Properly made BHO in RI

Just make that product into hash butter or other edibles. You may also be able to heat it again and get it to melt back into an oil.
is that the guy that was advertising I think it was north shore area?

no no these guys live near me and are pretty young, but I saw passion in this kid so I laid out my plan to run this service. I know what I am doing just don't have the time. So I am going to work with him for a little then pass the torch. My job right now is to find the work
But I doooooo I really really doooo. I can't show all my cards but we are planning something big. I am really happy you dab that golden candy right winne the poohs honey jar
Idk ....

that second pic looks like it's waxing up already on the left . You seem to be your own biggest fan/cheerleader wavegem . I never see anyone else here posting how great your flowers/oil are , just you stroking your own bone .
Heh..... Paying $$$ for stainless steel buckets doesn't equal paying dues .

actually I had them made custom. Along with my water cooled lights 10 ton chillers, my closed loop mk4. Everything is custom, which I have dialed in perfect. I have created multiple strains which have been gone through and selected. I never receive complaints or if I do it's out of my control. Back to back helping patients and caregivers alike giving all my cuts to everyone. Until you make an impact like this you don't have a pot to piss in
actually I had them made custom. Along with my water cooled lights 10 ton chillers, my closed loop mk4. Everything is custom, which I have dialed in perfect. I have created multiple strains which have been gone through and selected. I never receive complaints or if I do it's out of my control. Back to back helping patients and caregivers alike giving all my cuts to everyone. Until you make an impact like this you don't have a pot to piss in

Woopty dooooooo!
What are we in kindergarten. You are a fucking joke

Exactly ! I thought my response was appropriate for someone acting like a child .
I make a comment on your " quality " bho and you get butt hurt and call me a bitch . Then brag about your custom this , that and ....
Heh , who's in kindergarten here .........

How about we have a poll in a thread . We each post 2 pix of shatter , and 2 pix of dried flowers .

Who ever gets less votes , never posts in the RI Forum again
Coastal not for nothing, but pictures are worthless. You never truly know how good a strain is until you try it out. I am not saying you grow shit I am just saying your picture could look beautiful and smoke like crap or vice versa. I have had some stuff looking like mids and got wasted and I have had some very sexy bud that did nothing for me. And you have to remember everybody looks for different effects so harvest time is a big factor. Pictures are nice though.
How about you stop posting in my thread. You have never contributed anything not a damn thing. all you wAnt to do is talk shit cause you are jealous. Envy sucks and will eat you alive. Get off my dick
Until you break my record at know your grow I don't care 25.234 thc .9 cbd and 2.2 cbn go smoke your mids
Envious of all the money you spent on custom crap , just to get pm , then spray chemicals all over and burn sulphur . Just to get root aphids , and then have to sell on cl for less and less ...... Ya found me out , heh !

Your room is impressive as hell , I will give you that . Thing is , its so excessive in every way imaginable . Just cause you did that , it doesn't mean your the best , your buds are etc . Just means your dedicated and have a huge bank roll . We are growing a weed here , not something on a space station . Just like anything , there is always someone better and more experienced then you or myself . Maybe you'd learn a lot more if you realized that ....

If I suck so bad , have mids etc , etc . Why not do the poll on our pics ? It should be easy for you to win.