i haven't started the series yet just finished catching up american horror story and bates motel
the threesome with the secret service agent
Meechum is hot.
Great show, sucks we have to wait another year! One of the downfalls of binge watching. FU knows how to get shit done.
Kevin Spacey is a really good actor, I loved him in 'The Usual Suspects', I had to watch that movie a couple times to get it all.
Spacey is a fucking champ. Why does K-PAx stand out in my head right now? Lulz There's tons of better examples....
Every actor has a flop or two, or three or.....
Agreed. I lovelovelove the sidebars when he talks right at you....I get a huge patriotic boner.
I really like that bit of the show. Makes you feel like you're part of it. Really really genius move whoever thought that up. I may have to make the wife watch both seasons again. Good thing she loves the show too.
the threesome with the secret service agent
Yeah what the hell was that about? Random as fuck. Seemed like something in the bloopers that accidentally made the cut.