Yellowing leaf tips?


Sup all, I have two autos that sprouted around the same time, about two weeks ago. One is doing well while the other is starting to show yellowing leaf tips.


It's under a 300w LED with an actual draw of 180w in FFOF, tap water no nutes, just ordered a PPM meter, I've been letting 1 gal jugs sit out for 24 hrs. Any ideas as to what could be the cause?


Well-Known Member
Sup all, I have two autos that sprouted around the same time, about two weeks ago. One is doing well while the other is starting to show yellowing leaf tips.

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It's under a 300w LED with an actual draw of 180w in FFOF, tap water no nutes, just ordered a PPM meter, I've been letting 1 gal jugs sit out for 24 hrs. Any ideas as to what could be the cause?
Classic sign of nute burn man, What type of soil are you using. I would guess your soil is a bit hot assuming you have not added any nutrients as of yet


Well-Known Member
Sorry just saw that you are running ocean forest...notorious for being a bit hot!! You could try flushing real good but it may not do any good. It's either risk it and keep them in the ocean forest or transplant them into happy frog or something similar. Sucks because I know you don't want to transplant the auto. Kind of a catch 22 your in.


Classic sign of nute burn man, What type of soil are you using. I would guess your soil is a bit hot assuming you have not added any nutrients as of yet
Really? I'm using FFOF, never had any problems starting seedlings in it before. I haven't started nutes yet, not even sure if I'm going to. This is surprising since the other one is doing pretty good, same strain and watering schedule.


Well-Known Member
What is the pH of the water you give it?

In soil it needs to be between 6.0 and 6.5.

If it's higher than 6.5 correct it with some pH down,if it's lower than 6.0 correct it with pH up but FFOF comes pre ammended with dolomite lime which helps buffer the pH.

FFOF can be a bit hot for some strains as seedlings.Some strains are heavy feeders,and others light feeders.

How close is the light to the tops of the plants?


Well-Known Member
I edited my second post so read again...That sucks man cuz like i said you really never want to transplant an auto..i have seen people complain a lot about the ocean forest being hot..i have always ran happy frog personally so I have no personal experience with ffof. Try reading up on it when you can


Well-Known Member
My last grow was done in straight FFOF except for prevegging in rapid rooter plugs until all seedlings had a nice strong root system.Used GH Floramicro/Florabloom @ 8ml/16ml per gallon of water as per Lucas formula,no additives.Check it out...

Ou8aCracker2's 3x3x6 400w vert barebulb donut

Just a lil porn shot from that thread/grow...

Now I'm doing Coco Hempy buckets with Canna Coco and Coco A and B.


Well-Known Member
My last grow was done in straight FFOF except for prevegging in rapid rooter plugs until all seedlings had a nice strong root system.Used GH Floramicro/Florabloom @ 8ml/16ml per gallon of water as per Lucas formula,no additives.Check it out...

Ou8aCracker2's 3x3x6 400w vert barebulb donut

Just a lil porn shot from that thread/grow...

Now I'm doing Coco Hempy buckets with Canna Coco and Coco A and B.
Damn, that made my mouth water bro! Shit look like it got sleeted on!! Nice grow man!! What strain if you don't mind me asking?


Well-Known Member
Damn, that made my mouth water bro! Shit look like it got sleeted on!! Nice grow man!! What strain if you don't mind me asking?
That's just one of five various random bagseed plants from grade A dank that I collected.

Check the thread out,you'll love it.I got .86 gpw (no larf) in a 3x3 tent with a 400w bare bulb HPS hung vertical down the center of the tent,the 5 various random bagseed plants encircling the bulb.


So I let it go for a few days and its getting worse :-?

It's too far along to transplant so I'm hoping it subsides in a few days. What's weird is the other one is doing fine, same soil and watering schedule so I'm thinking it's either genetics or a hot bag of FFOF. Just for a comparison, the first pic is the one that is doing fine, the second is the one with nute burn, any suggestions welcome!



My last grow was done in straight FFOF except for prevegging in rapid rooter plugs until all seedlings had a nice strong root system.Used GH Floramicro/Florabloom @ 8ml/16ml per gallon of water as per Lucas formula,no additives.
Thanks for the advice man, I will definatly be using rapid rooter plugs with my next grow, or happy frog as skidsteer suggested