How to Dry a BUCKET FULL of Loose Popcorn Nugs???


Well-Known Member
Hello People
I have a bucket full of loose, popcorn nuggs.
They were the pain in the arse little bastards that were all over the lower
and inner stems.
They didn't have the size or density (weight) to justify attempting a proper manicure.
So I took off excess leaf and piled them high.....

*As they are not suitable to hang on lines
how best can I dry them out???

At the moment I have them in a wire mesh bowl
(actually the front from an oscillating desk fan)
in the drying tent with the clotheslines full of the better quality nuggs.

Please consider that when advising on the best dry/cure technique.

Picture will be added
(as soon as upload goes through).
Many thanks.


Well-Known Member
I have taken a pair of window screens. Make a flower sandwich and then run the fan up thru it.



Well-Known Member
If you are making hash there is no need for a curing period. Dry them out then hash them up. If you aren't prepared to hash them up, into the freezer they go until you are ready.


Well-Known Member
Well true, but drying isn't curing is it? And North is not curing, only drying.


Well-Known Member
i understand youll be using butane.. dry slowly under 70° for about 7-10 days before you blast.

i prefer fresh frozen material to prevent terp loss. but its really hard to blast that and a soak is best, it also shrinks with water loss so you run more at a time..


Well-Known Member
Just toss em in the freezer once theyre a little crispy. Dont wanna throw em in super fresh/wet. But fresh/mostly dry is perfect.

Made some of the best oil i have out of some fresh dried frozen cheese trim. Soooooo tasty!


Well-Known Member
i understand youll be using butane.. dry slowly under 70° for about 7-10 days before you blast.

i prefer fresh frozen material to prevent terp loss. but its really hard to blast that and a soak is best, it also shrinks with water loss so you run more at a time..
I don't know about BUTANE, QK.
Sounds like things can go wrong (very wrong!).

I'm more drawn towards an Iso 99.9 system....
But you're guiding me through this.
I hope....?


Well-Known Member
Doer et al.....
I don't know if I'll use the popcorn nuggs for extracting.

I have a huge amount of sugar leaf trim
(about 1/3 of a black plastic bin liner).

As this material has no other value than for extraction
whilst the popcorn nuggs can be dried/cured and mixed in with the primo nuggs.....

I'm more inclined to attempt my first ever extraction using the sugar leaf trim.

The FLOWER SANDWICHE seems a good idea.


Well-Known Member
BHO is easy. Just go outside. That eliminates 90% of the danger. Second, dont smoke/have open flames around it while its evaporating. Thats about 99.9999% of the danger removed.

Only thing that can go wrong would be static discharge which at best would cause the shit in the pyrex to catch fire with no real explosion because youd be outside so the gasses couldnt build up enough to really explode/injure you.


Well-Known Member
After fulltrim and breakdown I spread all my nugs, big or little on newspaper on bread trays. These stack and if your lucky you can get dollys that hold two columns. Each tray holds around 5 ounces of big nugs and less with smalls.


Well-Known Member
Here are the bowls of primo singles (hard to hang)
and the huge amount of the popcorn.

I didn't photograph the sugar leaf trim
(didn't see the point).

Thanks for all your help and suggestions.
If you were local, I'd invite you all round to sample the wares....

Maybe, one day, some of you will visit L'il Ol' 'Ngland....???
If so....
The smokes on me.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about BUTANE, QK.
Sounds like things can go wrong (very wrong!).

I'm more drawn towards an Iso 99.9 system....
But you're guiding me through this.
I hope....?
Butane is not poisoned for human consumption like iso alcohol. And 99.9 is hard to come by isn't it?

IAC, it is so much more simple that I could even imagine. The butane boils off by itself.

I got a 1" copper tube, and hey make a big one, why not? So it is 2 feet long. And it holds several ounces at a time.

Two 1" copper pipe caps. One hole in one for the butane. For the output, I drilled a few holes like a salt shaker, say. And inside that is a stainless screen disk.

4 pieces and friction fit. I get the 3x filtered butane by the case and each run will take about 3 canisters, 1 after the other, r wait and smoke between, doesn't matter. I do this outside, of course, with a big padded glove om one hand.

I output into a shallow glass cookie sheet and just leave it outside till it is goo. Then I can heat the pan gently inside by sitting it over hot water.

I thought it would produce a a mess, but it is easy to clean out, the material is quite dry, I never packed it tight. so it just pushes out the bottom into disposal.


Well-Known Member
only rubbing alcohol or denatured has crap in it. the production of iso doesnt create nasties like butane, even if not harmful nobody can argue the presence of a "mystery oil"..also the butane definitely doesnt just evaporate by itself so easily hence our purging techniques
also really shouldnt use or suggest copper without explaining proper safety

for qwiso fresh frozen makes the tastiest extract....yea i will..been goin through some real life issues


Well-Known Member
Butane is not poisoned for human consumption like iso alcohol. And 99.9 is hard to come by isn't it?

IAC, it is so much more simple that I could even imagine. The butane boils off by itself.

I got a 1" copper tube, and hey make a big one, why not? So it is 2 feet long. And it holds several ounces at a time.

Two 1" copper pipe caps. One hole in one for the butane. For the output, I drilled a few holes like a salt shaker, say. And inside that is a stainless screen disk.

4 pieces and friction fit. I get the 3x filtered butane by the case and each run will take about 3 canisters, 1 after the other, r wait and smoke between, doesn't matter. I do this outside, of course, with a big padded glove om one hand.

I output into a shallow glass cookie sheet and just leave it outside till it is goo. Then I can heat the pan gently inside by sitting it over hot water.

I thought it would produce a a mess, but it is easy to clean out, the material is quite dry, I never packed it tight. so it just pushes out the bottom into disposal.

Hell yeah bho is one of the easiest things to do as long as youre safe. Iso is alot harder to get a good end product. Takes more finesse and some experimentation

Id switch to glass if i were you. Copper slightly reacts with butane according to cole/parmer

they have cheap but good glass extractors on ebay. I bought one that holds 14-28gs so i think youd like it.


Well-Known Member
only rubbing alcohol or denatured has crap in it. the production of iso doesnt create nasties like butane, even if not harmful nobody can argue the presence of a "mystery oil"..also the butane definitely doesnt just evaporate by itself so easily hence our purging techniques
also really shouldnt use or suggest copper without explaining proper safety

for qwiso fresh frozen makes the tastiest extract....yea i will..been goin through some real life issues

So you suggest that I don't do any drying to this sugar leaf trim....?
I just stick it in the freezer?


Well-Known Member
That's probably true. And maybe not glass maybe stainless steel?

I build prototypes and harden up. I'm sure for me, glass ware is not hard enough. :)


Well-Known Member
yep.. freeze the iso and the green for atleast 24 hours. qwiso is much trickier and takes some practice. you want a quick wash of 30 seconds or less including filtering.. chop any thing the iso cant flow through after its frozen preferably.


Well-Known Member
Butane is not poisoned for human consumption like iso alcohol. And 99.9 is hard to come by isn't it?

IAC, it is so much more simple that I could even imagine. The butane boils off by itself.

I got a 1" copper tube, and hey make a big one, why not? So it is 2 feet long. And it holds several ounces at a time.

Two 1" copper pipe caps. One hole in one for the butane. For the output, I drilled a few holes like a salt shaker, say. And inside that is a stainless screen disk.

4 pieces and friction fit. I get the 3x filtered butane by the case and each run will take about 3 canisters, 1 after the other, r wait and smoke between, doesn't matter. I do this outside, of course, with a big padded glove om one hand.

I output into a shallow glass cookie sheet and just leave it outside till it is goo. Then I can heat the pan gently inside by sitting it over hot water.

I thought it would produce a a mess, but it is easy to clean out, the material is quite dry, I never packed it tight. so it just pushes out the bottom into disposal.
I don't understand a few of the technical terms and abbreviations/acronyms that you use, Doer.
If ISO is 99.9% pure - it leaves a tiny percentage of content (0.1%) that's something else....
And it's available on AMAZON.UK for an inexpensive price. I'll post a link.
(The EVERCLEAR that many Americans advise costs a small fortune in UK - if you can actually find it!)

For years I was an Industrial Radiographer
(Like a welding inspector - on half the money -
or a metallurgist - on a tenth of the salary).
One of the few metallurgical facts I learned was that
copper is an alert metal.
It can react to many things in many ways
(not dissimilar to lead - in certain situations).

I think I would much prefer to make extraction tubes from uPVC pipes.


Well-Known Member
only rubbing alcohol or denatured has crap in it. the production of iso doesnt create nasties like butane, even if not harmful nobody can argue the presence of a "mystery oil"..also the butane definitely doesnt just evaporate by itself so easily hence our purging techniques
also really shouldnt use or suggest copper without explaining proper safety

for qwiso fresh frozen makes the tastiest extract....yea i will..been goin through some real life issues
Are you saying I should worry about the production of Butane bulk or the oil butane produces? So, I don't understand "create nasties like butane." or "hence our purging techniques"

And as far as you ordering me about or saying that I am doing anymore than describing what I do...or saying I am suggesting anything or "should" do this and that??

So what? Who cares? I see Candanians being raised to act this way, but not so much in the USA. Are you from Canada, Mayonnaise?