FLIR cameras on police helicopters


Maybe this is a taboo subject already, but what do people think about this? thermal imaging , how risky is it for growers?

also there is another kind of detection system that is less known about which is "air particle" detection, mini remote controller helicopters which target air vents or air leaks of the house and "smell" for cannabis

"Dwarf helicopter sniffs out cannabis plantations
Published: Tuesday 28 April 2009 11:29 UTC
Last updated: Tuesday 28 April 2009 12:20 UTC

Police in the northeastern Achterhoek region have begun using an unmanned miniature helicopter to track down the illegal cultivation of cannabis, which often takes place indoors. The so-called "canna-chopper" is fitted with cameras and a sniffer to take air samples out of ventilator shafts and chimneys. A dedicated gas analyser is able to recognise traces of weed smell in the air samples.

Police say they are not breaking the law because the samples can be taken without entering the building. The unmanned dwarf helicopter can stay airborne for a maximum of eight hours. It was designed and built by Dutch police engineers.

Police spokesman Anton de Ronde told Radio Netherlands Worldwide that the first flight on Tuesday morning had already led to the discovery of a cannabis drying shed and a plant cutting facility."

Cereal box

Active Member
Damn, seems there getting a bit carried away. Although I do question where it say they found a drying and trimming shed because of it. Why would anyone run hps to dry and trim? Seems a little fishy to me. Well, hopefully it doesn't affect any on riu.


Well-Known Member
Drones in this state can no longer be used for surveillance without first obtaining a warrant, new law in this state that just went into effect.

I suspect other states will follow suit.


Well-Known Member
Not sure about that one, it reminds me of the urban myth that the Police helicopters fly around using their thermal imaging cameras to find people growing weed!!


Well-Known Member
I've seen some vids in the UK of Narcs buzzing around with those in choppers. I'm not sure how much is propaganda to scare the common folk away. Fear is probably the most powerful tool the Govs are using really (aside from informants)
I've met quite a few people that wouldn't even think of growing for the simple fact they're 100% convinced the Illuminati can spot a germinated MJ seed concealed in an underground growhouse from space.
I'm going to have to look into this dwarf copter thing. Those things wouldn't do so well in the states I'd say. Anyone with a shotgun and some bird shot could down one feasibly if it was spotted buzzing around property.


Well-Known Member
I've seen some vids in the UK of Narcs buzzing around with those in choppers. I'm not sure how much is propaganda to scare the common folk away. Fear is probably the most powerful tool the Govs are using really (aside from informants)
I've met quite a few people that wouldn't even think of growing for the simple fact they're 100% convinced the Illuminati can spot a germinated MJ seed concealed in an underground growhouse from space.
I'm going to have to look into this dwarf copter thing. Those things wouldn't do so well in the states I'd say. Anyone with a shotgun and some bird shot could down one feasibly if it was spotted buzzing around property.
There have been some people that have been caught growing by the Police helicopter, but that's because they just happened to be doing something else like looking for a suspect or missing person and noticed that their lofts had been glowing compared to everyone else's.

At £3,000 per hour they can't afford to just fly around looking for grows!!!


Well-Known Member
police lifting letter boxes in the uk for dogs to have a smell been going on a while now
yep the copper who patrolls my estate got caught doing that by one of the neighbours. she wasn't impressed lol. he aint done it since.


Well-Known Member
At £3,000 per hour they can't afford to just fly around looking for grows!!![/QUOTE]
Yeah that's what the vid had footage of. It showed some pretty detailed thermal images of the houses and you could see the hotspots where they had some HPS lights. It was brighter around where they were placed anyways.
all this for some WEEEEEEDDDD?????!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!!!!!!!
Yeah man all over some weed
Exactly. It's fucking ridiculous. Seems like there is better stuff they should be doing. It's a complete waste of resources.
My thoughts exactly. But they're more or less catering to the old timers who grew up on old school propaganda videos and scare tactics. Those same sheeple that still believe in officer friendly. "To protect and to serve" Pretty much the people who don't see the dirty truths behind the system. Or haven't fallen prey to it yet.
Cops kick down a door or find a patch of 20 plants. Throw the whole thing wet on some scales. Or just guestimate it's value at 2lbs/plant (lolfuckinglol) multiply it by top dollar sold by the gram street value. Then toss all that into a press statement saying they took down an evil drug den with a calculated *insert insane amount of money that makes any grower laugh* and the sheeple eat it up. Some are even stupid enough to start sending donations in even though the force will take the resources and cash discovered. Then turn around a use a lot of it in buy and sell sting operations (keeping the seized cash there as well)
So yeah fuck that/rant


Well-Known Member
It's all bull shit man. Pisses me off too. Just legalize the shit already. You're right though, it is all these old timers who buy in to the propaganda the government has brainwashed their dumb asses into believing. They're the ones voting to keep it illegal and continue wasting taxpayer money on the shit. Hopefully everyone here exercises their rights to vote. That's the only way we can defeat these brainwashed dip shits. /rant