Help germinating questions


Active Member
hey everyone so im beginning my germination process in a few hours

and i have a few quick questions. I have herd many ways to do it( putting it in

a sponge, soaking in water, wrapping in towel) i was wondering what is the

best and how to do it



Well-Known Member
I have germinations my babes put then in one glas with fresh water!!! For 48h...
all my seed open fine!!!
I think is better the tower paper because the tower paper can drie....
Try with one seed and you see...
Take care


Well-Known Member
i place mine in a damp paper towel, put on top of a ziplock bag or in it place somewhere warm and dark. also replace the papertowel every 24 hours. some seeds pop pretty fast while others can take a week or more


Well-Known Member
take a paper towel fold in half with seeds inside then take 1 plate to hold the seeds and the other plate to cover up then stick in a dark cabinet.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
take a paper towel fold in half with seeds inside then take 1 plate to hold the seeds and the other plate to cover up then stick in a dark cabinet.
Yep that is pretty much the same as what I do. Keep the paper towel moist, not too wet. :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
yeah I just put them in the fold of some paper towel wet with distilled water in a couple of small dishes taped together - then I put the set up on my broadband modem as the dishes are only about 5 cms across. This gives it enough heat - but the towel dries out pretty readily so you have to check it and splash a bit more water on it every so often.

So far every seed I have germed has cracked this way.




Active Member
can you just put the seeds in rockwool blocks and wait for them to germinate?


Well-Known Member
I am voting for paper towel, with paper towel you can actually let the tap root grow a little bit with out drowning it. The glass of water does work also, it really is a preference choice. Those are the main two used though.