Well-Known Member
Are you watching me? This man is a stalker!Totally. If you're in bed, or at your favorite chair watching Jeopardy eating Cheese pops

Are you watching me? This man is a stalker!Totally. If you're in bed, or at your favorite chair watching Jeopardy eating Cheese pops
Me too, its called "My House." I figure if its good enough for 99% of my belongings, my children, my pets and those are REALLY REALLY REALLY valuable, but we depend on the home for our protection, but you don't think that's enough?
It is illegal for people to break into your home without permission is it not?
Now, for clarification I have a alarm system, a gun vault and a dog.
That is the responsible way to do it, but not everyone can afford that and so a Home is a man's castle.
For some reason, laws do not really prohibit crimes from happening. Making a law about safe storage will only make things worse, not better.
Tragedies happen everyday no matter what laws there are, they are inevitable as the the sun rising each day.
Why do we try to legislate morality? It never works, has only negative secondary results. The road to ruin is paved with good intentions.
Reported for spam. .................
We should also have to lock up our knives. Speaking of crazy things, why has UB stayed away from this thread. Didn't UB say this kind of blade slaying was impossible? Yet, no peep from him.
UB, Are you still alive? Just say something...anything.
Lol, I'm not really trying to get anyone. I just think everyone has a capacity for greater knowledge (myself included). I appreciate everyone's participation in a conversation such as this. Topics such as these deserve attention in society.
And, he's humble too.
See? Bombs don't kill from a distance, nor do rocks or big game air rifles. Knives can never be thrown into a kill point. Fire has to be used so close it always kills the arsonist.
And no machette can slash 3 throats at once. Of course, a car is only a close range weapon as is spit. See?
Knives have an accurate and lethal throwing distance of what? And require how much training to actually use effectively?
Bombs aren't realistic, most people don't own bombs. Cars require licensing/training/registration, high powered air rifles pack comparable power to .22LR, and should be treated as such. The likelihood of dying by BB gun is small. Knives have an accurate and lethal throwing distance of what? And require how much training to actually use effectively? That's what I thought.
Fire? Really? Fire? Just stop.
The best mass murder of all, is fire. As many murders by fire in this country than all other weapons combined. I have posted these stats. And I have posted stats on saves but you ignore all that.
A drawn knife is cause to shoot you dead, within 15 feet. That is the lethal range, where a cop cannot dodge. And thorn sticking is easy, tough guy. I can do it 95% from 8 feet.
It does not take long to learn, just a few minutes a day.
Guns save lives. And I can bean you with a big rock. I have a good arm.
An un-ready weapon is your death ticket, The weapon may as well not exist.
time for a back ground check on every knife purchase . just like gun control . soon will have a back ground check for cars boats . roller skates . modified skate boards will be a federal offence .
There is literally no way to control fire. That's like saying we're going to require licensing for static electricity. The point is retarded, one is a man-made killing implement, the other is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Moot.
LOL - easy there Rambo, we might need to send you and your terminator like skills overseas to sort out Crimea. You're every woman.....
You cannot bean me with a big rock easily, and the likelihood of that killing me is low.
Rock =/= gun. Guns, (realistically) have a max range of about 600 meters, more than that and you really need to know how to shoot. Even out to 600m, it's a tough shot without a nice rifle, probably in .308..... .223 meets it's max range in squadron fire, at 600m, handguns... lol 50m accurately if you're lucky, and have one hell of a pistol.
Posted stats on saves? I did a search and those stats don't exist. So, try again sweetheart.
I'm not arguing against readied firearms, I'm arguing aginst your idiocy when it comes to common sense with firearms. The whole, 'no one can tell me my business" attitude stinks, and is part of the reason the USA has such a disproportionate gun murder rate.
Good man.
I think in order to bring the USA's gun murder rate down to a number more representative of a world leader and have keep the 2nd amendment intact, citizens need to want to be more responsible. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case, so the rate will most likely stay the same. Unless some legislation was put in place to mandate responsibility, thereby causing less guns be stolen, but that seems to get violent opposition from the right.
Stolen guns are not the problem
"We can't solve problems by using the same thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein
Take the bolt/magazine out when you're away, and put it shoe box. How expensive is that?
Honestly? I have over 100 firearms, it would take hours and hours to remove the bolts from all of them every time I left the home. You can buy a bolt for any gun without any kind of background check. So Mr Thief steals your AR-15s and then pays $150 for 2 crappy bolt groups and has them air mailed to him the next day. On the surface your idea has merit, but once we delve deeper we see that it isn't a deterrent at all.
Absolutely. It's easily preventable tragedies that we should, at the very least, look at ways to stop them from occurring. Nothing is going to be a perfect solution.
It's not morality, it's preventing the theft (one of the main sources) of criminals getting illegal firearms.