Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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Well-Known Member
Made up lies about site glitch goblins that let everyone read deleted posts.....more lies about what happens to an image link when the image server no longer hosts.....batting .000 per usual.


Well-Known Member
Made up lies about site glitch goblins that let everyone read deleted posts.....more lies about what happens to an image link when the image server no longer hosts.....batting .000 per usual.
wow, maybe i should use crayons for you, tyke.

to address your first lie (but certainly not your first lie tonight): i never said you could read what's in a deleted post due to a site glitch. i said you can see that a post was deleted, and by who, and why.

you even cited the post numbers of my "deleted" posts. notice how the post between 456 and 457 that you deleted has no number? deleted posts have no numbers, numbnuts.

you really are dumber than a bag of smashed cock.


New Member
Its now pretty apparent to us all that buck is a documented racist and admitted troll.
His lies have been called out, and posted for all to see. The only real question is if he will live up
to his promises and stop posting on this forum.


New Member
Originally Posted by UncleBuck
do you agree that it was a good idea for the federal government to end racist practices that states were refusing to end on their own?

Originally Posted by twostrokenut
Look dude I don't think its a good idea.

Look dude I don't think its a good idea. Not because I want businesses to be racist but because this stuff imho is better worked out by the individual.
Absolutely pathetic distortion Buck.


Well-Known Member
Its now pretty apparent to us all that buck is a documented racist and admitted troll.
His lies have been called out, and posted for all to see. The only real question is if he will live up
to his promises and stop posting on this forum.
thetoolwoman, you are dumber than twostroke. and that is saying something.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely pathetic distortion Buck.
tell us all about how denial of service to blacks in the south was better worked out by the individual, rather than the federal government coming in and forcing them to stop their harmful, hateful practices.

try to avoid unattributed copy and pastes, toolwoman.


Well-Known Member
wow, maybe i should use crayons for you, tyke.

to address your first lie (but certainly not your first lie tonight): i never said you could read what's in a deleted post due to a site glitch. i said you can see that a post was deleted, and by who, and why.

you even cited the post numbers of my "deleted" posts. notice how the post between 456 and 457 that you deleted has no number? deleted posts have no numbers, numbnuts.

you really are dumber than a bag of smashed cock.
are you too stupid to realize that there is a glitch in the site right now which allows us to see deleted posts?

SlurRepresentsReason & Origins
MullatoMixed RacesBlack/White mix, usually. The Spanish "Mullato" translates to "like a mule." Could refer to any mixed breed.
[h=2]Definition of MULATTO[/h]1
: the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person

: a person of mixed white and black ancestry


Mulatto is a term used to refer to a person who is born from one white parent and one black parent, or more broadly, a person of any proportion of noticeable European and African ancestry. In the broadest sense, it is applied to persons of Black and White ancestry. See Forbes, 1993 and mixed ancestry.[SUP][1][/SUP] Contemporary usage of the term is generally confined to situations in which the term is considered relevant in a historical context, as now most people of mixed white and black ancestry rarely choose to self-identify as mulatto.[SUP][2]


Nick for a person of mixed heritage..namely of black and white...can be construed as a racist term but its not nearly as racist as the insecure fuckheads who try to force people of mixed heritage to identify as one or the if our society is really that "black and white", so to speak.


30 MILLION views on this one, not one racist comment, you sir are a partisan hack wearing clown shoes:





Well-Known Member
Made up lies about site glitch goblins that let everyone read deleted posts.....
still waiting on a quote from you about where i made this claim.

hint: seeing a deleted post and reading a deleted post are not the same thing.

pro tip: deleted posts do not have post numbers.


Well-Known Member
you are not rational. until you show me some slaves on planes, you are a historical revisionist in addition to being a white supremacist, heroin junky, thief (from your own family, no less) and subway sandwich maker.

many states have made sexual orientation and gender identity a civil right, as usual, the south lags behind and will probably continue to until the federal government kicks your asses into the new century and makes you give up your harmful, bigoted practices by force.

because that's usually the only way to deal with bigoted cowards like you guys.
Lol, it's funny because when I said they "flew slaves to Havana for top medical care" I was making fun of Michael Moore, and you thought I meant it.

More states than not grant some sort of protection to gay and gender identity confused persons. A little over half, actually. The south is not half of the nation, so it isn't just the south.

Now, I will go further to say that who someone fucks should not determine how much they are paid, or if they can or can't work there. So again, you are agreeing with a bigoted angry hateful white supremacist child eating baby killing whore mongering redneck. How does that make you feel?

You see buck, the simple fact is that you are probably the most prejudiced person I have ever met. You have shoehorned me into many positions I don't hold.

You found some evidence that you thought meant I hate black people... So in your mind I became a conservative bigot.

Well, not only were you wrong about me hating black folks, youre wrong about most of the rest. I'm pretty darn liberal on a great many issues. My thought process is different than yours (rational) but we have many of the same conclusions.

But you can't see that beause in your mind 'guy who hates black people = ardent conservative'

The same is you are wrong on both sides of the issue.


Well-Known Member
so, a photographer should be required to photograph a gay wedding even if he and his religion find the very idea of gay weddings offensive?

i guess you think dry cleaners should be forced to clean press and martinize Klan robes, kosher and halal butchers should be forced to sell pork, children's bookstores should be required to stock Hustler and Phat Booty, and math tutors should be sued if retarded kids dont ace trigonometry
Whether a photographer should be required to photograph any wedding is a separate question from what the basis of his right to refuse is. You can certainly make arguments that service providers should not be compelled to provide their services to all seekers, and that was the supreme court's line of thinking for some time, but to suggest that religious freedom is or should be the basis of that right is ridiculous.

You can give as many absurd examples as you like, but we can all agree that some things are more worth protecting than others. Forbidding a hotel from turning away an interracial couple is certainly more defensible than forcing businesses to serve the Klan or neo-Nazis; the former reflects an innate and unchangeable human characteristic, the latter an ignorant, laughable ideology. The rest is pure hyperbole. No one is suggesting anyone has a right to obtain pork from any meat seller; no one is suggesting there should be a right to obtain pornographic magazines from children's bookstores; and no one is suggesting anyone has a right to satisfaction with a math tutor.

If you have a business open to the public you should expect to have to serve the public. That doesn't mean you have to serve everyone--the present anti-discrimination scheme protects only certain immutable characteristics or otherwise enshrined attributes (like religion), which is entirely sensible. Want to be a photographer? I'm sorry, your customers are going to make you do a lot of things you don't like. Deal with it or shut up and go get a job where you won't have to deal with customers. Want to be a pharmacist or a doctor? You're going to need to treat people regardless of what you think of them or the treatment. If your religious convictions are so strong and you're convinced that you'll violate them by doing your job, why even bother flirting with that job? Go do something else. Business is business.


Well-Known Member
people are not born holding a "god hates fags" sign like they are born with a sexual orientation.

your argument immediately fails because it is patently retarded in that way.

just give up.
You have gone on the record, and made it a point to say that some people are gay who CHOOSE to be gay. So do those who choose to be gay deserve less protection than the naturally born gays out there?

It looks like you are the fail master here.


Well-Known Member
Lol, it's funny because when I said they "flew slaves to Havana for top medical care" I was making fun of Michael Moore, and you thought I meant it.

More states than not grant some sort of protection to gay and gender identity confused persons. A little over half, actually. The south is not half of the nation, so it isn't just the south.

Now, I will go further to say that who someone fucks should not determine how much they are paid, or if they can or can't work there. So again, you are agreeing with a bigoted angry hateful white supremacist child eating baby killing whore mongering redneck. How does that make you feel?

You see buck, the simple fact is that you are probably the most prejudiced person I have ever met. You have shoehorned me into many positions I don't hold.

You found some evidence that you thought meant I hate black people... So in your mind I became a conservative bigot.

Well, not only were you wrong about me hating black folks, youre wrong about most of the rest. I'm pretty darn liberal on a great many issues. My thought process is different than yours (rational) but we have many of the same conclusions.

But you can't see that beause in your mind 'guy who hates black people = ardent conservative'

The same is you are wrong on both sides of the issue.
you literally said that blacks come from "an inferior lot". what's the opposite of inferior?

and last night you said that sexual orientation was not a civil right, now tonight you say it should be.

you speak out of both sides of your mouth and lie at will.

go be a white supremacist elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
You have gone on the record, and made it a point to say that some people are gay who CHOOSE to be gay. So do those who choose to be gay deserve less protection than the naturally born gays out there?

It looks like you are the fail master here.
my stated position is that sexual orientation should be a civil right. so you try to figure that one out if you're not too busy making my subway sandwich.
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