CALIFORNIA to Legalize weed for everyone

as much as we wish it would pass.. its not going to. That amendment gives hemp 100% use, which big corps will have problems with... they wont let it happen.

Just like 90 years ago, they wouldn't let it happen now.
as much as we wish it would pass.. its not going to. That amendment gives hemp 100% use, which big corps will have problems with... they wont let it happen.

Just like 90 years ago, they wouldn't let it happen now.

damn damn
i sure hope your not right,
i would so pay like $100 to grow a couple plants.
growing and feeling like a criminal for growing a green plant, makes me uneasy.
not just paranoid, i dont want to be thrown in a place with pedophiles, murderers ,rapists,etc, just for growing a plant that ,didn't hurt a single person.

this road trip to cali now has a real purpose...
Man!!! I was researching around looking for a link to download this petition, I can't find it, but I ran across the voting record from the Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment to end DEA raids, it FAILED ( and this was not my biggest surprise, I looked up the reps in my general area and EVERYONE of those bastards voted AGAINST the will of there electorate and the state of CA by voting against this!!!!!

The people of the great Republic of California have spoken and they WANT and BELIEVE IN MMJ!!! IT IS A LAW ON THE BOOKS HERE IN CA!!!!! How can an elected official vote in favor of ANY agency coming to their home state and HINDER ENFORCEMENT OF STATE LAW!!!!!!

Well guess I have some emails to send and some phone calls to make, shame on these politicians!
It failed this time, maybe they can put together another one..... Never mind I am stoned you were talking about the CA one not the DEA one.
I say if pot becomes legal there that every nationwide marijuana smokers moves there, which will piss off all the other states for losing residents!
We continue to take baby steps, it is getting close IMO.

CA started the MMJ movement and it has taken what? 12 years to get 15 states on board? When we get to 20 states, I think we will see a real momentum and much more serious action at the Fed level. Right now states are still slow to pass MMj laws because there has been no real bite to any of these laws with respect to Federal law.

We need to have some kinda REAL challenge and a successful MMJ conclusion, to get to that 20+ level sooner than current rates are allowing. Something like the Initiatives that have been recently defeated to restrict Federal funding of raids in states that have MMJ Laws. If EVERY Senator and Congressmen from states that HAVE MMJ Laws would start voting FOR these amendments (LIKE THEIR CONSTITUENTS HAVE DIRECTED THEM TO BY PASSING MMJ LAWS IN THE FIRST F**KING PLANCE!!!!! HELLO, YOU IDIOTS!!!) maybe they would actually pass.

One of those pass and you will see some kind of debate and/or passing of MMJ laws in EVERY state, that happens and you will see a state like CA pass a law legalizing MJ in a manner much that like amsterdam, and the Feds will tolerate this till they change policy.
I'm cross posting this; thought readers on a couple of different threads might be interested in this link to an op-ed about the upcoming vote on the Hinchey-Rohrabacher amendment. This would be a great time for interested parties to get some letters to Congress, whichever way they (the writers) lean on this issue.

Focus Alert
I'm all for it!

I only see one problem though... Too many people allow the U.S. Government to tramp all over themselves!! For instance, in the 1980's the Fed's said "Either bring the drinking age up to 21 or we're cutting your Federal highway money." Well, people backed down and now the age is to 21 years of age.

But yes, if one state were to make marijuana legal. Oh wait, Alaska is almost there! Aside from that... States would see the money making scheme and jump on board!

Unfortunately people get old and have responsibilities. Kids, car payments, mortgages, food bills, gas prices..etc. Once this happens some tend to become more conservative and less outspoken on issues that truly concern them but cannot speak out in fear of local or national retaliation. Or some people just don't care what happens... Which is quite sad, it may not impact or affect you now but just wait and see... Some day it might!
This is a real Proposition on the California General Election Ballot. If it receives 694,354 it will be a measure

ALL California residents can vote on.

I am not sure why this has not been taken seriously. I have not found anywhere that signatures are being collect so

I've started collecting them myself.
Please go here if you wish to make Marijuana completely legal in California!
California General Election Nov. 2008: Marijuana Legalization. Individual Rights. Constitutional Amendment - Online Petition
This is a real Proposition on the California General Election Ballot. If it receives 694,354 it will be a measure

ALL California residents can vote on.

I am not sure why this has not been taken seriously. I have not found anywhere that signatures are being collect so

I've started collecting them myself.
Please go here if you wish to make Marijuana completely legal in California!
California General Election Nov. 2008: Marijuana Legalization. Individual Rights. Constitutional Amendment*-*Online Petition

Nice! I was looking for that, signed it!

Actually it is NOT a proposition on the ballot, YET. It NEEDS the 694,354 votes to get ON the ballot to be able to voted on.