What's For Dinner Tonight?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man there's no contest between your own hens eggs and shop bought. yolk looks anaemic and has next to no flavour. When we get our house this year we'll be re homing some battery hens. missus wants an eggloo :)



Well-Known Member
I'd never buy eggs again, even the free range one's don't seem to be the best, I've kept fowl for years and there's nothing to beat your own eggs, I can't wait until the geese start laying.
I suppose it's the same with everything though, my Father reared and killed some organic pigs recently , the difference in the colour, texture and taste of the meat is so different to what's commerically available.


Well-Known Member
it's unbelievable the difference isn't it. like everything though eh the more you put in the more you get out.
I had some of the roasts and the skin was almost black, it wouldn't put me off but I'm sure it would a lot of people.
I think a lot of folk especially the urbanites prefer to see the fancily packed meats on the supermarket shelf, personally I'd prefer the quality regardless of visual appeal.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I had some of the roasts and the skin was almost black, it wouldn't put me off but I'm sure it would a lot of people.
I think a lot of folk especially the urbanites prefer to see the fancily packed meats on the supermarket shelf, personally I'd prefer the quality regardless of visual appeal.
man i had an awesome butcher just up the road from me but the area sadly became over run with asian families who all want halal and he just wasn't making enough money. though he was clearly the best butcher for miles. i'm not racist but i don't get how they just go and watch their butcher just band saw up some scrawny looking mutton and pay a pittance for it.


Well-Known Member
man i had an awesome butcher just up the road from me but the area sadly became over run with asian families who all want halal and he just wasn't making enough money. though he was clearly the best butcher for miles. i'm not racist but i don't get how they just go and watch their butcher just band saw up some scrawny looking mutton and pay a pittance for it.
I seen it when I lived in London, all the traditional English butchers went out of business one by one because of the Halal butchers, there was no comparison in quality and for an extra fiver in the English butcher you got top quality.


Well-Known Member
it's heartbreaking. these days even the supermarkets are mislabelling cuts to make a bit more coin.
Between that and stupid EU rules, I don't know the last time I seen a pork chop with the kidney on or a T-bone with the bone.
The amount the supermarkets dump because of "display by dates" etc is shocking, farmers are forced because of low prices to adopt intensive farming methods which cannot ever be a good thing.
Even the amount of fish dumped overboard because of quotas is criminal.
There was a case here recently where a fisherman was nearly jailed because he was giving away monk fish on the pier.


Staff member
okok i bad the best creamy avocado dressing yesterday
i put it together with homemade taco bowls LOL IMG_1305.jpg yes i have a magic bullet hahah

i also made tofu feta which im sure 99.9% of you think is nasty but it actually tasted the exact same if not similar to it,


Well-Known Member
okok i bad the best creamy avocado dressing yesterday WHY HAVE I NOT THOUGHT ABOUT THIS BEFORE i put it together with homemade taco bowls LOL View attachment 3019937 yes i have a magic bullet hahah i also made tofu feta which im sure 99.9% of you think is nasty but it actually tasted the exact same if not similar to it,
That looks very nice. I tried tofu in a salad and there is nothing wrong with it at all. I probably wouldn't be creative enough to use it everyday though.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Between that and stupid EU rules, I don't know the last time I seen a pork chop with the kidney on or a T-bone with the bone.
The amount the supermarkets dump because of "display by dates" etc is shocking, farmers are forced because of low prices to adopt intensive farming methods which cannot ever be a good thing.
Even the amount of fish dumped overboard because of quotas is criminal.
There was a case here recently where a fisherman was nearly jailed because he was giving away monk fish on the pier.
preaching to the choir man. that hugh fear stanly posh knob cookery guy was o about that in his shows, you can bring the stuff back and just ditch it over the side, he had droves of people picking up great fish that the EU said they couldn't land. utter bollocks it is.


Staff member
That looks very nice. I tried tofu in a salad and there is nothing wrong with it at all. I probably wouldn't be creative enough to use it everyday though.
yup creative is needed, i do bbq tofu, tofu feta i press and marinate it in lemon juice oregano , salt and pepper and nutirtional yeast for 48 hours , also make tofu ricotta to stuff pasta shells with . i also do grilled tofu , deep fried tofu, agadashi tofu, silken tofu can be used in desserts to create a smooth texture, ive not yet done it but they all look really good
ive always liked tofu even before i went vegan, i dont eat too much of it maybe once or twice a week sometimes never

my birthday cake was actually made out of tofu last year 1233502_364065177056958_1384715119_n.jpg it was very rich and creamy like a cheesecake without that heavy feeling


Well-Known Member
preaching to the choir man. that hugh fear stanly posh knob cookery guy was o about that in his shows, you can bring the stuff back and just ditch it over the side, he had droves of people picking up great fish that the EU said they couldn't land. utter bollocks it is.
I just think it's sinful throwing away perfectly good fish like that.
I don't know the in and outs of it but would it really affect the economy that much.
So many people everyday feeding their kids processed crap cos they can't afford anything else not to mention the homeless.


Well-Known Member
yup creative is needed, i do bbq tofu, tofu feta i press and marinate it in lemon juice oregano , salt and pepper and nutirtional yeast for 48 hours , also make tofu ricotta to stuff pasta shells with . i also do grilled tofu , deep fried tofu, agadashi tofu, silken tofu can be used in desserts to create a smooth texture, ive not yet done it but they all look really good
ive always liked tofu even before i went vegan, i dont eat too much of it maybe once or twice a week sometimes never

my birthday cake was actually made out of tofu last year View attachment 3020019 it was very rich and creamy like a cheesecake without that heavy feeling
The cake looks great, most people wouldn't know the difference from that and a regular cake.
I like the sound of the tofu ricotta, I'd say it goes really well with pasta.


Staff member
The cake looks great, most people wouldn't know the difference from that and a regular cake.
I like the sound of the tofu ricotta, I'd say it goes really well with pasta.
yeah you just press it put it in a blender with some oil , basil nutritional yeast, garlic blend until smooth/ricotta texture stuff it pasta sauce viola LOL


Well-Known Member
yeah you just press it put it in a blender with some oil , basil nutritional yeast, garlic blend until smooth/ricotta texture stuff it pasta sauce viola LOL
Couldn't be easier.
I think that's the misconception surrounding vegan and vegetarian dishes, one assumes they are complicated and take a long time.
The process you describe there probably takes 20-30 minutes from start to finish.
Silly question perhaps but what is nutritional yeast?