The Most Outrageous Post Thread.


Well-Known Member
this is a thread where we can re-post our favorite outrageous posts from RIU. no specific rules for acceptable content, just any post that made you think to youself "what the fu...."​

there needs to be a rule if we dont want this thread shut down.

no comments on posted quotes, positive or negative. were not flaming, were entertaining. negative comments and personal attacks will guarantee the death of this thread.

please only post a quote from the original thread so were provided a link to the original thread.​
i seen that one too. i would think theres worse out here but it just seems like when you here stories like that its because younger people think they can grow. its great to have the passion to WANT to grow. i have been growing for a short time now. but in all my researches iv seen there is a growing etiquette that includes a respect to doing it right so you dont F anything up while doing it.
young, irresponsible, uneducated people is what i frown upon!!!!!!!!!:(
Im 28 and been wanting to grow all my life, this point in my life I have the time and done more than enough research and the grow is going great, that is all.