals

Active Member
oh yeah and my other 2 pheno's of teh sugartown express are dried. man its going to be hard to pick the keeper

citrus orange pheno (big buds!)

sativa pheno sweet candy smells and she might not look as frosty but trust me she just hides it better, she is up there with the other 2 pheno's this strain is the tits



Well-Known Member
Yeah mate, I still have 7 seeds left for next year in the freezer. i grew out in the garden last year and the plants were insane! only got 5-7 hours direct light but feed them everyday and the went ballistic. My dream is a greenhouse in my backyard one day, outdoor plants with indoor conditions is the best way to grow marijuana full stop.
I might grow with my mates next season on their land with a greenhouse!.
What's AK like these days? I have an AK x northern light freebie seed.

Don't know what it will yield bro, do you have a pic of the whole plant?. 2oz minimum imo. always aim at the borderline so you'll never be dissapointed. I've had a 20 inch plant yield 4 1/2 zips.
Na probably not bro, I'll leave the long flower strains for outdoor where they belong.

Everything is gonna change soon bro, paraguay is our leader in legalisation and after a certain period of time all the lies will be uncovered from proper research being done.
by 2020 there will be some sort of legality, the government can't hide from the truth forever. Your plant will be fine from that slit man, had it happen before when lst'ing.
Mean as what did you grow in the garden last year? Wish I could do that. What are you feeding your guerrilla plants at the moment?
Fuck that will be awesome growing in a greenhouse! Perfect combo of inside and outside. The AK47 was amazing bro it reeked and had this unbelievable mango smell.
Best tasting weed ive ever had, you could really taste it. Two main flavors, mango and pine and the 65/35 Sativa/Indica ratio was good. Hit me pretty hard, smoked heaps and it got me blasted lol Quite a classic the old AK, and whoever grew this shit did a damn fine job :-)

Fair call with the Malawi it would suite outdoors alot more. I have a few pictures of the plant ill attach them. The two main toped heads will be the best, one side is slightly more dominant than the other but both are algood.At the bottom of the main topped stems are lots of stems and heads coming out of there, sorta below the main heads, and so on lol Theres two tiny little stems that get bugger all light and arent very big reckon I should just cut them or leave them? Algood happy my plant will be okay

Cant wait for legalization I think it should happen in our lifetime. Just gotta get past the old classic brainwashed cops who still believe in reefer madness. Most kiwis want it legalized ae!
The cops complain about property e.g gates, bush, trespassing etc and shit being damaged from growers but the only reason it is damged is because its not legal. People wouldn't have to do all that if it was just legal.

Get some pictures up of your plants CK, really wanna see that Taskenti!

Here it is, over 3 weeks 6ftish. Cant really see the whole plant in the last picture.


Well-Known Member
Wow Aussie those plants and bud look awesome! Are those your own crosses? So much frost on the sugar town...


Well-Known Member
They like to make you think they are. It's pretty funny watching that drug bust program when they have their little rants about protecting the community
and how if you grow weed you should expect to be caught eventually. What are they actually finding, like 1%? and they always end up with home
detention lol.
Hahaha yeah those programs are funny. Fully agree mate!


Well-Known Member
Mean as what did you grow in the garden last year? Wish I could do that. What are you feeding your guerrilla plants at the moment?
Fuck that will be awesome growing in a greenhouse! Perfect combo of inside and outside. The AK47 was amazing bro it reeked and had this unbelievable mango smell.
Best tasting weed ive ever had, you could really taste it. Two main flavors, mango and pine and the 65/35 Sativa/Indica ratio was good. Hit me pretty hard, smoked heaps and it got me blasted lol Quite a classic the old AK, and whoever grew this shit did a damn fine job :-)

Fair call with the Malawi it would suite outdoors alot more. I have a few pictures of the plant ill attach them. The two main toped heads will be the best, one side is slightly more dominant than the other but both are algood.At the bottom of the main topped stems are lots of stems and heads coming out of there, sorta below the main heads, and so on lol Theres two tiny little stems that get bugger all light and arent very big reckon I should just cut them or leave them? Algood happy my plant will be okay

Cant wait for legalization I think it should happen in our lifetime. Just gotta get past the old classic brainwashed cops who still believe in reefer madness. Most kiwis want it legalized ae!
The cops complain about property e.g gates, bush, trespassing etc and shit being damaged from growers but the only reason it is damged is because its not legal. People wouldn't have to do all that if it was just legal.

Get some pictures up of your plants CK, really wanna see that Taskenti!

Here it is, over 3 weeks 6ftish. Cant really see the whole plant in the last picture.
Some african sativas and afghani guerilla. Someone must still have the 90's ak47 down your way, it's not too great anymore from serious seeds because he lost the original parents.
good to hear of good shit down there too, something TGA is lacking.

Some of Aces phenos are good for indoors but not my one lol, apparently my pheno is stronger but longer flower which is not good on a season like this.
Your plant looks pretty decent for this bad season, still thriving on low temps by the looks. maybe cut those little stems if they're tinny and not getting light, upto you bro.

Yeah I'd say decriminalisation will be here in the next 5 years, 2013 was a massive year for cannabis. I bet a lot of cops smoke weed, they're just doing there Job at the end of the day.
They know Alcohol is worse. most kiwis want it decriminalised at the least, I guess we're sick of feeling like criminals. Anyone with common sense knows pot is far less of a risk than tobacco or alcohol, science is science and you can't argue with that. I smoke every day and never cough yet they tried to tell me about 7 x more tar or something, might be true but why has no one died from lung cancer purely from weed?.

Someone else checked my plants. Malawis about 7ft and looking good, still not flowering.
Panama have thumb sized buds and don't look to be growing any bigger, this season is fucked lol. It's like nothing is stretching? anyone else notice plants not stretching this year?.

I've heard of real trouble in the south island, real bad weather and plants not flowering and revegging? weird season for sure. your plant hardly stretched either LT, last year I bet it would have got to 10 ft easily!. Malawi could have been bigger too...