552 watts CFL 10 plants major LST. soil and hardcore pruning

Oh almost forgot. For anybody that cares the hermie plant after drying with NO stems atall weighed out to 4.5 gs. sadddddd. and super hairy, pulled most of the super long pistols off but the small buds are actually pretty potent. doesn't smell very appealing tho because it wasnt flushed or anything and super premature. New estimate is half pound. 8 oz. I'd be happy with that


Well-Known Member
A few of those girls are looking a lot better. The one has a tall sativa looking cola. And I like the hoods. I may borrow part of that design in the future. How's the smell thus far?


Well-Known Member
bamboo got any pictures? how far are they? what medium are they in? what are you feeding them?
My oldest plant is about 105 days in and was switched to 12/12 45 days ago. Growing in a 50-50 mix of fox farm ocean forest and ferti-lome potting mix. Feeding with Fox farm big bloom, tiger bloom at 1/2 strength or less, and cal/mag plus at 1/3 strength.
Here's my grow thread:


the plants look good. How far into flowering?
Looks like you're doing it right. Do you have pics of the construction of that hood for the bulbs?
I wanna make a mini one I've got everything but the bulb mounts and electrical shit. Did you just wire them all in parallel?


bamboo looks good to me thats a nice main cola there if possible can you completely surround that main with more lights or is it already and they just werent there in the pics the more light you can get on them and the closer the better within inches i keep my lights withing 1-2" at all times yes it takes moving them alot but it really helps for sure
but all in all good grow

unseen i knw you have high hopes and thats really great but i still say i cant see that much on those plants but thats just me and im looking only at pictures so but hey keep up the great work and if you wont get the yield you want focus on details of making it as tasty and potent as possible read up on curing and drying and you will be pretty happy with what you have, given you cure them correctly.

great grows everyone keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
bamboo looks good to me thats a nice main cola there if possible can you completely surround that main with more lights or is it already and they just werent there in the pics the more light you can get on them and the closer the better within inches i keep my lights withing 1-2" at all times yes it takes moving them alot but it really helps for sure
but all in all good grow
I don't plan on adding any more lights. But yes, I did move the tek lamp out of the way in the one picture. Things kinda got outta hand size wise on this grow. lol!
wow thanks everyone. great feedback and i def. appreciate the rep points folks. A few updates. plus more awful news. so the battle with the gnats goes on. in a closet not so far away, they keep popping up. After I watered them with their fertilizer mix. maybe a few hours went by and they started hatching out of the drainage holes. they came out of the pantyhose. not sure how that happens but it did. I filled the runoff dishes with sand to stop them but its not doing much good. I put fly tape up everywhere still havnt recieved my gnat traps. Its not super bad compared to what it was but id like to not see any of them ever again. last night and this morning we had a big ice storm. power went out over night and is still out. came on at lights on for plants then shut off an hour into it. been off for about 5 hours now. hope none hermie out. I will just keep them on the same light schedule when they come back on and hope for the best. One plant seems to be dying. i figured it was a nitrogen def. since the leaves were yellow real bad and dying off. so i added some more to its fert and idk if its too far gone or what. I think they will finish around week 9-10. any harm iin letting them go to week 10 if some are ready at week 8? Id appreciate some advice on the subject, i know some will need 10 weeks but a few look to be getting closer. and today is day 41 of flowering. i think maybe 80 days overall. I do have pictures comming today or tomorrow. depending on if i want to mess with it after work.
sorry i dont have pics of the construction z but i can tell u how i did it. 6 lamp vanity bar from lowes. bathroom fixture. 6inch shiny ducting, wire, a plug for the end. and i wired the wires together. you could just get a lamp cord or something, and wire it to the vanity bar, same thing. and i tucked the ducting in the grooves on the side of the vanity bar. hung it with paracord. boom there it is. i can take some better pics of it if u want?


fuck gnats

and yeah doesn't seem too hard. I have basic electrical wiring knowledge. I'm tired of hanging separate bulb clusters and bulbs all over, fixed bulb system that I can move up and down mounted to something sounds way better. Something like this maybe.
yes totally, i know theyre larvae are still infesting the soil but i just want it to be over with already. the sand sucks too because its stopping the soil from drying out properly. i can tell already. idk what to do at this point. and the smell is getting out of hand. considering buying a carbon filter or something


Well-Known Member
DAY 38 I believe I have successfully taken care of the problem. My solution was to put fat chick panty hose around the pots to keep the gnats from laying eggs in the drainage holes and keep them from hatching out there, and I put a layer of play sand on top. I did this last night and saw no gnats this morning. again crossing fingers so hard they're breaking, lol. I noticed on one or two plants, mostly just one, the steam from the boiling water treatment rose up and lingered a bit too long I'm guessing because some leaves and tops are discolored and wilted pretty badly. I tell you this grow has gone from smooth and perfect to a complete nightmare since I started this thread. I hope I havn't fuckered them up too much but I digress, should finish out late but decent.I also took your advice themjkidd and added another fan, hopefully the sound isn't super noticeable. On to the pictures..took one of each plant individually this time, enjoy and as always gimme some feedback:hump:View attachment 3012921View attachment 3012933View attachment 3012938View attachment 3012966View attachment 3012948View attachment 3012951View attachment 3012955View attachment 3012967View attachment 3012970View attachment 3012971View attachment 3012931View attachment 3012930View attachment 3012920
Remove the sand, it cuts off the oxygen supply to your medium which inhibits microbial activity...and as you have already found out does nothing to prevent fungus gnats.

I grow organically, sometimes vegging outdoors and flowering inside and therefore always have a few gnats around. This in itself is not a problem, shop-vac handles that well. It's when they begin to colonize you have a problem, which sounds like they have in your case.

I have tried everything from cinnamon to DM earth(which is actually ground seashells), and the only product I found that works is straight pyrethrin...which works on everything including beneficial insects. Although still considered organic due to being a flower extract, stuff still smells like straight pesticide and I only use it as a last resort.

Also, I used to run over 1,000 actual CFL watts before switching to MH/HPS. My electric bill did *not go up, but my yield sure did!...50%.

any recommendation as to which product to get? also i am def. getting a better light for flowering next run.
z thats a pretty easy one to put together but i like mine as they are evenly spaced and longer. but either way would work


Well-Known Member
any recommendation as to which product to get? also i am def. getting a better light for flowering next run.
z thats a pretty easy one to put together but i like mine as they are evenly spaced and longer. but either way would work
That was the hard part, very few companies sell pyrethrin alone and it isn't at home supply centers either. I had to order it online, in cases of infestation as last resort I use as a soil drench upon watering. If you decide to go this route, follow label closely. When they say 2 teaspoons treats an entire acre outdoors...they mean it. Strong stuff!:


You might find it cheaper on Amazon etc.


Well-Known Member
diatomaceous earth actually worked pretty well for me when I had gnats all over, when my plants were some what dry on the top I dusted it on top and let it sit there for as long as you can before your ladies get thirsty again and just repeat. I was watering with mosquito dunks to kill the larvae too. Haven't seen another one of those buggers ever since. Normal yellow sticky fly traps work pretty well at getting the adults too, there are many options :D
themjkidd i hear ya man i think its gonna be a lighter harvest then i hoped for. but if i get 5 oz of good bud atleast i wont have to buy any for a while