Well-Known Member
Nice!M134 minigun. 6,000 rounds per min of NATO 7.62x51mm.
Nuclear Warheadz, FTW!
Nice!M134 minigun. 6,000 rounds per min of NATO 7.62x51mm.
33 is the highest number, from Virginia Tech I believe.
Nuclear Warheadz, FTW!
Isn't this play time?
(M134 is legal in quite a few states as long as you have a class III license. What's the current legal standing on civilian owned nuclear warheads?)
I was thinking of putting an M60 pointing out the back of the truck, but now I think I'll put one of them pointing out the side.
Good idea, keep them coming.
1 being difficult, 10 being easy, rate the following;What's the current legal standing on weed in most states? How about illegally owned guns? if a person is determined, laws stop nothing.
1 being difficult, 10 being easy, rate the following;
How would you rate the ease of obtaining weed in your state? 1-10
How would you rate the ease of obtaining a nuclear warhead in your state? 1-10
How would you rate the ease of obtaining an illegal gun in your state? 1-10
Once we have your numbers we'll discuss why your comparison is useless.
Weed 10
As for the other two, I can't comment. I've never tried to obtain either.
This guy got hit 21 times and lived.
A rock doesn't take 21 shots. One to put him down. Another to end it. My first shot with a rock is easily as deadly as 1 gunshot. My second shot is coup de gras....if needed.
One gunshot is a total crap shoot, if it will even kill you or not.
A man in North Carolina was shot roughly 20 times in 1995 and lived to tell about it. The rapper 50 Cent was shot nine times in 2000 and has since released three albums. And in 2006, Joseph Guzman survived 19 gunshot wounds during the 50-shot fusillade by police detectives that killed Sean Bell.
Kenny Vaughan was shot about 20 times outside his home in 1995. I asked the Lord not to hit me in my heart and head, said Mr. Vaughan, who said he never lost consciousness.
While surviving numerous gunshots could be a miraculous feat, doctors who have treated gunshot victims say that being shot is not automatically a death sentence.
When major organs the heart and brain especially and blood vessels are avoided, the chances of survival are good, they said.
------------Nathaniel Brooks for The New York Times
"Of course, the real issue is where you get shot. One bullet can kill you, but believe it or not, a body can survive a lot of bullet wounds."
His sister told the Daily News Mr Alvarez was already talking in hospital and had bullet wounds in his arms, legs, abdomen and jaws.
Mr DiMaio was confident Mr Alvarez would survive since his vital organs were not hit and he did not bleed heavily.
How you can get that many bullets in the chest, the groin, the abdomen and extremities and not have a lethal injury is pretty remarkable, said Dr. Phillip Shadduck, the general surgeon at Durham Regional Hospital who operated on Mr. Vaughan. He was very fortunate.
The gun used to shoot Mr. Vaughan was a .22-caliber rifle, a firearm that is much less lethal than, say, the 9-millimeter handguns that detectives in the Bell case used, Dr. DiMaio said.
You don't think, do you?
Does it say every person who was injured attempted to jump out of the way and was still injured by the vehicle? We were discussing a car on the sidewalk or crosswalk, not a farmers market where people were standing at stalls.
.22LR..... lol
more people in this country have been killed by .22 rimfires than all other calibers combined, which, based on body count, would compel the use of .22’s for self-defense.
I can kill with .22LR as easily as a rock. It is all about aim point. .22 LR is a time honored assignation weapon.
Had Gabby been hit with hollow point .22 from that range she would be dead. It rattles around in the skull.
So, you may a gun owner, but it sounds like you know nothing about it.
What the fuck are you talking about? The muzzle energy from a .22LR is peanuts compared to virtually any other rifle. Still potentially lethal, but not even remotely as lethal as a non-varmint round.
If he had been shot 21 times with .338 lapua or a .308, do you think the story would have ended differently?
Easy there, Rockodile hunter... no need to start up the 'long con' again... LOL
What the fuck are you talking about? The muzzle energy from a .22LR is peanuts compared to virtually any other rifle. Still potentially lethal, but not even remotely as lethal as a non-varmint round.
If he had been shot 21 times with .338 lapua or a .308, do you think the story would have ended differently?
Easy there, Rockodile hunter... no need to start up the 'long con' again... LOL
1- Plane crash - 96% chance of survival - Between 1983 and 2000, there were 53,487 people involved in plane crashes in the U.S. And 51,207 of 53,487 survived... for a 95.74 percent survival rate.
[TD="align: center"]![]()
It's a plane crash of the mind.[/TD]
2 -Gunshot - 80-95% chance of survival - If you take a shot to the head or the heart, you're basically done (less than a nine percent chance of survival). But according to Dr. Vincent J.M. DiMaio, a former medical examiner who wrote a book on gunshot wounds, there's a reason horror movie bad guys... and 50 Cent... can be shot repeatedly and live.
He found that 80 percent of the targets on the body are not fatal places to be shot. And if you're shot and you get to a hospital with your heart still beating, there's a 95 percent chance of survival.
At best, you could argue that a truck might be some kind of mechanized weapon, but that sounds retarded. It's more of a melee weapon, because it requires directly hitting the person, but even then it's not like a 'sword' or 'staff'.... meh.
Tough call on what kind of 'weapon' a truck is.
Love how you get your stats. LOL
It's not 80-95% chance of survival you asshat.
80% of places on the body are non-lethal areas to get hit in, e.g. pinky toe, hand, calf muscle, ass. That doesn't mean 80% of shots happen to those non-lethal places. Dumbass.
95% chance of surviving IF THEY MAKE IT TO THE HOSPITAL =/= 95% survival rate overall. Dumbass.
You REALLY suck at this.
No wonder you refused to post your sources for half of your statements, you use the shittiest sources possible. Do you specifically look for sites with no credibility before posting, or are you really that bad at vetting sources?