Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

Arnt 90℅+ of gun murders from gang related violence?

Makes the whole argument sorta retarded anyway you look at it.

Mass shootings account for less than 3℅ of gun murders too.

Where's the problem again?

You would first have to subtract every time a gun saved someone from another gun. You don't get brownie points for fixing a problem you created in the first place. And since 67% of murders occur via firearm, it would be relatively safe to assume that at least 67% of all times a gun stops a murder that murder would have been committed with a firearm and so you have to discount at least 67% of all "gun saves" as more of "gun neutralizes". Then you have to subtract all the times that a gun was used with deadly force in response to a crime that was committed WITHOUT deadly force, because if it prevented a crime but cost a life when no life would have been lost, that is the opposite of a "gun save"

That made no sense.
It seems to suggest, you can't tell the difference between a KILL and a SAVE

So,. it is not some complicate math. A kill is a kill and a save is..... never mind.


PERPS don't count. See how confused you are? Now if it was an UN-lawful kill of a perp, DUDE THAT IS A KILL.

See here is the problem. You can't admit it. Guns save 5 times what the kill and an lawful killing is a save.

So, with my generous 5 x, there is no problem with guns but the people that attempt to negate that 5x ratio. (I'm sure it is more like 10x)

This quibble alone, tells me no one will face it. They are duped and co-oppted Saganists. So, therefore these cannot handle the truth.
Arnt 90℅+ of gun murders from gang related violence?

Makes the whole argument sorta retarded anyway you look at it.

Mass shootings account for less than 3℅ of gun murders too.

Where's the problem again?


Exactly. And I have run these punks around for days thowing rocks to even get to this.


THERE is NO gun problem in the USA. There are many many social problems and WE knew we needed guns from the START.
400,000 some odd crimes committed with firearms every year. That's 8x the amount of saves.

That's assaults, shootings that were non-lethal, rapes, thefts etc.

Let's make sure we use all the stats not just the ones sanctioned by the Rockodile Hunter.
400,000 some odd crimes committed with firearms every year. That's 8x the amount of saves.

That's assaults, shootings that were non-lethal, rapes, thefts etc.

Let's make sure we use all the stats not just the ones sanctioned by the Rockodile Hunter.

Kills vs Saves You can't jack the math to score with your stupid insult style and name calling, labeling for fear, etc.

We are talking about saving lives. But, there is a line. My house, my family, my stuff....your life is forfeit if you pop into my home.

See, it is so inconvenient, this saves vs kills, you simply cannot face it. It nudes, the entire argument. Your argument cost lives, no one is saved on your slip slope, DOWN to BAD.

You are slime worming again.
400,000 some odd crimes committed with firearms every year. That's 8x the amount of saves.

That's assaults, shootings that were non-lethal, rapes, thefts etc.

Let's make sure we use all the stats not just the ones sanctioned by the Rockodile Hunter.

Do you even see the irony here? You hounding me over many posts about "cite references?" You are a failure.

And rock hunter is not an insult. I suppose in your pea brain, humans went extinct. Yeah, we were too hungry. We never got to invent spears.

Why? Well we were too dumb to realize, rocks could kill food. So sad. Yeah, we never realized rocks were deadly. Yeah, Cain never slew Able.

Too hungry. :)
400,000 some odd crimes committed with firearms every year. That's 8x the amount of saves.

That's assaults, shootings that were non-lethal, rapes, thefts etc.

Let's make sure we use all the stats not just the ones sanctioned by the Rockodile Hunter.

I say we ban all criminals, problem fixed.
Sam Colt fixed that for me. In my home criminals are banned. And I will enforce that with extreme prejudice.
Kills vs Saves You can't jack the math to score with your stupid insult style and name calling, labeling for fear, etc.

We are talking about saving lives. But, there is a line. My house, my family, my stuff....your life is forfeit if you pop into my home.

See, it is so inconvenient, this saves vs kills, you simply cannot face it. It nudes, the entire argument. Your argument cost lives, no one is saved on your slip slope, DOWN to BAD.

You are slime worming again.

So it doesn't matter if someone rapes another person using a gun to force compliance?

Nice to know you care.
Kills vs Saves You can't jack the math to score with your stupid insult style and name calling, labeling for fear, etc.

We are talking about saving lives. But, there is a line. My house, my family, my stuff....your life is forfeit if you pop into my home.

See, it is so inconvenient, this saves vs kills, you simply cannot face it. It nudes, the entire argument. Your argument cost lives, no one is saved on your slip slope, DOWN to BAD.

You are slime worming again.
I never said a slippery slope goes up you dink. lol
Do you even see the irony here? You hounding me over many posts about "cite references?" You are a failure.

And rock hunter is not an insult. I suppose in your pea brain, humans went extinct. Yeah, we were too hungry. We never got to invent spears.

Why? Well we were too dumb to realize, rocks could kill food. So sad. Yeah, we never realized rocks were deadly. Yeah, Cain never slew Able.

Too hungry. :)

'Rockodile hunter' most definitely is an insult. It's a reference to your lies about your 'superhuman' abilities and rock throwing prowess that supersedes any professional athletes ability. It also references your idiotic stance that rocks are deadlier than guns. Again, idiot.

That's what 'Rockodile Hunter' means.
I never said a slippery slope goes up you dink. lol

Sure you did, you said the slope slips to good know you said that.

So, either, somehow defying physics, we slip up to good, or unlike everyone else, you are proposing that semantically, Good is Down, somehow. Slipping on a slope is always downward, semantically.

The slip slope to good???? Come on man. You said it.
ROFL where?? Where did I say this??

The 'slip slope' to 'good' (your words not mine), was in reference to losing gun liberties, you nincompoop. You just didn't understand it.


This is what you were referencing;

People have the right to not be murdered, guns allow people to be murdered easier, therefore letting people have guns is a slippery slope to people being murdered. It's a stupid argument, and so is one against proper storage laws for firearms.
I explained again, for those that didn't understand what I meant in my statement, but ole Rockodile Hunter still didn't get it.
The last sentence, literally states "It's a stupid argument, and so is the one against proper storage of firearms." I was showing that any situation can be turned into a slippery slope if you try hard enough.

The Rockodile hunter didn't understand obviously;

no all made up and you are not counting saves

guns stop murder there is no slippery slope to good....what utter ignorance. Are we good? We didn't slip down into good

good is up, fool

i write to your barest understanding and that is why you are not always meant to understand it

Here he mentioned it again; still doesn't get it....
Hey, I not going around in the Saganist cloud where the slip slope goes down to Good. Ha Haa

Then the last time you bring up the same damn thing;

Sure you did, you said the slope slips to good know you said that.

So, either, somehow defying physics, we slip up to good, or unlike everyone else, you are proposing that semantically, Good is Down, somehow. Slipping on a slope is always downward, semantically.

The slip slope to good???? Come on man. You said it.

So, no. I didn't say it, you just fail at reading..... even when simple things are broken down in easy to understand ways that other people understand. You just can't understand.

People being murdered is not a 'good' outcome. I clearly state IT'S A STUPID ARGUMENT, then you try to refute the (CLEARLY STATED FALLACIOUS) argument I made to prove a point about slippery slopes, as if the argument I'm making was legitimate. You didn't even understand what I wrote, then brought it up a bunch more times in the thread as if you 'won' something. lol

far more ppl are shot dead than stabbed to death,eventhough its easier to get knives.that just proves its far easier to kill with a gun,and many ppl at a time.and that machete attack in china was carried out by 10 ppl,and 4 of the 33 killed were some of the ppl who carried out the attack.1 person with an AR could have killed far more alot quicker and easier.imagine if all 10 had of had guns,hundreds would have been killed.
'Rockodile hunter' most definitely is an insult. It's a reference to your lies about your 'superhuman' abilities and rock throwing prowess that supersedes any professional athletes ability. It also references your idiotic stance that rocks are deadlier than guns. Again, idiot.

That's what 'Rockodile Hunter' means.

So, you might be insulting. That is always obvious. But, I am never insulted. You have never seen me say that word in my defense. To me it is meaningless, especially since Rock Hunters feed the family of man, even today.

I make it my business to know the way of the rock and the way of the gun. So, you mean to be insulting because you are so base and mean.

But, It is indeed a compliment that I put way up there with "acting just like Buck"

So since you, intend to be insulting, of course, you think an explanation and more argument, makes it hurt.

YOU FAILED,....loser... If insults are all you have, you got nothing. HA HAaaaaaaaa
So, you might be insulting. That is always obvious. But, I am never insulted. You have never seen me say that word in my defense. To me it is meaningless, especially since Rock Hunters feed the family of man, even today.

I make it my business to know the way of the rock and the way of the gun. So, you mean to be insulting because you are so base and mean.

But, It is indeed a compliment that I put way up there with "acting just like Buck"

So since you, intend to be insulting, of course, you think an explanation and more argument, makes it hurt.

YOU FAILED,....loser... If insults are all you have, you got nothing. HA HAaaaaaaaa

Not true, I have reading comprehension and the ability to realize humans can't throw 3lb rocks @ 70mph from 50ft. More than you can say.

EDIT: The way of the rock??? Easy there, Mr. Miyagi! LOLOLOL
See, you are a mean spirited person that think insults are meaningful...Lucky for you, you hide.