RDWC - Blue Dream


Well-Known Member
Finally got my RDWC system up and going - well, half of it. I still have yet to find a good inline pump (even the 596gph EcoPlus pump would not work inline for me). So instead I submerged a pump in order to move the water from the last grow bucket back into the reservoir where gravity take care of the recirc.

Here's what I am running:
(1) 600w HPS
Canna Aqua Flores (A+B)

Here is the system with the (2) Blue Dream girls. I veg'ed them for a while in 5-gal DWC buckets before putting under the 600w HPS in the flowering tent. Just finishing their 2nd week so still in the early days for sure. Pretty stoked to see how the system works. The system is actually a (4) plant system, but I have the other side turned off with valves in order to just use these two for a test run. Super easy system to build. Only thing is you will want to murder anyone who posts something like "just snap in the unseal and then slide in the pipe" - uh huh, fuck you...I almost went crazy trying to get those inserted. Ha ha.


Here are a few other things I have going on:

Pineapple Express just finishing its 3rd week of flowering. Buds everywhere!


Here is Reserva Privada's Sour Diesel that I grew from seed and LST'd - have a couple clones of her rooting and then she will go in a bigger coco pot and I will flower her out I think. She is just too perfect not to :eyesmoke::


And here is a Bubba Kush (freebie from HSO via Attitude a couple months ago) that is about 4 weeks old or so. She is looking great and responded to topping really well. I plan on dropping her into a DWC bucket to veg over the next 8 weeks at which time she will replace one of the BDs in the RDWC system. Probably going to do the same with the strongest of the two SourD clones as well:




Well-Known Member
Thanks frizzlegooch!

One thing I have noticed is that my temps at night when the lights are off get down to about 61 with lights-on temps around 80-85. I have noticed very slow growth in some instances and almost no stretch - but mostly amongst the plants that started out as clones. The stuff grown from seed (like the PE above) all get super thick stems and grow at a good rate. Does anyone think it is a temp issue? I am feeding pretty much identically and they are under the same lights.

I am upgrading my veg area to a 432w T5 (4' x 8 bulbs) to hope to get some better growth. I built this system so I can flower out some monsters, but so far the veg action is disappointing. I am sure it is an environmental/grower thing. I am hoping that by the time I get my second run going I can have two beasts to put in there with a SCrOG net and get some serious shit.


Well-Known Member
I think its just the fact that clones roots are generally less established then mothers.. But that is directly related to temperature most likely, clones need to be warm.


Well-Known Member
I think its just the fact that clones roots are generally less established then mothers.. But that is directly related to temperature most likely, clones need to be warm.
Yeah, I definitely struggle with temps getting too low at night in the winter. I read a suggestion to maybe swap your lights on time to evening in the winter in colder climates - next year I plan on trying that. Bringing in outside air when it is negative temps is near impossible without cranking a space heater in the tent 24/7. Right now I am going to have it keep temps around 68 in the tent at night at the cost of energy and my bill for it. I unplugged my flower room exhaust from the duct that takes it outside to dump some warm air into my grow area (which is open so it gets plenty of other air as well) - so far it is helping but it would be much better if it was doing it at night :)


Well-Known Member
Some pics. The little seedling is Sage'n'Sour from THSeeds. The two little clones are both from the Reserva Privada Sour Diesel which I repotted into a 5gal felt pot this week. The two plants in the LED tent are HSO Blue Dreams just like the two in the R-DWC system.

I have decided that the next two plants I am going to veg in 5-gal buckets in prep to go into the R-DWC will be from seed just to see if there is any difference. I just expect a lot more growth out of these plants. I feel liked I veg'ed these BDs in DWC forever and they didn't get all that large. I am sure my environment needs some dialing in. That Pineapple Express is stacking buds nicely though.



Well-Known Member
They are looking great. Got me some PE flowering myself, just love how this strain grows.....veggs quickly & really stacks in flower.

I feel u on getting the vegg chamber dialed in, been having the same problem.....vegging sometimes seem slow during certain times of the year.


Well-Known Member
Upgraded my veg area and I am super pumped! Got this HTG Slimstar 4'x8-bulb 432w T5HO off eBay for $189 with free shipping. Super bright. The plant on the left is a Reserva Privada Sour Diesel, Blue Bucket is an HSO Bubba Kush, and the grey bucket is HSO Blue Dream. There are a couple of SD clones and a THSeeds Sage 'n' Sour seedling there in the front.


Bubba Kush - this thing topped so symmetrically, love it.


Sour Diesel - going to veg her for another 4 weeks or so and put her into flower. She is a beast.


Blue Dream - exploded after I started using Orca root inoculate (more on that later).


Have two blue dreams in a tent with an LED and a single 2700k CFL. Just a little experiment but so far it is looking good.


I had been struggling with weak little roots that were so susceptible to issues and sliminess. I looked for any kind of info out there and the first step I tried was hygrozyme. It did work, but not at the level I was expecting. The roots cleaned up for sure, but I didn't see any new growth and the roots were still whisky and lame. After much reading and a recommendation from my hydro shop, I picked up a bottle of Orca root inoculant. I had read a ton stuff on the boards and you get the usual. Some say it works. Some just hate on everything and spout their know-it-allness. All I can say is that within a week or two of using it, my plants in the buckets started showing explosive root growth unlike I have been able to coax out of clones as of yet. I always see these buckets filled with roots and never have achieved that. So far I am on a good track. I will definitely keep using it going forward.


Two weeks ago none of those roots were there. I have run this stuff in my coco plants, bubble buckets and R-DWC so far and it has shown positive results in all of them. So people might say that stuff like this is useless in hydro - and that might be true for some brands and whatnot - but all I can say is I was struggling with root issues to where I was going to ditch hydro altogether (reluctantly), but this stuff might have redeemed it for me.

Here's the flowering room. The Pineapple Express (G13 Labs) looks amazing. Long colas that are filling out nicely. Drinks every other day. Has four weeks left and I am really excited to see what she produces. Just staying on top off her and giving her what she says she needs. This plant has been super easy to grow and has just been amazing the whole time. I would highly recommend this strain from this breeder.

The other two are Blue Dreams. The back one has much better root system and is definitely more stout and thick-stemmed. The front seem to be getting better after the Orca was started. I see some white tips pocking out of the net pot so I expect in a week or so


Was so fucking frustrated at root issues that I have started keeping the tops completely covered with reflective material (bounces light up and keeps buckets dark and cooler). Also being vigilant about keeping rez temps down. have like 8 milk bottles always frozen and just rotate them throughout the day. So the orca plus the low temps in the rez + the total blackout of the growing tubs seems to have made a huge improvement. They both have shown significant root development and they are thick and white with lots of fish bones. I am so relieved. I would add that when I do add the Orca (very concentrated so it isn't a ton per application) I mix it in some water, pH it and then pour it directly down the grow site so that it soaks the rock wool and drips down the root system - I don't add it into the rez, just both plant sites. I don't think it would hurt to add it to the rez, I just feel like directly applying it is the more ideal way.

Nutrients I now use: House and Garden Aqua Flakes A+B; Silicate; Orca; Canna Aqua Flores A+B; Grow N from Aurora Innovations when needed; and stuff called SNS 604B (http://sierranaturalscience.com/products/natural-fertilizers/sns-604b) which the very experienced owner of a local hydro store guaranteed will increase essential oil and flower production - I have been running this for about a week so I will keep you updated on any results I see.


Well-Known Member
These Sour Diesel clones are stout f*ckers.


I took two different approaches on them. One of them I topped at a place that I thought would yield the best top development. The other (with the green wire) I LST'd by bending her over enough to get light on the lower branches. So far they both are both showing good results I think.

Started using Dutch Master Gold Zone root conditioner today. I have been researching root issues because it was the one thing that continually held me back - especially in hydroponics. I have read tons of comments about how beneficial microbes and root inoculants are useless in hydro. All I can tell you is that my roots were shit, and within a few days of starting the Orca in my bubbler buckets, both plants have thick, white, long roots and there are thick white roots shooting out from all around the net pot. So, while I get the theory of why it wouldn't be that useful. It provided a huge turnaround for me. Both of the plants are looking amazing and the fast growth I was after is actually happening.


Well-Known Member
I am working on tweaking as much as I can in veg because I think the thing I have been missing is getting them strong and vigorous in veg before putting them into flower. Most of my plants have been pretty wimpy - especially since I went to a larger (much) tent. The smaller tent got warm and humid and the largest buds I have harvested came out of there.

This reflective stuff is great. I get it from Lowe's (near the insulation) and it is an irregular reflective surface (better than smooth, mirror-like reflective surfaces). The reflection probably helps a little, but I mostly did this to generate some heat in the grow area. It is open in a concrete basement in a northern climate so keeping them warm can be difficult. The combination of the new light with the panels is making it nice and warm and humid in there.

I think I have decided that after this run with the R-DWC I am going to take it out of there. Seriously, it sounded so great but it is such a pain in the ass. And the $ that goes into nutrients when you have such a large system is nuts. I am sure I am doing things wrong and what not, but I am going to stick with the buckets. For one thing, I could probably get 6-9 largish plants under the light without the huge tubs, and for another, it is just easier. I like all the gardening part of it, so I don't mind all the res. changes that comes with multiple buckets. I do think I am going to set one up as a drip-ring-feed hydrofarm system to see how that goes - I have seen a lot of great results with that type of setup and I like all the tinkering, ha ha.



My thoughts exactly UNTIL I SWITCH UP THE SYSTEM TO TOP FEED . 6 bucket RDWC, 2 weeks into flower when I re-configured . 10 days later 12in roots reaching down the bucket to the water.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts exactly UNTIL I SWITCH UP THE SYSTEM TO TOP FEED . 6 bucket RDWC, 2 weeks into flower when I re-configured . 10 days later 12in roots reaching down the bucket to the water.
You have any pics of your system? I would love to see it.


Well-Known Member
Put one of the Sour Diesel (Reserva Privada) clones into a bucket that I fitted with a hydrofarm kit that I had laying around. I have always wanted to try a grow with one and this plant is really healthy and should serve as a perfect test subject.

You can see that her roots were well developed in the cup. I used the following during her time from initial cutting to now:
Soaked rock wool cubes in very weak canna aqua flores+orca solution while seeds sat between wet paper between two plates; rooted under a dome with heating pad underneath; once the roots were well established placed in coco cup; fed House&Garden Aqua Flakes A-B+Orca+Nitrogen Supplement+SNS-604B (provides for beneficial microbes in Orca):


Just cut a hole in the net pot and the hydrofarm kit works great. I switched to gro-stones from hydroton and like it way better. It is probably one-quarter the weight, so lifting the lid, even with a large plant is pretty easy compared to a 10" net pot full of clay, ha ha. Also, they don't hold any water or nutrients so a quick rinse is all that is required to get them ready to use again. So far, I can't see myself going back to anything other than these for hydro media.


Super stoked on this little plant. She is thick as fuck. Really excited to see how this plant does in this setup. If it is successful I am going to convert all my buckets to this setup probably. You use way less water and nutrients. You do have to have two air pump lines per bucket (at least that is how I am running it - (1) for the pumping column and (1) for the air stone), so that is a consideration - but I like the top feed idea.


Well-Known Member
Duuuude, loving your set-up. I know once I had put a drip ring on my last grow I started seeing my lady blow up. +subby



Well-Known Member
Little update.

Just sprouted a couple more seeds. The one on the left is a Dinafem Cheese and the one on the right is a Humboldt Green Crack. Soaked the cubes in a weak solution that included Canna Aqua Flores A+B, Orca, and SNS 604B and stabilized the cubes at pH of 5.5


And just to prove what I am saying about the Orca+DM Gold Zone, two weeks ago, this plants roots were whispy pieces of shit covered in brown slime. Started using Orca first and then added DM Gold Zone....now they look like this. All of my plants have benefited tremendously from it. Seriously pleased with this stuff.


Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
Man that Pineapple Express is looking delectable! DAMN. Can't wait to see the final product. I like your system, I've been pondering RDWC for a good minute now. Nice job LSTing your ladies man, they're doing it all for you ;)


Well-Known Member
Man that Pineapple Express is looking delectable! DAMN. Can't wait to see the final product. I like your system, I've been pondering RDWC for a good minute now. Nice job LSTing your ladies man, they're doing it all for you ;)
Thanks UR!

Yeah, The RDWC is definitely cool, but a pain the ass at the same time...ha ha. I am actually going to take out this huge system and use buckets for now while I think about what I really want to do to accomplish my goals. Right now, I want the ability to move them around, and do a perpetual grow with 5-6 plants in flower at any given time while I veg plants big to go into flower. The RDWC I build was based off an idea that didn't work out exactly like I wanted - but I learned a ton researching, building and now running it. I just converted one of my DWC buckets into a water farm and so far I love it. I am going to watch and compare that plant to the normal bubbler buckets and if it works out I will probably convert all my buckets into WF setups.

LST is the shit though, right? Super-cropping is pretty tough here in the winter. My plants have a lot of purple stems and stripes on them due to the low (59-61) night temps (they are in a basement and it is fucking cold here :) ) and I notice that in the warmer seasons, I can squeeze and bend branches and have them heal right up super strong and knotty...but in the winter, they stay soft and flexible and never build up those extra cells and really reap the benefits of super-cropping. So I started tying down branches and manipulating the shape of it as early as I can. I typically top a plant at the 2nd node after it reaches about 5-6 nodes, let them grow out to a point where the 4 new branches that result are long enough that they reach the outside of the cup, and then tie or wire them down. I really makes a huge difference in the number and quality of branches that result from the four tops.

I still haven't gotten a plant to really perform like a monster though. That is what I am trying to do now...spending a lot of time and care in veg to get them huge, healthy and thick and then putting them into flower and seeing if I can coax a lot of weight out of them.