Where you at rep wise?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Uncle buck has contributed a shitload of rep toward my power ..I appreciate it ... so many others have to but when ub reps me its definatly hardcore..I want to give a shout out to everyone that rep'd me ....whats uplets get criticalDyna riderClayton bigsbysingle maltRipeChewy muthafucken bertoTheexpressMojoMy sunny boiGiouaSee4ClintMinnesmokerdirty hoRacerboyShrxkyuncle baldrickdr ganzodangerlowskidsteersmokejointFungus knatthecannacovePuffdatchronicnorth of EnglandRawrb420godJoe PopcornFred 12AprilXxMISSxxAnd once again uncle buckif I missed you or you want to get on my list rep me...


Well-Known Member
Uncle buck has contributed a shitload of rep toward my power ..I appreciate it ... so many others have to but when ub reps me its definatly hardcore..I want to give a shout out to everyone that rep'd me ....thanks
You would definitely get a job writing acceptance speeches for Oscar winners:)