about germinating


This is what i gathered so far from all the reading ive been doing here and elsewhere

4 seeds, two normal and two autoflower fem is this what i should do

Place all 4 straight into jiffy pellets and cover with water and lid and place under light

after a few days take the jiffy pellets and put the whole lot into large potts filled to the rim with soil and add fertilizer and water ?


Well-Known Member
I have read about people having trouble germing in jiffy pellets. I soak the seeds and put 1/4 into the soil, never had a problem. Maybe try rapid rooters as an alternative. And do not feed nutrients until 2 1/2 weeks if in soil. Add some perlite to the soil...


im going with soil and organic fert

in fact i have been advised here to stay away from complex system since im a beginner

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
This is what i gathered so far from all the reading ive been doing here and elsewhere

4 seeds, two normal and two autoflower fem is this what i should do

Place all 4 straight into jiffy pellets and cover with water and lid and place under light

after a few days take the jiffy pellets and put the whole lot into large potts filled to the rim with soil and add fertilizer and water ?
Why not just the seeds straight into the pots? It's not like you're germinating 50 and as such space is an issue. Makes no sense to add a worthless step in the middle.

And do not add fertilizers.

Rooting gel is for when taking clones. You have no need for it.


Why not just the seeds straight into the pots? It's not like you're germinating 50 and as such space is an issue. Makes no sense to add a worthless step in the middle.

And do not add fertilizers.

Rooting gel is for when taking clones. You have no need for it.
thanks for clearing that out for me

when does the fertilizer/nutrients begin to be added?

at the beginning i am to understand that only to use water?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
thanks for clearing that out for me

when does the fertilizer/nutrients begin to be added?

at the beginning i am to understand that only to use water?
Yup, just use water. You tart adding nutes when it needs it really. some soils might mean that's after 2 weeks, others might have 6 weeks of slow release fertilizer in it. It all depends, and a lot of it is just a question of observation and researching how to identify when a plant is starting to want food/more food.


Yup, just use water. You tart adding nutes when it needs it really. some soils might mean that's after 2 weeks, others might have 6 weeks of slow release fertilizer in it. It all depends, and a lot of it is just a question of observation and researching how to identify when a plant is starting to want food/more food.
this is the definition and mark of genius, simple, concise, easy to follow and understand yet full function and purpose/goal achieved from the instructions

thanks again


Well-Known Member
I just skip all the ritual, and plant the seed straight into the soil. Then water it in a litltle. Done! Then place light over sprout.