Where you at rep wise?


Well-Known Member
Oh, man...

I'm gonna be walking funny for a week after all this statutory rep....

[h=2]Latest Reputation Given (Reputation Power: 175)[/h]


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys.
I got 150+ recently by someone with a fairly new account and not that many posts so I'm wondering how the hell it works.
[h=2]Latest Reputation Given (Reputation Power: 95)[/h]


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys.
I got 150+ recently by someone with a fairly new account and not that many posts so I'm wondering how the hell it works.
Latest Reputation Given (Reputation Power: 95)
Did the somebody have boobies? (Even alleged boobies!) Were they a sock puppet, or maybe just witty, with a sharp sense of humor and some knowledge? (It's a trick question, of course they were one of the three!)


Well-Known Member
Did the somebody have boobies? (Even alleged boobies!) Were they a sock puppet, or maybe just witty, with a sharp sense of humor and some knowledge? (It's a trick question, of course they were one of the three!)
I answered accurately a grow related problem so I got it for that.
I know being controversial and funny will always gain rep for the poster as will taking sides in debates etc so in theory one can join and have no growing knowledge and be rep equal to really experienced gardeners who stay out of politics etc and only browse the growing threads,I'm not knocking it that's the way it is, either way active participation is key.


Well-Known Member
I answered accurately a grow related problem so I got it for that.
I know being controversial and funny will always gain rep for the poster as will taking sides in debates etc so in theory one can join and have no growing knowledge and be rep equal to really experienced gardeners who stay out of politics etc and only browse the growing threads,I'm not knocking it that's the way it is, either way active participation is key.
There are a few excellent growers with very low post counts and high reps. They do as you say, they stick over in the grow areas. I don't know about the other high-rep assholes on here, but I tend to sneak attack people in grow threads that: 1. Offer great insight, with correct answers, and in such a way as to TEACH the questioner how to find the answer themselves. 2. New growers that are really gettin' it in, run into problems, investigate and then ask a question with a narrowed set of responses. 3. Amazing grows and pics, especially if the grower ran into earlier problems. (Growing pains?) And, finally 4. When I get emailed booby pics that invite me to go boating in Sharpie or other marker. ;-)

I think it's disingenuous to use rep to sway an argument. If I see a solid point/argument/topic of discussion, especially when I disagree with the opinion, I will rep. Sometimes I DO just randomly blow my rep wad on people. LoL


Well-Known Member
There are a few excellent growers with very low post counts and high reps. They do as you say, they stick over in the grow areas. I don't know about the other high-rep assholes on here, but I tend to sneak attack people in grow threads that: 1. Offer great insight, with correct answers, and in such a way as to TEACH the questioner how to find the answer themselves. 2. New growers that are really gettin' it in, run into problems, investigate and then ask a question with a narrowed set of responses. 3. Amazing grows and pics, especially if the grower ran into earlier problems. (Growing pains?) And, finally 4. When I get emailed booby pics that invite me to go boating in Sharpie or other marker. ;-)

I think it's disingenuous to use rep to sway an argument. If I see a solid point/argument/topic of discussion, especially when I disagree with the opinion, I will rep. Sometimes I DO just randomly blow my rep wad on people. LoL
You got it spot on.
As for the taking sides thing that is just a guess on my part, maybe it doesn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Active participation in T&T does help, where reputation tends to be handed out willy nilly. The bars aren't exclusively representative of growing knowledge, though. Only evidenced results are, imho. If someone gives you advice, go check their current (or last) grow before following or dismissing it. I also like to make sure the advice I receive is in line with what I want to achieve out of my grow. There are plenty of shitheads with more green bars than they deserve (myself included) on a growing forum.

Reputation Power - 48
Penis Size - 3
Growing knowledge - 8
Rolling Skills - 107


Staff member
its ironic that the people who complain most about the rep problem are the people who never go into tnt and are only in like newbie and gmg, but they refuse to give out rep ...LOL