New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

hey guys, you been watching the medpot bill over in oz? Looks like its actually possible it could pass, would be great for NZ..reckon we'd follow in no time if it did pass.

Yo Dimebong, you tried blumats?
Medpot bill in aust ur talking about ?
oh sorry its not even a bill, that's my fault, miscommunication. Its a new 'guideline' being released by NSW government to allow police to exercise discretion not to charge terminally ill adults who use cannabis. In the same article it mentioned the Labour party in NSW would support a medical cannabis bill.

Anyway. It's not exactly something that'd happen with the current government in NZ. They're all very very anti
oh sorry its not even a bill, that's my fault, miscommunication. Its a new 'guideline' being released by NSW government to allow police to exercise discretion not to charge terminally ill adults who use cannabis. In the same article it mentioned the Labour party in NSW would support a medical cannabis bill.
Yeah I gotchya now....and u know why nsw is going thru this now ...cos one of their high ranking cops came clean that he has been supplying his son with weed to help the condition he pretty sure that was in nsw...make you pissed that ppl who need this cant access cos of blind sided politics
hahah! that sounds about right bro. All the rest of us riff raff can go to jail for it, not that i'm terminal by any means, but better for the people in power if we keep making their pharmaceutical mates rich.
hahah! that sounds about right bro. All the rest of us riff raff can go to jail for it, not that i'm terminal by any means, but better for the people in power if we keep making their pharmaceutical mates rich.
Not wrong...I smoke cos it destresses and keeps me rather that than be doing anti depressants or somethinglol...oh and I like getting stoned...:)
I smoke it for pain and stiffness but don't get me wrong, love the way it makes me feel and will have a few cones just for a nice buzz every now and then. Just soo soo much better than opiates. They make me feel v drowsy and zombie. Green's just so much more effective. But yeah Dr.s pass out anti depressants left, right and centre..seems like everyone's on them..they just need the odd j!