Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

I see. We would have to work up some stats in foot-pounds. Heck can help with the math. He is all studied up.

We need to look at how well a depressed, brain exposed skull fracture is survivable compared to say a 9mm to the Brain.

Didn't someone just survive that? A Congress woman? And he walked up close. If you get your face crushed, that is immediate termination, you realize that, right? The nose bone is sharp on the inside. And on the backside it can be even worse. The Temple, the back of the ear.?
These are also lethal blows.

So, a 9mm slug is about 7.5 grams and leaves at about 1150 feet/sec and if within 10 feet will deliver 340 foot pounds.

An 88 mile an hour baseball pitch is 129 ft/sec. That baseball speed is the across the plate measure, all the way from the mound. So, let me have a 2 pound rock at 10 feet at 100 feet/sec. That delivers 310 foot pounds and will not cut thru and thu like a bullet and embed itself elsewhere. It will dump all that into the brain, like a giant dum-dum.

Actual Gabby only took 1/2 those foot pounds, the other 1/2 were dissipated. No one can stand a 2 pound rock in their face, I don't think.

No one can throw a 2lb rock @ 100ft/sec.

Well maybe you can, being a professional rock hunter and all.

Rocks bounce off heads too, so not all of their force is transferred. When was the last time a bullet ricocheted off someones head? Probably happened before in a fluke accident, I've seen many people get hit int he head with rocks, they're still my friends today. Bullets, especially hollow point, are designed to use all their energy up on impact.
No one can throw a 2lb rock @ 100ft/sec.

Well maybe you can, being a professional rock hunter and all.

Rocks bounce off heads too, so not all of their force is transferred. When was the last time a bullet ricocheted off someones head? Probably happened before in a fluke accident, I've seen many people get hit int he head with rocks, they're still my friends today. Bullets, especially hollow point, are designed to use all their energy up on impact.

A rock at 100ft per second at 2 pounds will not bounce off your head. It smashes your skull.
No one can throw a 2lb rock @ 100ft/sec.

Well maybe you can, being a professional rock hunter and all.

Rocks bounce off heads too, so not all of their force is transferred. When was the last time a bullet ricocheted off someones head? Probably happened before in a fluke accident, I've seen many people get hit int he head with rocks, they're still my friends today. Bullets, especially hollow point, are designed to use all their energy up on impact.

100ft per second is around 70mph. I'd venture to guess quite a few people are capable of that. Not everyone of course.
100ft per second is around 70mph. I'd venture to guess quite a few people are capable of that. Not everyone of course.

SOME Professional pitchers throw weighted balls....

From 6 feet away, not on a mound (because it will fuck your arm), and not at full power.

But Doer, the Rockodile Hunter can throw a 2lb rock with pinpoint accuracy @ 20ft.... and somehow be as deadly as a person with a gun. lol
A rock at 100ft per second at 2 pounds will not bounce off your head. It smashes your skull.

It might.

It might deflect off. Depends how it hits, and it depends on the rock... To my knowledge, bullets don't deflect off heads.

EDIT: Brett Favre can throw a football @ 63mph. This is widely considered the fastest throwing arm in football. A football weighs 14-16oz.

Now double that weight, and throw it harder/faster than a professional athlete, and you've got Doer..... the rockodile hunter.
My brother and I played all kinds of rock throwing games. Mostly at each other. And I guess you can't make this stuff up. So, believe or not.

Take the back of an Apartment complex where the rock fill ended, it was about 60 ft down that rock slope to a marsh bottom, and on the edge where bulldozer didn't bury them from high above, were a few tall slim Aspens. About 60 feet high. Get the picture? High level even with the tree tops?

This around the same time when I shot him with the 30-06 blank, I made. Ahmmmm.....I was 14 he was 13.

So, how does this game even happen? We took turns crawling up a tree while the the other one fired on us with big rocks. Big. Gotta be that squirrel hunting, right?

The idea was to climb up and down and around the tree, and not get hit. And since it was a bit downhill throw, because we could only get up to 45 feet or so, in the Aspen tree, there was a good 2.5 seconds before impact. And waving the tree back and forth was part of it.

We almost killed each other, several times. A fall from the tree would be bad.

The thing is, in a 50 ft throw with a 3 pound rock, both of us could nail that tree dead on and take a head size piece of bark off, most of the time.

Not lucky shots. We could throw it by at the knees, and make us jump, we could lean out on the tree and taunt.

But, for both of us, zoning in on the bullseye was doable. And the tree guy had to move.

Don't tell my Dad, OK?
100ft per second is around 70mph. I'd venture to guess quite a few people are capable of that. Not everyone of course.

OGE - you realize a baseball is 5.25 oz and only high caliber pitchers can reach 100mph with them.. So you mean to tell me you believe someone can throw a TWO POUND rock 70mph? Really man? Really?
A rock at 100ft per second at 2 pounds will not bounce off your head. It smashes your skull.
Hmm now the problem is getting the rock to travel 100fps sans catapult or slingshot. And seeing as how I've never seen a slingshot that can hurl a 2lb rock, I think the target may just perhaps see you coming with your mini trebuchet/catapult
My brother and I played all kinds of rock throwing games. Mostly at each other. And I guess you can't make this stuff up. So, believe or not.
What are you talking about? You make crazy shit up all the time, you're like finshaggy jr. or some shit

Btw, I love how you completely ignored my post that renders your argument impossible..
SOME Professional pitchers throw weighted balls....

From 6 feet away, not on a mound (because it will fuck your arm), and not at full power.

But Doer, the Rockodile Hunter can throw a 2lb rock with pinpoint accuracy @ 20ft.... and somehow be as deadly as a person with a gun. lol

Correction: Doer, the Rockodile Hunter can throw a 2lb rock 70mph with pinpoint accuracy @ 20ft.... and IS as deadly as a person with a gun
Doer, you made a grave mistake when you were a kid, you failed to weigh the rocks on a certified scale.
Now you're paying for it. lulz...............
If you want to stand there and let me wind a 3 pounder between your eyes, I guarantee you it won't matter how fast it was going.

It will be going plenty fast enough. And you pansies that were raised by pansies really didn't have much fun, I guess.

I was raised with rocks in Texas. And my brother and I taught each other how not to blink.